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Your search for "*" yielded 531557 hits

Value Capture and Proximity Requirements: Local-Global Linkages within the Swedish Visual Effects Industry

Digital visual effects (VFX) has become increasingly primary to film and TV production. With major media conglomerates historically exercising great influence over the spatial distribution of industry activity, production localisation has been determined by cost-effectiveness and access to local tax incentive programmes. Despite lack of tax incentives, Swedish VFX firms are capturing an increasing

The Influence of Social Dominance Orientation and Perspective-­Taking on Victim Blaming after Sexual Assault

With recent increased media attention on sexual assault against women, many people question why so many women do not report the crimes. One key may reason lies in the phenomenon of victim blaming. This study examined the effects of social dominance orientation (SDO) and perspective-taking on victim blaming after a sexual assault using a between-subjects experimental design. 111 participants respon

WasteLess Musings- A sensitive approach to Urban Renewal in Chennai, India

The city of Chennai evolved around the river, Cooum. The river supports irrigation to agricultural fields in the north and supplies water to the city of Chennai. It also acts as a major flood carrier for the city. Before the 1960s, the river was clean and used for activities such as bathing, boating and fishing. During the colonial rule, the city was initially planned to sustain a much lesser popu

Att räkna pinnar - en kvalitativ undersökning av hur psykologer påverkas av och hanterar att möta krav på antal patientbesök

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka att räkna pinnar - ett informellt uttryck med betydelsen att vara ålagd krav att ta emot ett visst antal patienter per vecka; hur detta påverkar och hanteras av psykologer, och hur påverkan och hantering kan förstås och förklaras. Data insamlades genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer i Skåne, där merparten var anställda vid allmänpsykiatri

Butterfly Effect on Leash: The Calculated Use of ICTY’s Rationales as a Persuasive Authority in Strengthening the Criminal Dimension of the Positive Obligations under the ECHR

Originally from chaos theory, “the butterfly effect” as a concept indicates the verisimilitude of how the most insignificant thing can have a significant ripple effect in a certain process. By analogy, courts are not immune to the “butterfly effect”. Due to the rapid proliferation of legal regimes and bodies, courts are confronted with unorthodox situations requiring that they interface one-anothe

Införande av BK4 - Utvärdering av skadeinverkan på de bitumenbundna lagren

This study is based mainly on assessing damage done to asphalt by trucks within the load bearing class 4 (BK4). BK4 is a new vehicle rating class for heavy duty vehicles, which refers to an increase of the maximum permissible gross weight to 74 tonnes (for the current 64 tonnes, BK1) for trucks, and which the government has completed implementing the summer of 2018. Since there is still doubt as t

Classification of HRV-signals using Time-Frequency Analysis

Heart Rate Variability, förkortat HRV, är en term inom kardiologi som beskriver den naturliga variationen i tidsintervallet mellan en människas hjärtslag. Högt HRV, det vill säga stor variation i tiden mellan hjärtslag, har tidigare visats vara kopplat till god hälsa. Det har även visats att låg variation är kopplat till långvarig psykisk påfrestning. Den starka korrelationen med en människas hälsHeart rate variability (HRV) is a term within cardiology describing the natu- rally occurring variation of the time interval between heartbeats, and high HRV activity has been linked to both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular health. This bachelor thesis aims to find differences between HRV-signals where short term physical strain (pain) was induced and HRV-signals where no such strain was appl

One-Size-Traps-All? A Sub-national Study on the Impact of the TRIPs Agreement on India's Innovative Activity

In an integrated world economy, innovation is considered one of the main catalysts for economic development and growth. To stimulate the very and enable technological change, innovators need to be granted the rights to their own creations. The Word Trade Organization therefore implemented the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in 1995 among all its member states, wi

Model-based Study of Mixing- using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experiments

Vi har alla varit med om det när vi stått och rört runt med skeden i morgonkaffet. De fantastiska, komplexa mönster som uppträder när grädden blandar sig med det mörka kaffet, efterhand som vi rör runt med skeden. Även om du kanske själv aldrig har reflekterat över det så är den här typen av mixning och blandningsförlopp, komplexa fenomen som studerats av och sysselsatt forskare, vetenskapsmän ochMixing in millimeter scale applications faces completely different challenges compared with the macro scale. A thorough understanding of the physics and mass conservation principles that are affecting the fluid dynamics, are therefore key for development and successful implementation of mixers, in an existing process. Only relying on molecular diffusion for molecules with very low diffusivities ca

Identification and characterization of design fires to be used in performance-based fire design of CERN facilities

CERN operates the most complex particle accelerator facility built until today. As such, it consists of thousands of custom-made components spread both in upper ground facilities and in underground tunnels and caverns. Several different hazards, including fire, are present in these facilities and need to be reduced to a tolerable level; in particular, fire safety often requires the application of

Integration of sensors in the smart homes of tomorrow - possibilities and limitations

Uppskattningsvis kommer det år 2020 att finnas fler än 20 miljarder uppkopplade produkter runt om i världen. Hårdvarukomponenter blir allt mindre och mikroprocessorer och kommunikationsmoduler kan hittas i alla möjliga produkter. Inom mjukvaruutvecklingen blir röstassistenter mer intelligenta för var dag som går och smarta högtalare presenteras som en naturlig del av människors framtida smarta hemIt is estimated that in 2020 there will be more than 20 billion connected devices around the world. Hardware keeps getting smaller and microprocessors and communications modules can be found in all manner of products. On the software side, voice assistants are getting more intelligent by the day, with smart speakers being promoted as a natural part of people’s future homes. However, for these prod

Dynamics between the bacterial immune system (CRISPR) and viruses in the Baltic Sea

En ml vatten från havsvatten innehåller ungefär 1 miljon bakterier och 10 miljoner virus. Prover från Östersjön har undersökts genom dataanalys för att studera dynamiken mellan bakteriers adaptiva immunförsvar – CRISPR - och virus.Bacteria play a major role in biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. Bacteriophages are estimated to cause the deaths of more than a fifth of all marine bacteria every day and the dynamic between bacteria and virus therefore have huge ecological impact. CRISPR-Cas systems work as an adaptive immune system for bacteria that protect them against viruses. Spacers acquired from viral sequences can make t

Det klimatpolitiska ramverket - En genomgång av klimatpolitikens senaste hopp

Det klimatpolitiska ramverket – En genomgång av klimatpolitikens senaste hopp Den mänskliga påverkan på klimatet och de antropogena utsläppen av växthusgaser ökar i stadig takt, vilket förändrar klimatsystemen och resulterar i förhöjda temperaturer, minskning av glaciärer samt höjda havsnivåer. Klimatproblematiken grundas i det faktum att det inte är nationsbundet, utan globalt, något som har letIn line with the Paris Agreement and the aim of keeping the globally averaged surface temperature at a maximum increase of 2°C, Sweden implemented the Swedish Climate Policy Framework. It consists of three pillars; new climate goals, a climate act and an independent climate policy council. The framework is the first of its kind in Sweden and provides long-term goals and an obligation to continuous

Electromagnetic analysis of AES-256 on Xilinx Artix-7

In this project, an electromagnetic side-channel attack has been made by exploiting the information leakage from a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and an implemented advanced encryption standard with a 256-bit key (AES-256). The FPGA-board was a Nexys-4 from Digilent with Artix-7 FPGA. The attack was partially successful. A few subkeys were successfully extracted from AES-256 with only 2000-3

Characterization of biomass pyrolysis and gasification using Raman Spectroscopy

Förnyelsebara bränslen vinner allt större mark inom energisektorn och biomassa är ett av de mer lättillgängliga alternativen. Eftersom det rör sig om fasta bränslen kan det dock vara svårt att hantera. För att göra det mer lätthanterligt kan man utvinna energin i form av gas som man sedan förbränner. Men vad innehåller gasen? Och hur tar vi reda på det? Först och främst måste vi reda ut begreppetThis thesis examines the emissions formed during pyrolysis and gasification of lignocellulosic biomass in pellet form, using vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Seven different samples are studied during the pyrolysis process and six of these are also studied during gasification. For pyrolysis, the sample is placed into the center of a cruciform aluminum pipe, flushed with Ar, at room temperature. The

NMR Study on the Aggregation Behavior of the Therapeutic Peptide Carbetocin

Visst vore det bra om färre kvinnor dör som följd av komplikationer vid förlossning, eller att ett nytt läkemedel mot depression kommer ut på marknaden? Med mer insikt om ett biologiskt läkemedels fysikaliska stabilitet kan detta bli verklighet. I detta mastersarbete har det biologiska läkemedlet carbetocin studerats med avseende på just detta. Vanliga läkemedel som vi är vana vid att ta i tabletCarbetocin is an uncharged cyclic therapeutic peptide with a tendency to aggregate in solution. Aggregation is undesirable since it, for example, can lead to loss of pharmaceutical effects. To gain a better understanding of peptide aggregation, along with a potential to develop better drug formulations, aggregation of carbetocin was studied. In focus were soluble aggregates in contrast to phase-se

Dependency of high-order harmonics to polarisation properties of many-cycle driving fields

Hur låter musiken som spelas av atomer? Även om de inte kan sjunga så kan atomer – de små byggstenarna som bygger världen – interagera starkt med laserljus och då skapa kortvariga ljusblixtar som är lika harmoniska som musik. Att förstå hur laserljus och ljusblixtar är relaterade är genom deras interaktioner med atomer. Detta kommer att hjälpa oss att följa aktiviteten som händer så snabbt att denLight-matter interactions can be used to probe both light and matter as they yield information on a system's state. On the ultrafast timescale, it is possible to employ these interactions to probe fast-occurring phenomena. In particular, one of the few tools for ultrafast spectroscopy are coherent attosecond XUV pulses: light pulses in the extreme ultraviolet range (XUV) whose typical duration

"For every thing that lives is Holy": Authenticity and Inclusion in William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

This essay examines the concept of authenticity in relation to William Blake in general and specifically in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790). The Romantic period idealised authenticity but focussed studies into Blake’s relationship with authenticity are relatively few. Previous research contextualizing Blake explores themes such as education, politics and religion, but recent research propos