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Long-Term Outcome of Mustard/Senning Correction for Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) in Sweden and Denmark.

-The atrial switch operation Mustard- or Senning operation for transposition of the great arteries (TGA) was introduced in the late 1950s and was the preferred surgery for TGA until the early 1990s. The Mustard- and Senning operation involves extensive surgery in the atria and leaves the right ventricle as the systemic ventricle. The Mustard and Senning cohort is now well into adulthood and we beg

Between empowerment and powerlessness: Separated minors in Sweden

This article analyzes the migration experiences of thirteen separated minors who arrived in Sweden between 1943 and 2008. Using the framework of the “liberated self” this chapter shows that the experiences of separated minors are shaped in the intersection between contexts and conditions of transnational migration and the Swedish reception system. Their efforts to continue living based on the past

Blue laccase from Galerina sp.: Properties and potential for Kraft lignin demethylation

We purified a laccase isoenzyme, Lad 1 from Galerina sp. HC1 using a combination of anion exchange- and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Lad l has a molecular mass of 64 kDa, an isoelectric point of 4, and 3.35 copper atoms/enzyme molecule. The enzyme has features typical of fungal blue laccases. The sequences of two internal peptides were highly similar to reported laccase sequences from o

Integrating carbon emissions from lakes and streams in a subarctic catchment

Northern inland waters emit CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere but the importance of these emissions is poorly understood due to a lack of integrated catchment-scale estimates of carbon (C) emissions from lakes and streams. In this study we quantified the annual emission of CO2 and CH4 from 27 lakes and 23 stream segments in a 15km(2) subarctic catchment in northern Sweden. All lakes and streams were n

Social desirability in personality inventories: The nature of the evaluative factor

The difference between evaluatively loaded and evaluatively neutralized fivefactor inventory items was used to create new variables, one for each factor in the fivefactor model. Study 1 showed that these variables can be represented in terms of a general evaluative factor which is related to social desirability measures and indicated that the factor may equally well be represented as separate from

Temperature as a driver for the expansion of the microalga Gonyostomum semen in Swedish lakes

Gonyostomum semen (Ehrenb) Diesing is a bloom-forming and noxious phytoplankton species, that usually occurs in brown-water lakes and which is often referred to as an invasive species. The aim of our study was to analyze changes over time in the occurrence and distribution of blooms, and to find possible drivers of this change. We also performed spatial analyses to identify environmental factors c

Clinical issues in inhibitors

Anamestic inhibitors represent the major complication of haemophilia therapy now that clotting factor concentrates are virtually free of pathogen-transmission risk. Conventional clotting factor replacement is usually insufficient to prevent or treat bleeding in a haemophilia patient with a high responding inhibitor so that alternative treatment with bypassing agents is required. Despite their rela

Detecting region transitions for human augmented mapping

In this paper, we describe a concise method for the feature-based representation of regions in an indoor environment and show how it can also be applied for door-passage-independent detection of transitions between regions to improve communication with a human user.

Fertility Defects in Mice Expressing the L68Q Variant of Human Cystatin C A ROLE FOR AMYLOID IN MALE INFERTILITY

Background: The L68Q variant of cystatin C is highly amyloidogenic forming aggregates in individuals with HCCAA. Results: Spermatozoa from mice expressing human L68Q cystatin C exhibit fertility defects and increased levels of amyloid. Conclusion: L68Q epididymal fluid containing cystatin C amyloid is harmful for sperm function. Significance: Amyloid in the reproductive tract may contribute to mal

A somatic mutation of GFI1B identified in leukemia alters cell fate via a SPI1 (PU.1) centered genetic regulatory network.

We identify a mutation (D262N) in the erythroid-affiliated transcriptional repressor GFI1B, in an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient with antecedent myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The GFI1B-D262N mutant functionally antagonizes the transcriptional activity of wild-type GFI1B. GFI1B-D262N promoted myelomonocytic versus erythroid output from primary human hematopoietic precursors and enhanced cel

Search for Pair Production of a Heavy Up-Type Quark Decaying to a W Boson and a b Quark in the lepton plus jets Channel with the ATLAS Detector

A search is presented for production of a heavy up-type quark (t') together with its antiparticle, assuming subsequent decay to a W boson and a b quark, t'(t) over bar' -> W(+)bW(-)(b) over bar. The search is based on 1.04 fb(-1) of proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Data are analyzed in the lepton + jets final state, chara

Prediction of timber bending strength and in-member cross-sectional stiffness vartiation on basis of local wood fibre orientation

Machine strength grading of structural timber is based upon relationships between so called indicating properties (IPs) and bending strength. However, such relationships applied on the market today are rather poor. In this paper, new IPs and a new grading method resulting in more precise strength predictions are presented. The local fibre orientation on face and edge surfaces of wooden boards was

Quasi-2d fluids of dipolar superballs in an external field.

The structure of quasi-2d solutions of dipolar superballs in the fluid state has been determined by Metropolis Monte Carlos simulations in the absence and the presence of an external field. Superballs are 3d objects characterized by a one shape parameter. Here, superballs resembling cubes, but possessing rounded edges, have been used. Examination has been made for several magnitudes of the dipole

The political psychology of (de)securitization: place-making strategies in Denmark, Sweden, and Canada

In this article we demonstrate how both state structures and collective agencies contribute to patterns of securitization and, in so doing, reconfigure conceptions of space and place. Focusing on the life-chances of Muslim minority populations in Denmark, Sweden, and Canada, we begin by establishing how experiences of empire and colonization have shaped dominant regimes of citizenship and multicul

Strategies for reducing inhibitor formation in severe haemophilia

The greatest barrier to successful haemophilia A care in resource-rich countries is the development of inhibitors to therapeutic factor VIII. Children with inhibitors suffer through increased bleeding and joint damage as well as frequent venepuncture. Costs associated with inhibitors are beyond many healthcare systems. Over the last two decades, there has been no improvement in our ability to redu