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Comparison of fatty acid profile in plasma phospholipids in women from Granada (southern Spain) and Malmo (southern Sweden)

We conducted a first pilot study on healthy women living in two countries with different dietary habits, Granada in the south of Spain and Malmo in the south of Sweden, in order to compare their levels of plasma phospholipid fatty acids, and to examine the relationship between the differences in food consumption. This study is part of a pilot study which is nested in the European Prospective Inves

Recessiveness and Dominance in Barley Mutants Deficient in Mg-Chelatase Subunit D, an AAA Protein Involved in Chlorophyll Biosynthesis.

Mg-chelatase catalyzes the insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX at the first committed step of the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. It consists of three subunits: I, D, and H. The I subunit belongs to the AAA protein superfamily ( ATPases associated with various cellular activities) that is known to form hexameric ring structures in an ATP-dependant fashion. Dominant mutations in the I subuni

On the Characteristics of Fires in Tunnels

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras viktiga fenomen i samband med bränder i tunnlar. Detta baseras både på experimentellt och teoretiskt arbete. Tyngdpunkten ligger på de brandförsök i fullskala som genomfördes 2003 i Runehamartunneln i Norge. Under dessa försök mättes brandeffektutvecklingen (HRR), temperaturer, gaskoncentrationer (O2, CO2, CO, HCN och H2O), gashastigheter, strImportant phenomena related to tunnel fires are presented including both experimental and theoretical work. The main focus is on the large-scale fire tests performed in 2003, in the Runehamar tunnel in Norway. During these tests heat release rate (HRR), temperatures, gas concentrations (O2, CO2, CO, HCN, and H2O), velocities, radiation, and smoke were measured. Four tests with a set-up simulating

Beräkning av inneklimat i luftvärmda rum

Denna rapport omfattar analys av klimat i rum som värms och ventileras med luftburen värme. Oberoende av utomhustemperatur och inre belastningsvariationer ska ett inomhusklimat åstadkommas som ger brukarna komfort i vistelsezonen. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram en beräkningsmetod. Denna ska användas för att teoretiskt utreda om det finns någon donplacering som är bättre än andra ur termisk, hyg

Abdominal aortic aneurysm: a general defect in the vasculature with focal manifestations in the abdominal aorta?

PURPOSE: It has been suggested that abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) develop as a result of an alteration in the systemic connective tissue metabolism. This might change wall mechanics and diameter, not only in the AAA but also in the rest of the vascular system. This hypothesis was tested by studying the mechanical properties of AAAs as well as the common carotid artery (CCA) in the same patient

Effects of palatable diets on appetite regulation, appetite peptides and neurogenesis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fetma ökar epidemilikt i hela världen, delvis på grund av en ökad konsumption av dieter som innehåller mycket fett och/eller socker. Ghrelin och leptin är hormoner som produceras perifert med effekter på födointag och energihomeostas. Ghrelin i cirkulationen ökar vid energibrist, t ex vid fasta och signalerar därmed hunger. Leptin ökar vid födointag och signalerar mättnObesity is increasing throughout the world at an epidemic rate, partly due to increased consumption of diets rich in fat and/or sugar. Ghrelin and leptin are hormones, originating from the periphery, involved in the regulation of food intake and of maintaining energy homeostasis. Circulating ghrelin levels increase in times of energy deficiency, such as fasting, signalling hunger whereas circulati

Transient Control of a Multi Cylinder HCCI Engine During a Drive Cycle

This study applies a state feedback-based Closed-Loop Combustion Control (CLCC) using Fast Thermal Management (FTM) on a multi-cylinder Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. At speeds above 1500 rpm is the FTM's bandwidth broadened by using the VCR feature of this engine, according to a predefined map, which is a function of load and engine speed. Below 1500 rpm is the PID-based CLCC using VCR

Electromagnetic Decay Proerties of Multiparticle-hole States in Neutron-deficient Mo and Tc Isotopes

Neutron deficient nuclei with mass numbers A approximate to 90 and 40 less than or equal to Z less than or equal to 44 have been studied making use of the Osiris and Nordball spectrometers. The high spin states of these nuclei and their electromagnetic decay properties are compared to shell model calculations based on the core Sr-88 and using different parametrizations of the residual interaction.