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Current students

If you are already a student with us, you can find up-to-date information about your studies here. Student at the PhD Programme Student at the Master of Science Programme in Psychology New student? Welcome! Info for new students at free standing coursesInfo for new students at Master of Science Programme in Psychology - 2025-01-27


The Enoch Thulin Laboratory Home of Combustion Physics. Photo: E. Berrocal from a balloon. Combustion Physics is located in the the Enoch Thulin Laboratory, also known as the H building in Fysicum, Lund. We are a part of the Department of Physics at Lund University.Link to the Enoch Thulin laboratory on google maps - Visiting addressDepartment of PhysicsCombustion PhysicsLund UniversityProf - 2025-01-27

Work Packages

MINICOR The research of the MINICOR project is arranged in six work packages (WP) outlined below. WP1 - Pyrolysis The activities aim to optimize biomass pyrolysis for the production of biooil for the MILD combustion/reforming process and biochar for nitrogen adsorption. The research to achieve this includes:Assessment of the residual biomass sources to feed the pyrolysis process.Experimental studi - 2025-01-27

Projects and collaborations

ACTRIS ACTRIS Sweden is a National Research Infrastructure funded jointly by the Swedish Research Council and the six Swedish Research Performing Organizations involved – ACTRIS Sweden's website. CLIMB-FOREST CLIMB-FOREST is a Horizon EU project that aims to ensure Europe’s forests are resilient to the changing climate and support people and nature, in close collaboration with the forestry sector - 2025-01-27

MINICOR Latest news

The MINICOR project's research was presented at the 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro2024) One of the contributions received an Excellent Poster Award. Congratulations to Corinna Maria Grottola!Photo provided by Chinese Society of Particuology on Live Stream PhotoPlus. - 2025-01-27


The MINICOR project's research was presented at the 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro2024) on May 19 - 23, 2024, in Beijing, China. One of the contributions received an Excellent Poster Award during the Awarding Dinner.In the Pyro2024 topic ‘Pyrolysis for environmental applications’, Corinna Maria Grottola (STEMS-CNR) presented the ‘Effect of temperature and py - 2025-01-27


MINICOR Reduced net emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are necessary to achieve the IPCC goals of limiting global warming and ensuring a sustainable future for our society. The natural balance of CO2 via photosynthesis is insufficient to compensate for the anthropogenic emissions, and active measures are thus necessary. MINICOR aims to develop a versatile process for managing and valorizing CO2 and - 2025-01-27


MILD Combustion with Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Reforming The objective of MINICOR is to develop a versatile process for management and valorisation of CO2 and nitrogen with efficient renewable resource deployment. With renewable biomass as feedstock, pyrolysis and combustion under Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) conditions result in generation of syngas via dry reforming. Biochar - 2025-01-27


MINICOR Christian Brackmann Coordinator Email: christian [dot] brackmann [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 49 62 Christian Brackmann's research profile Sven-Inge Möller Communication manager Email: sven-inge [dot] moller [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 97 28 Sven-Inge Möller's research profile Hesameddin Fatehi Portfolio manager Email: hesameddin [dot] fatehi [a - 2025-01-27

About this website

The Division of Combustion Physics's website is part of Lund University's web and use the same publishing system. The central web unit is responsible for the system and the technical aspects while the Division of Combustion Physics is responsible for the content. Processing of personal data Lund University processes personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - 2025-01-27

About us

History The division has its origin in activities initiated by Professor Sune Svanberg at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, where the later Head of division at Combustion Physics, Professor Marcus Aldén, made his Master’s thesis in 1977 within the area of Laser-based Combustion Diagnostics. As Sune Svanberg got a professorship in Atomic physics at Lund University 1980, Marcus Aldén - 2025-01-27


Researchers - Division Heads Joakim Bood Professor, Head of Division Email: joakim [dot] bood [at] forbrf [dot] lth [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 97 90 Research profile - Birgitta Svenningsson Assistant Head of Division Email: birgitta [dot] svenningsson [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 00 00 Research profile - An - 2025-01-27

Bachelor and Master Projects

If you are reaching the end of either a bachelor or master program there are opportunities for you to write your thesis with us. We have some suggested topics below and finished projects that you can take inspiration from. If you have any questions contact Andreas, contact info at the bottom of this page. Elna Heimdal Nilsson Senior Lecturer, Educational responsible Email: elna [dot] heimdal_nilss - 2025-01-27

European Combustion Meeting 2013

NewsAboutProgramTravelExhibitionContact ECM 2013 is over The organizers of the ECM 2013 would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the successful and fruitful meeting! In total, 575 participants from 39 countries presented and discussed 447 papers on all topics of combustion. Moreover, 5 outstanding Plenary talks were highly appreciated by young and experienced researchers. The - 2025-01-27


Write your thesis at Combustion Physics If you are reaching the end of either a bachelor or master program there are opportunities for you to write your thesis with us. We have some suggested topics below but if you have any other ideas please contact Andreas who will point you in the right direction. Elna Heimdal Nilsson Senior Lecturer, Educational responsible Email: elna [dot] heimdal_nilsson [ - 2025-01-27