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Your search for "*" yielded 533357 hits

Proposing and testing the pathways from bullying victimization to bringing a weapon to school

Objective: The current study examined whether bullyingvictimization was associated with bringing a weapon toschool, fully or partly mediated by feeling unsafe in school,negative future education orientation, and skipping school.Method: Data from 6199 students (12–18 years old), whohad filled out the 2017 School Crime Supplement to theNational Crime Victimization Survey, were analyzed.Results: The ObjectiveThe current study examined whether bullying victimization was associated with bringing a weapon to school, fully or partly mediated by feeling unsafe in school, negative future education orientation, and skipping school.MethodData from 6199 students (12–18 years old), who had filled out the 2017 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey, were analyzed.ResultsThe r

Effects of nonvanishing net charge on balance functions and their integrals

We investigate the impact of nonvanishing net charge in collision systems on measurements of balance functions and their integrals. We show that the nominal balance function definition yields integrals that deviate from unity because of the nonvanishing net charge. However, the integral of unified balance functions is shown to appropriately converge to unity when measured in a sufficiently wide ex

TP53-mediated clonal hematopoiesis confers increased risk for incident atherosclerotic disease

Somatic mutations in blood indicative of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) are associated with an increased risk of hematologic malignancy, coronary artery disease and all-cause mortality. Here we analyze the relation between CHIP status and incident peripheral artery disease (PAD) and atherosclerosis, using whole-exome sequencing and clinical data from the UK Biobank and the

Information-to-work conversion in single-molecule experiments : From discrete to continuous feedback

We theoretically investigate the extractable work in single molecule unfolding-folding experiments with applied feedback. Using a simple two-state model, we obtain a description of the full work distribution from discrete to continuous feedback. The effect of the feedback is captured by a detailed fluctuation theorem, accounting for the information aquired. We find analytical expressions for the a

Safe transport of children with disabilities and medical conditions : caregiver experiences

Background: Road vehicle transportation is essential to support community access and participation for all children. However, little is known about the transport patterns of children with disabilities and medical conditions and their caregivers’ experiences supporting them to be transported safely in road vehicles in Australia. Aim: To understand the transport needs of children with disabilities a

Design and evaluation of architectures for efficient generation of control sequences

Ultra millimeter-wave (mmWave) radars have become a vital sensor in automotive, surveillance, and consumer electronics thanks to its precise measurements and low power consumption. However, they required a precise control to coordinate their different modules and produce meaningful data. In this thesis work, we introduce an approach to perform the control and coordination of the radar based in mic

Tenant Separation on a multi-tenant microservice platform

Axis Communications wishes to investigate their PaaS system, Axis Connected Services(ACX), with regard to separation of the tenants of the platform to ensure the implemented separation technologies are used correctly and to find out whether more separation is necessary. ACX ties together several previously separate services under a single umbrella, with the goal of improving usability and increasi

A potential for democratic emancipation? : Policy and discretionary practices in probation service

Hvordan kan kriminalforsorgens tilsynsarbejde integrere tilfælde af demokratisk emancipation (: frigørelse, selvstændiggørelse) og dermed inspirere til deltagende medborgerskab for marginaliserede klienter? Dette forskningsprojekt balancerer en interesse i socialt arbejde og dets muligheder for at levere emancipationgennem motivationsarbejde med en opmærksomhed på den senere tids udviklinger i skHow can offender supervision in the execution of state-sanctioned punishment integrate instances of democratic emancipation and thereby inspire participatory citizenship for disenfranchised clients?This project balances an interest in social work and its prospects for delivering emancipation through motivational agency, on the one hand, with an attentiveness to recent developments in Scandinavian

Occupational contact dermatitis in painters : an analysis of patch test data from the Danish Contact Dermatitis Group

BACKGROUND: Painters are among the occupational groups that most commonly experience occupational contact dermatitis, but few investigations exist concerning this occupation.OBJECTIVES: To characterize painters with contact dermatitis and identify the most common allergens associated with the occupation. Materials and methods. All patch test results of 219 painters and 1095 matched controls regist

The Ideal Multilingual Self : Validity, Influences on Motivation, and Role in a Multilingual Education

L2 motivation research has a longstanding monolingual bias. Recently, however, the motivational systems of a multilingual’s different languages have been conceptualized as constituting a multilingual motivational system, and it has been suggested that interactions between the ideal Lx self and the ideal Ly self can lead to the emergence of an ideal multilingual self. While the notion of an ideal m

Willingness to communicate in a multilingual context : part two, person-context dynamics

In many contexts of multilingualism, language learners can initiate communication in the target language (TL), or a contact language (such as English). Patterns of use emerging from these choices vary between individuals and affect TL development. Willingness to communicate (WTC) needs to be investigated in ways that capture these variations. So far, WTC has not been studied in multilingual contex

Weaving webs of connection : Empathy, perspective taking, and students' motivation

L2 motivation is a relational phenomenon, shaped by teacher responsiveness (Lamb, 2017; Ushioda, 2009). Little, however, is known about the practices in which responsiveness is manifested. Drawing on research from the culturally responsive teaching paradigm (Petrone, 2013), and highlighting the role of empathy and perspective taking (Warren, 2018), the aim of this ethnographic case study of two le

A rare baroque pipe from the Fremling Collection in Lund

A metal pipe forming part of an ethnographic collection which had arrived in Lund University by around 1820 is said to have been recovered from ‘wildmen’ in North America. This short paper provides a description and images of the object and discusses a set of issues that it implies. Where was it made, by whom, when and by what method? Can credible comparisons be found? Could it possibly have been