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Historical trends in calls to action : Climate change, pro-environmental behaviours and green social work

Social works’ relationship with the environment and the role of social workers in addressing environmental issues under climate change are usually neglected in mainstream practice. I begin this chapter by discussing the importance of social work as a field of research and practice that needs to actively carve out a position of expertise and engagement with emerging environmental issues at the micr

User satisfaction based model for resource allocation in bike-sharing systems

Over the past decade, the number of ongoing bike-sharing programs has remarkably risen. In this framework, operators need appropriate methodologies to support them in optimizing the allocation of their resources to globally enhance the bike-sharing program, even without massive and costly interventions on the existing configuration of the system. In this paper, we propose an optimization model abl

A dynamic clustering method for relocation process in free-floating vehicle sharing systems

Recently, vehicle sharing emerged as a new type of mobility service. In particular, if these systems happen to be free-floating, their operating area is typically located within the city and vehicles could be picked-up and parked in any permitted spot, and not only at predetermined stations. This specific feature enables everyone to pick-up and drop-off a rented vehicle close to his demand points,

The ca. 2785–2805 Ma high temperature ilivertalik intrusive complex of southern west Greenland

Ferroan granitoid intrusions are rare in the Archaean rock record, but have played a large role in the evolution of the Proterozoic crust, particular in relation to anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite suites. Here we discuss the petrogenesis of the ca. 2785–2805 Ma ferroan Ilivertalik Intrusive Complex, which has many geochemical similarities to Proterozoic iron rich granitoids. We present m

Mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere according to measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory : 2014-2016

Mercury was measured onboard the IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft from May 2005 until February 2016 during near monthly sequences of mostly four intercontinental flights from Germany to destinations in North and South America, Africa and South and East Asia. Most of these mercury data were obtained using an internal default signal integration procedure of the Tekran instrument but since April 2014

Taggtråd, soffa och skola. Kampen om undervisning på särskilda ungdomshem

Skolarbete på särskilda ungdomshem har seglat upp på dagordningen de senaste åren. Det är ingen överdrift att säga att skolans status har stärkts. I riktlinjer från 2014 anger Statens institutionsstyrelse att 'skola och utbildning ska vara i fokus'. Lärare och behandlingsassistenter ska bilda team kring den unge och arbeta tillsammans. Samtidigt är det heller ingen överdrift att säga att skolan ha

Om akademiskt hantverk

En hemgjord ask av näver -- vad behöver man? Ett stycke ny samhällsvetenskaplig kunskap -- vad behöver man? Den här texten är ett föredrag om akademiskt hantverk och dess material, verktyg, åskådliggörande, ändamål och estetik.

Review: Experiences and preferences of counselling about living habits in healthcare – a systematic review of studies on the patient perspective

Background Recent policy in Sweden states that patients in every part of health care are to be presented with health counselling concerning living habits: tobacco, alcohol, an inactive lifestyle and eating habits. This review aims to investigate experiences and preferences of counselling about living habits from the patient’s perspective. Method A literature review of six major databases using a

Influence of acute alcohol intoxication on certain immune reactions

Background Long-term alcohol abuse is a potent immunomodulator, and alcohol abusers have increased risk of bacterial infections after surgery. In experiments, acute alcohol intoxication suppresses certain immune reactions and may co-act with trauma to increase risk of post-trauma infectious complications. The aim was to evaluate immune reactions during, an evening of social drinking. Methods We s

Prevalence of alcohol misuse among men and women undergoing major noncardiac surgery in the Veterans Affairs health care system

Background Patients who screen positive for alcohol misuse on the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test Consumption Questionnaire (AUDIT-C ≥5 points) have significantly increased postoperative complications. Severe alcohol misuse (AUDIT-C ≥9 points) is associated with increased postoperative health care use; however, little is known about the prevalence of alcohol misuse in demographic and clin

Cancer incidence among patients with alcohol use disorders--long-term follow-up

Aims: The aim of this study was to compare the cancer morbidity in a large cohort of patients with alcohol use disorders in the general Danish population. Methods: We included 15,258 men and 3552 women free of cancer when attending the Copenhagen Outpatient Clinic for Alcoholics in the period from 1954 to 1992. The cancer incidence until 1999 of the patients and the general Danish population was o

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Major surgery is associated with a decrease in muscle strength, muscle mass and functional performance. However, early intervention with intensive physical training seems to counteract the loss in muscle mass and muscle function as well as to shorten the postoperative length of stay in hospital. In addition, a sufficient intake of protein seems to be a central element in the treatment of postopera