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Your search for "*" yielded 532462 hits

Familial association between type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune and related diseases

In the era of genome-wide association studies, familial risks are used to estimate disease heritability and success in gene identification. We wanted to estimate associations between type 1 diabetes mellitus and 33 autoimmune and related diseases in parents, offspring, singleton siblings and twins. The availability of a Multigeneration Register in Sweden provides reliable access to families throug

Quantitative measurements of species and temperature in a DME-air counterflow diffusion flame using laser diagnostic methods

A diffusion flame of dimethyl ether (DME) and air in a counterflow burner has been investigated experimentally by means of different laser-based methods. Quantitative measurements of temperature, O-2 concentration, and OH concentration have been carried out using dual broadband rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), Rayleigh scattering and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Furt

Gender influences beliefs about health and illness in diabetic subjects with severe foot lesions.

Background. No studies have been found regarding beliefs about health and illness in patients with diabetic foot ulcers investigated from a patient perspective. Beliefs might affect self-care and health. Aim. To explore beliefs about health and illness among patients with severe diabetic foot lesions that might affect self-care practice and care-seeking behaviour. Method. The study design was ex

Characterization of a novel breast carcinoma xenograft and cell line derived from a BRCA1 germ-line mutation carrier

A human tumor xenograft (L56Br-X1) was established from a breast cancer axillary lymph node metastasis of a 53-year-old woman with a BRCA1 germ-line nonsense mutation (1806C>T; Q563X), and a cell line (L56Br-C1) was subsequently derived from the xenograft. The xenograft carries only the mutant BRCA1 allele and expresses mutant BRCA1 mRNA but no BRCA1 protein as determined by immunoprecipitation or

Candelariella (Candelariaceae) in western United States and northern Mexico: the species with biatorine apothecia

Three species of Candelariella in western North America, characterized by biatorine apothecia, are treated. Two new species are described, C. biatorina and C. lichenicola. Candelariella biatorina is a corticolous species growing in montane conifer forests in western North America. Candelariella lichenicola, described from northwestern Mexico, is a lichenicolous fungus that lacks an independent tha

Eye structure correlates with distinct foraging-bout timing in primitive ants

Social insects have evolved remarkable physiological adaptations and behavioural strategies that enable them to access new temporal foraging niches (for example [1]). Here we report striking correlations between the timing of foraging bouts and the modification of eye structure in four species of ants belonging to the primitive genus Myrmecia. Most noteworthy, photoreceptor diameters progressively

Effects of drugs and electrical field stimulation on isolated muscle strips from rabbit pharyngoesophageal segment

Muscle activity of isolated muscle strips from the middle pharyngeal constrictor, the inferior pharyngeal constrictor, the cricopharyngeal muscle, and the cervical esophagus of the rabbit was studied in organ baths in response to drugs and electrical field stimulation. These muscles of the pharyngoesophageal segment seem to lack an autonomic adrenergic and cholinergic innervation, as determined by

Efficient simulation of adaptive optics technologies for the Euro50 telescope

An efficient adaptive optics (AO) simulation code was developed, which enables first-order simulations of extremely high-order systems. The Monte-Carlo-type code employs a sparse conjugate gradient algorithm for wavefront reconstruction, and a separation of spatial frequencies into two domains to economize on the number crunching. High-order multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems are there

Swallowing and respiratory pattern in young healthy individuals recorded with high temporal resolution

P>The coordination of swallowing and respiration is essential for a safe swallow. Swallowing consists of several subsecond events. To study this, it is important to use modalities with high temporal resolution. In this study, we have examined young healthy individuals with simultaneous videofluoroscopy, videomanometry and respiratory recording, all with high temporal resolution. The onset of 13 pr

The expression of retinoic Acid receptors and the effects in vitro by retinoids in human pancreatic cancer cell lines.

INTRODUCTION: Analogues of vitamin A have been shown to influence growth of malignant tissue, such as pancreatic cancer. AIMS: To study the expression of retinoic acid receptors (RAR) in pancreatic cancer cells and the effect of three different retinoids on the cell number in vitro were studied. METHODOLOGY: Cell lines were established from 13 patients who underwent surgery for pancreatic adenocar

Boosting Antimicrobial Peptides by Hydrophobic Oligopeptide End Tags

A novel approach for boosting antimicrobial peptides through end tagging with hydrophobic oligopeptide stretches is demonstrated. Focusing on two peptides derived from kininogen, GKHKNKGKKNGKHNGWK (GKH17) and HKHGHGHGKHKNKGKKN (HKH17), tagging resulted in enhanced killing of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative Escherichia coli, and fungal Candida albicans. Microbicidal potency incre

Myosin heavy chain isoforms influence surface EMG parameters: a study of the trapezius muscle in cleaners with and without myalgia and in healthy teachers.

The present study had two aims: (1) to investigate potential differences in proportion of myosin heavy chain isoforms in the trapezius muscle between female cleaners with and without trapezius myalgia and healthy teachers, and (2) to elucidate if myosin heavy chain composition and surface electromyogram (EMG) during an isokinetic endurance test of shoulder flexors are significantly related. The su

Astrophysical lasers in optical Fe II lines in gas condensations near η Carinae

We report here on the discovery of laser action in the range 0.9-2 μm in several spectral lines of Fe II, which are associated with transitions from "pseudo-metastable" states populated by spontaneous transitions from Lyα pumped Fe II levels. The intense Lyα radiation is formed in the HII region of gas condensations close to the star η Car. The laser transitions form together with spontaneous tran

Desmopressin treatment in nocturia; an analysis of risk factors for hyponatremia.

Aims: To explore the incidence, severity, time course, and risk factors of clinically significant hyponatremia in desmopressin treatment for nocturia. Methods: Data from three multi-center phase 111 trials were pooled. Hyponatremia was categorised as borderline (134-130 mmol/L) or significant (= 65 years of age) with a baseline serum sodium concentration below normal range were at high risk (75%).

Laser techniques in acoustically levitated micro droplets

Laser techniques were applied to an acoustically levitated droplet for remote investigation of the diameter, species concentration and temperature of the suspended droplet. To this end, the third and the fourth harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser were used for investigation of elastic, fluorescence and phosphorescence signals from the droplet. The droplet was seeded with thermographic phosphors and acetone

Tectonic response of the central Chilean margin (35-38 degrees S) to the collision and subduction of heterogeneous oceanic crust: a thermochronological study

Along-strike geological segmentation in the Andean chain has been recognized at various scales and is Usually attributed to changes in plate motion vectors, as well as the upper-plate expression of differing subducted slab age, strength and composition. We present new multi-phase Ar-40/Ar-39, apatite fission-track and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He data from a north-south-oriented traverse between 3

Organic aerosol and global climate modelling: a review

The present paper reviews existing knowledge with regard to Organic Aerosol ( OA) of importance for global climate modelling and defines critical gaps needed to reduce the involved uncertainties. All pieces required for the representation of OA in a global climate model are sketched out with special attention to Secondary Organic Aerosol ( SOA): The emission estimates of primary carbonaceous parti

Influence of plasmons on terahertz conductivity measurements

Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy allows measuring the complex conductivity spectrum of materials at frequencies on the order of 1 THz. Typically, terahertz (THz) studies produce conductivity spectra that are different from those predicted by the classical Drude model, especially in nanostructured materials. We claim that plasmon resonances in particles that are small compared to the THz waveleng