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Hadronic final state predictions from CCFM generators
Wiréns filmmusik - ett credo i kläm? Man glömmer ingenting. Oss tjuvar emellan eller en burk ananas
Some Fluid Dynamic Characteristics in the Scale-up of Rushton Turbine-Agitated Tanks
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett flertal produkter som framställs inom den kemiska och biotekniska industrin produceras i stora turbinomrörda tankar. Kvaliteten av produkten och utbytet av processen påverkas av blandningsförhållandena i dessa tankar. Blandningsförhållandena i processen påverkas av vätskans hastighet och dess intensitet. I olika regioner av reaktorn, impeller regionen och bulk regiTurbine-agitated tanks are used in chemical and biochemical applications to increase mixing which, in turn, affects the yield, productivity and product quality. The purpose of this work was to study the hydrodynamic influence on the scale-up of turbine-agitated tanks, commonly used in fermentation. Local turbulent flow parameters, the turbulent kinetic energy and the local energy dissipation rate,
Rektorer ska, bör och gör - normer som påverkar rektor
Instruction Selection and Scheduling for DSP Kernels on Custom Architectures
As custom architectures become more and more common for DSP applications, instruction selection and scheduling for such applications and architectures become important topics. In this paper, we explore the effects of defining the problem of finding an optimal instruction selection and scheduling as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). We incorporate methods based on sub-graph isomorphism and g
R-wave detection for pacemakers using a matched filter based on an artificial neural network
A matched filter composed of a time lagged feedforward artificial neural Network (TLFN) and a pulse-shaping filter is used in a noisy environment to detect R-waves for pacemakers. The TLFN reduces the influence of lower frequencies in the invasive electrogram (EGM) signals, e.g. P and T waves, and conditions the EGM to optimize the performance of the dynamically updated matched filter. Detector pe
Sverige måste bli bättre på att kontrollera dricksvattnet
Styvmoderligt behandlat område. Undersökningar visar att vart tredje svenskt grundvattenprov är förorenat av växtskyddsmedel. Ändå övervakas bara fjorton procent av de svenska grundvattenförekomsterna. Sverige måste agera nu för att få kontroll över situationen, skriver nio forskare och experter.
Endothelial function during ischemia-reperfusion and effects of inhalation of nitric oxide
Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodkärlens insida bekläds av ett lager platta celler, s.k. endotelceller. Syrgas, näring och hormonella signaler måste passera dessa celler för att nå ut till kroppens olika vävnadsceller. På endotelcellernas yta finns normalt strukturer som förhindrar att blodceller (vita blodkroppar och blodplättar) fastnar och därigenom underlättas blodflödet. Endotelcellerna bildarThe vascular endothelium is an important regulatory organ in circulatory physiology and plays a central role in the response to acute inflammation and ischemia/reperfusion. Activation and dysfunction of the pulmonary vascular endothelium are closely related to clinical findings of pulmonary dysfunction. The endothelial-derived relaxing factor, nitric oxide (NO), is a gas, which can be administered
Bildberättelser – om filmen som förmedlare av historia och samtid
Artikel om villkoren för filmberättande såväl vad gäller filmer som utspelar sig i historiska miljöer som de som äger rum i "nutid".
Playing at Work : Organizational Play as a Facilitator of Creativity
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka om och hur lek påverkar arbetsplatsens kreativitet. Forskning har visat att leken är viktig för barns kreativitet, men leken kan också gynna vuxnas kreativitet. En vanlig definition av kreativitet är att den innebär skapandet av något som är både nytt och nyttigt. När lek definieras beskrivs den som ett mentalt tillstånd eller eThis thesis investigates how play may benefit creativity in organizational contexts. Play and playfulness have previously been linked to creativity in children and adults, but empirical organizational research is scarce. A widely accepted definition of creativity is that it involves the production of something that is both novel and appropriate. Play is defined as a behavioral approach that is cha
Multi-dimensional K-factor analysis for V2V radio channels in open sub-urban street crossings
In this paper we analyze the small-scale fading statistics for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications in a typical open sub-urban street crossing. The two cars approach the crossing from two different streets and the channel conditions vary from non line-of sight (NLOS) to line-of-sight (LOS). The small-scale fading of the first delay bin is Ricean distributed with a time-varying K-factor. The la
Verklighetens och fantasins världar: om betydelsen av erfarenheten av verkligheten i förståelsen av litteratur
Kreativ funktion, perceptgenetisk rekonstruktion och organisatoriska förutsättningar för kreativ verksamhet. En studie av högskolelärare
Against the background of a need for empirical research on creative university teachers and creative university environments, and for broad and encompassing models within research on creativity, various questions concerning the university teacher, the university organization and relations between them are posed. The description and interpretation of creativity and personality presented takes as it
A System-Oriented Assessment of Electricity Use and Efficiency in Pumping and Air-Handling Systems
En studie av klimatpåverkningar av målad träpanel drabbad av rötskador
A Final Move in Chess: Beyond the Picture Sign in Visual Semiotics
A Switch of Dialect as Disguise
Criminals may purposely try to hide their identity by using a voice disguise such as imitating another dialect. This paper empirically investigates the power of dialect as an attribute that listeners use when identifying voices and how a switch of dialect affects voice identification. In order to delimit the magnitude of the perceptual significance of dialect and the possible impact of dialect imi
Business-to-business electronic commerce
Chemical Reactivity of Ni-Rh Nanowires
The properties of bimetallic Ni-Rh nanowires, fabricated by decorating the steps of vicinal Rh(111) surfaces by stripes of self-assembled Ni adatoms, have been probed by STM, photoemission, and ab initio density functional theory calculations. These Ni-Rh nanowires have specific electronic properties that lead to a significantly enhanced chemical reactivity towards oxygen. As a result, the Ni-Rh n