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Från albuminpapper till binär fil : tillgängliggörande av historiska fotografier i den digitala domänen

The purpose of this study is to investigate ALM institutions’ strategies for digitizing and making historical photographs available in the digital domain from a user perspective. Historical photographs are an important part of our cultural heritage but photographs are fragile and can offer major challenges to the institutions that shall preserve, organize and make them available. For that reason,

Does capital dream of chronic depression?

The study asks what role Karl Marx’s theory of the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has in explaining transformation, crises and secular stagnation in Sweden. Support is presented for the “law”, with Sweden exhibiting a long-term secular decline in the rate of profit throughout the late 19th and 20th century. For the period 1950-2016, there is a strong tendency towards “Marx-biase

National Culture and Management Control Systems

Seminar date: 29th May, 2017 Course: BUSN79, Business Administration Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, 15 ECTS Authors: Gareth Wright and Nikolaos Lappas Supervisor: Anders Anell Keywords: Management control systems, National culture, Levers of control Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how multinational companies set their central management control systems and how are

“Not every literate is literate in the sense of understanding that a woman needs her own rights” - Exploring men’s support for women’s empowerment in Ghana – a Minor Field Study

Development aid organizations are increasingly turning their focus on men and masculinities in the pursuit of women’s empowerment. Despite much effort to improve the lives of women, the hegemonic definition of empowerment in economic and individualistic terms have not been able to attack the unequal power structures between men and women, causing them to persist until this day. This essay explores

Utformningen av vattenskyddsområden vattenskyddsområden - Granskning av det tekniska underlagets presentation av grundvattnets flödesriktning och tillrinningsområde

Hur väl skyddat är vårt dricksvatten egentligen? Grundvatten är en av våra viktigaste naturtillgångar och utgör en stor del av vårt viktigaste livsmedel, dricksvattnet. Om grundvattnet förorenas får det allvarliga konskvenser. Vattenskyddsområden skall skydda vårt vatten, men hur bra fungerar dessa skydd i praktiken? Genom att studera bakgrundsfakta kan vi kanske komma närmare svaret och bli bättrIn Sweden, about 50% of the production of drinking water comes from groundwater. A groundwater aquifer can be contaminated by pollutants leaking into the aquifers drainage basin and by groundwater flow. One way of securing the quality of drinking water is by the constitution of zones of protection. Such a zone means to protect the groundwater from pollutants and is the sole most important instrum

The hierarchy of Chinese grammar: A cross-sectional study of L2 Chinese within Processability Theory

Processability Theory (PT) is a well-established theoretical framework within the field of Second Language Acquisition, which describes the development of acquiring language as a process of acquiring procedural skills. The procedural skills are necessary for the learner being able to process different grammatical structures of the target language, and these are obtained by the learner through avai

En flödesanalys för Kävlingeån - HEC-RAS modellering med fokus på dämmens inverkan

Det finns åtta dämmen och tre aktiva vattenkraftverk i Kävlingeån, som är ett av Skånes största samt fiskrikaste vattendrag. Då dämmena segmenterar ån skapar detta miljöproblem; organismer förhindras migration för bland annat fortplantning och födosök. Arter såsom öring och den akut hotade ålen lever i Kävlingeån och är beroende av framkomliga vandringsvägar samt lekplatser. Syftet med denna studiKävlinge River is one of the largest, and most heavily fish-populated, watercourses in Scania. Eight dams and three active hydroelectric plants are located here, which cause environmental problems; organisms are prevented migration, reproduction and feeding being the biggest issues. Trout and eel, which depend on river accessibility and spawning areas, inhabits the river. This study aims to create

Hållbara Hem - ett nytt miljömärkningssystem för småhus

To form a building adapted to the environment and at the same time preserve land, water and other resources in a long term it has to fulfill some requirements. Requirements are set by international and national governing authorities. In order for a regular consumer, property owner or entrepreneur to be guided towards sustainable construction, there are also several environmental certification syst

Grönlutslam för efterbehandling av gruvavfall

Bakgrund Vid gruvdrift uppstår miljöfarligt avfall i form av gråberg som innehåller metaller som kan urlakas. Avfallet kan oskadliggöras genom att lägga ut tät morän som ett vattenhållande tätskikt kring gråbergsupplaget. Transportkostnaderna för detta är oftast höga då morän av tillräcklig kvalitet måste hämtas långt ifrån upplagen. Studier har visat att kvaliteten på morän kan förbättras genom a

New geochronological constraints on the Klipriviersberg Group: defining a new Neoarchean large igneous province on the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Åldersdatering innebär att man åldersbestämmer geologiska enheter och processer. Detta görs genom att mäta förhållandet mellan moder- och dotterisotop för radioaktiva grundämnen. Geokronologin är viktig för att kunna återskapa den geologiska historien för en kontinent. Man kan t.ex. erhålla tidsinformation kring när större landmassor bröts upp, genom att t.ex. identifiera och studera stora vulkaniIn recent years, there has been a significant improvement in our ability to determine the ages of extensive short-lived magmatic events (large igneous provinces) dominated by rocks of mafic (silica-poor) compositions. This has been aided by targeting the magmatic feeders to these large igneous provinces (e.g., dykes and sills), which often host trace amounts of datable zirconium minerals such as b

Calibration and Analysis of an Acoustophoresis Based Cell Separator

Kalibreringsananlys​ ​av​ ​akustofores​ ​i​ ​mikrokanal Varje år blir miljontals människor diagnostiserade med cancer och det arbetas intensivt med att hitta behandlingar och mediciner för detta genom att undersöka hur cancer fungerar. Då är det även viktigt att man vid forskningen kan lita på sina resultat. I ett av forskningsområdena används ljud för att flytta celler i en kanal, kallat akustofAcoustophoresis has proven to be a promising technique when it comes to separation of particles or cells in a microchip. One of the main areas of interest is the separation of so called circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from whole blood - which could serve as an indication of early stage cancer or in general be studied in order to obtain more information about these cells. However, one issue with th

Asymmetric Wealth Effects on Consumption: A Threshold Cointegration Approach on Swedish Households

Recognising the macroeconomic importance of private consumption, this thesis aims at examining possible forces that drive changes the level of households’ consumption. I do so by analysing the relationship of housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption of households in Sweden in the short and long run. Using an M-TAR approach I find evidence for cointegration of these variables. Housing weal

Antibodies : Expression, Purification and Application

En människa exponeras och angrips varje dag av virus och bakterier och immunförsvaret skyddar oss från dessa angrepp. Immunförsvaret utgörs av vita blodkroppar som bildas i benmärgen och sprids vidare ut i kroppen. De vita blodkropparna finns i många olika varianter och varje variant har en specifik uppgift. Lymfocyter är en typ av vita blodkroppar och kan dela in i två huvudgrupper: Blymfocyter oToday antibodies are an important part in the treatment of diseases such as cancer and Guillain–Barré syndrome. It is of course important to be able to regulate the levels of the antibodies in the treatment. In this study a general method for antibody production were investigated. The antibody construct was made for transportation out of the cell. Four different tagged variants of an antibody wer

Regulating synaptic protein expression by in vivo antibody treatment to reduce epileptogenesis phase in rats

Hur påverkar klisterprotein epileptiska anfall? Hjärnan är ett fascinerande komplext organ som styr kroppen. För att hjärnan ska kunna skicka signaler använder hjärnan sig utav små budbärare. Dessa budbärare springer från en kontaktpunkt till en annan mellan nervceller och därmed vidarebefordrar meddelandet. Området där de springer mellan nervcellerna kallas för synaptiska klyftor, där vissa proteEpilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by its debilitating epileptic seizures. There are generalized seizures, which affect the whole brain at once, and focal seizures, which start from one part of the brain. The most common focal epilepsy, is temporal lobe epilepsy representing almost 70% of all focal epilepsies. Around 30% of all patients are therapy refractory, therefore there is a h

Productive use of coffee husks - How to make briquettes from coffee husk in Karagwe, Tanzania

In the Tanzanian district of Karagwe the NGO KADERES is working with agricultural development. In relation to this they produce fair trade coffee obtained from local farmers. Coffee husks are created as a waste product from the plant and are currently not used for any purpose. Instead they are left outside the factory. The propose of this project is to find a way to create briquettes from these hu

Diversifying The Single Path: The Existential Dilemmas of the Taiwanese Student Elite

In this thesis I set out to investigate how Taiwanese elite students experienced their upbringing. I do so by developing my own concept, Single Path, and use Susanne Bregnbaek’s utilization of the concept Aporia. I apply them in order to answer how Taiwanese elite students negotiate their self-cultivation process in relation to the single path. I found that one of their most prominent existential

The Trade Effects of Graduation in the EU’s GSP Scheme

Graduation has been imposed in unilateral preferential trade agreements when product groups from beneficiaries or beneficiaries themselves are viewed as too competitive and developed. What happens to the product groups of the beneficiaries when the trade preferences are withdrawn? This paper addresses the potential trade effects of graduation from the European Unions Generalized System of Prefere

Trade with China and Rising Mortality in the United States

I analyze the effect of a large exogenous trade shock on mortality in the United States between 2002 and 2012. Following the example of Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013), I construct a variable that captures the difference in exposure to import competition stemming from differences in initial manufacturing employment structures. I avoid endogeneity issues by instrumenting US commuting zones’ exposure

Brukarens självbestämmanderätt inom LSS: personalens dilemman i att ge stöd, service och omvårdnad

The inspiration of this study stems from my own experiences of working for the people with developmental disabilities at group homes in accordance with LSS- act (1993:387). The Swedish LSS-act ought to assure a good life to those in need of support for their everyday life. The purpose of the law is to encourage full participation of social activities, promote even-living conditions and opportunity

Inductive heating of exhaust aftertreatment system

Heavy trucks are commonly powered by combustion engines running on diesel. Since these trucks often run on highways they rarely have to perform cold starts. Diesel engines take care of their NOx emissions through a process which uses the high temperatures of the exhaust gases together with urea, sprayed upon a mixer placed inside the exhaust pipes, to chemically react with the NOx over an SCR cata