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"Sällskapsdamer" eller "ambassadörer"? : Sjukhuskuratorns syn på sin profession i tvärprofessionell samverkan

Social workers within health care approach to their own profession in multi professional teamwork The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine and illuminate how social workers perceive their own professional role, the professions legitimacy and hierarchical position in interdisciplinary collaboration of multi professional teamwork within the hospital. The empirical research is based on f

Dimetyleter och etanol som biodrivmedel för tunga fordon i Sverige - En intervju- och litteraturstudie över Volvo och Scanias motorplattformar

Den stigberoende drivmedelsindustrin Hur kommer det sig att det finns så många olika biodrivmedel tillgängliga men att inga har slagit igenom stort på marknaden? Denna uppsats undersöker begränsningar och drivkrafter med att införa två biodrivmedel, etanol och dimetyleter, på marknaden. Intervjuer med två stora fordonsföretag samt en litteraturstudie har genomförts. Med dagens utsläpp av växthusThere are a number of existing and new biofuels on the Swedish market. These operate differently and need to be managed in different ways. In order to solve problems associated with the transport sector's large and unsustainable energy consumption and emissions of CO2, it is important to study how biofuels can work in practice and gain a broad knowledge of prerequisites for their mainstream ma

Bland Bögar, Män och Fjollor: om heteronormativ reproduktion av begär och genus i diskurs och praktik inom ”bögvärlden”

This bachelor’s thesis has focuses on the internal hierarchies of gender within the gay, male, community. Based on interviews with young gay men in Sweden, I explore the way that we (for I situate myself in the studied field) feel, experience and relate to concepts of masculinity, femininity and desire. From this I conclude that the position of negotiation with hegemonic masculinity is one of prec


The diploma work is partly a collaboration with the Swedisch furniture company IKEA. The task has been to develop a childrens bed with the aim to fulfil the need for compact solutions in childrens rooms, encourage childrens development and incorporate play. The result has become two parallel concepts, where one has taken guidelines from IKEA´s way of working with product development, its restrict

Fluid risks : the politics of risk-scaling at urban rivers in Nairobi

This thesis investigates the importance of scale for power dynamics in the negotiation of risks connect-ed to Urban Rivers in Nairobi, Kenya. In addition to unequal distribution of wealth, global inequalities in the distribution of risk become increasingly important. Scale as a significant dimension of inequality is discussed in the context of Nairobi’s urban, as water scarcity and flooding events

Motivated to retain? A study of motivational factors among trainees in a FMCG company

Talented employees are important for companies, and graduate programs are designed to internal educate talented students to make them a strong resource for the company. A problem is that trainees tend to leave the company after the program. This master thesis investigates how trainees become motivated, during and after the program, to retain within the company and where the perceived expectation g

Strategic climate change communication - The European Wind Energy Association in a discourse strategy trap

Climate scientists argue that the world’s increasing CO2 emissions are damaging for humans and the planet. If this is true, then how come governments are not rushing to provide sufficient incentives for a fast transition into renewable energy? The thesis proposes an explanation by focusing on included and excluded discourses in the EU climate and energy debate. The research is based on a case stud

Hotet från havet - Riskuppfattning, åtgärder och ansvar hos invånare och kommun i Helsingborg

Lukas van der Heiden Hotet från havet Klimatförändringarna förväntas i framtiden ge upphov till allt fler klimatrelaterade risker i kustnära områden i Sverige, bland annat i form av havsnivåhöjningar, stormar, översvämningar och erosion. Ett antal personer boende i kustnära områden i Helsingborg samt Helsingborgs kommun har via intervjuer delat med sig av sina uppfattningar, upplevelser och åsikAbstract Helsingborg is one of the coastal municipalities in Sweden that have experienced coastal flooding. This is a risk that may occur more frequently due to the current climate change. The purpose of this study is to examine how residents living near the coast in Helsingborg perceive the risks of climate change, if they have used any measures to protect themselves and their homes from this, a

“Det är sådana kläder man lägger ut på Instagram”

In today's society human identity is largely based on social and cultural processes where consumption has an increasingly important role as an influential element. In the process of an individual's personal brand-building, which can be seen as an approach in order to highlight a person's main features, consumption has become an important instrument. Individuals are using consumption as

Vad säger kategorierna? Resonemang kring den kategorisering som uppstår till följd av det integrerande arbetet med nyanlända unga inom skolan.

Studien syftar till att förstå hur personalen resonerar kring den kategorisering som följer det integrerande arbetet med nyanlända ungdomar inom skolan. Studien är baserad på sex kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna är anställda och arbetar med nyanlända unga inom skolan och har olika yrken. Studien utgår från fem teman: tankar kring kategorisering som fenomen, dominerandThe aim of this study is to understand how staff reason about the categorization that follows due to the integration work with newly arrived youth in school. The study is based on six qualitative semi- structured interviews with employees with different professions who all work with newly arrived youths in school. The study includes five themes: thoughts about the nature of categorization, recurre

Användaracceptans av informationssystem

Användare kan känna motvillighet mot att använda sig av nya informationssystem, och på så sätt kanske inte utnyttjar systemet till fullo eller överhuvudtaget. Vi undersöker hur gamification kan påverka användares acceptans till att använda ett informationssystem. Detta genomförs genom att vi lyfter fram de spelelement som kommer med gamification samt berätta om hur de kan påverka uppfattad lättanv

Geofysisk karaktärisering av ordoviciska kalkstensenheter på södra Gotland

I samband med olje- och gasprospektering genomförda av OPAB, Gotlandsolja AB samt SGU har omfattande geofysiska mätningar (seismik) och borrhålsundersökningar gjorts. Studien som presenteras här baseras på data och information från dessa undersökningar med syfte till en geofysisk karaktärisering och tolkning av södra Gotlands tre ordoviciska kalkstensenheter samt den underliggande mellankambriska In connection with oil and gas exploration conducted by OPAB, Gotlandsolja AB and surveys done by SGU, extensive geophysical investigations and borehole survey have been carried out. This study is based on data and information from those surveys with the intention of creating a geophysical characterization and interpretation of the Ordovician limestone units and the underlying Middle Cambrian sand

The effects of macroeconomic variables on Asian stock market volatility: A GARCH MIDAS approach

This paper aims to investigate the effects of macroeconomic variables on stock market volatility in three Asian countries by applying GARCH MIDAS model. The study covers the period from 01/2003 to 06/2014. The GARCH MIDAS framework allows to incorporate macro variables directly in the model and obtain long-term and short-term volatility separately. Empirical findings show that some macroeconomic v

Snipp snapp snut - så var upphandlingen slut. Hur fungerar uppföljningen av giftfria förskolors upphandlingskrav?

Linda Siggelow Uppföljning av giftfria förskolors upphandlingskrav Arbetet med giftfria förskolor har utvidgats de senaste åren, och idag arbetar ungefär hälften av Sveriges kommuner med att försöka minska mängden oönskade kemikalier i förskola och skola. Ett av de verktyg som kommuner kan använda för detta ändamål är upphandling, men för att upphandlingen ska ses som komplett krävs någon formChildren should not be exposed to unwanted chemicals in their everyday life and several organizations in Sweden are working towards reducing the amount of chemicals that exists in toys and material intended for preschools. Many municipalities are joining the project, and are now working towards the goal “toxic free preschools”. In this struggle the municipalities have an impact in their procuremen

It is time to eliminate forced labour -An analysis of the Protocol and the Recommendation (2014) to the ILO Forced Labour Convention

Denna uppsats utforskar Protokoll till Konvention nr 29 (P029) och rekommendation nr 203 om tvångsarbete (R203). Syftet med denna uppsats är att svara på följande frågor, vad skiljer Protokollet och Rekommendationen från ILO Konventionerna om tvångsarbete i skrift och omfång samt vilken inverkan kommer Protokollet och Rekommendationen att ha internationellt, nationellt i Sverige och nationellt i TThis master thesis examines the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (P029) and the Recommendation on supplementary measures for the effective suppression of forced labour (R203). The objective of this thesis is to answer the following questions: what differentiates the Protocol and the Recommendation from the Conventions 29 and 105 in text and scope? And; what impact will the Pr

Deconstructing Discourse: Gender and Operational Effectiveness in the Swedish Armed Forces

Fifteen years after the adoption of UNSCR 1325, the resolution and its effects remains contested. Sweden, a champion of gender equality, was one of the first countries to adopt a National Action Plan and is now leading the push for worldwide implementation of UNSCR 1325. At the front of Sweden’s internationalist efforts is the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF). Internally, the SAF acts to be a gender equ

Men varför vill du inte ha barn?

The aim of this paper is to examine how statements about voluntary childlessness are being contrasted to normative ideals of parenting. What constitutes the empirical material is a discussion forum on the Swedish website in which members interact with each other over different topics related to family, including voluntary childlessness. By using discourse analysis in two steps I firs

Partimedlemmars kommunikativa funktioner och betydelse för mindre och oetablerade partier

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för medlemmarnas kommunikativa funktioner i ett oetablerat politiskt parti och hur dessa funktioner kan användas i partiets arbete med strategisk kommunikation. Vidare behandlar uppsatsen hur oetablerade partier kan arbeta och ta tillvara på de interna resurserna för att nå sina mål. Uppsatsen grundar sig i en fallstudie av det politiska partietThe aim of this study is to obtain greater understanding of the different functions that members can contribute to an unestablished political party, and how these functions can be seen as assets in the organization’s work with strategic communication. Furthermore, this study investigates how unestablished parties can seize the underlying resources for its purpose to reach the organizational goals.

Observering Digitally - The use of Image-Based 3D Modelling Techniques for the documentation and study of Rune Stones

This thesis aims to test and evaluate the use of image-based 3D modelling techniques on rune stones. To test the method a well-documented rune stone was chosen, Hyby stone 1. The stone has been dated to the Viking Age and contains 37 runes, whereof 29 are still visible, two crosses and a stag. These carvings have been detected by other scholars with the use of non-digital methods. In order to eval