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Field Investigations on the Risk for ASR when Using Potentially Reactive Aggregates and Low Alkali Cements - Results after 50 Years in Sweden
The adverse effects from reactions of reactive aggregates in concrete dams are well known worldwide. The mechanisms ruling alkali silica reactions (ASR) are partly but not fully understood. A majority of the Swedish concrete dams are so far considered to be protected from ASR due to the common use during the 50:s, 60:s and 70:s of the Swedish low alkali cement Limhamn LH. Today there is a discussi
Environmental reporting
PyFX: A framework for real-time graphics effects
Programming real-time effects for contemporary GPUs requires writing shader programs to run on the GPU as well as code for the render state setup logic performed by the CPU. While the GPU parts are well supported by high level programming languages, the effect frameworks commonly used for the CPU parts are lacking both in functionality and expressive power, which makes them difficult to work with.
The art of stepping outside comfort zones: Intercultural collaborative learning in higher music education.
In higher music education, all over the world, there has been an increased interest in reshaping the curriculum in order to provide the tools needed by musicians and music teachers in order for them to function in a global society. Many institutions have opened up to new genres like traditional folk music, world music, jazz and popular music. As a consequence, new didactic and pedagogic perspectiv
Well-Posedness of Stiff Hyperbolic Systems
"Dödshugget mot vår nationella tonkonst". Hæffnertidens koralreform i historisk, etnohymnologisk och musikteologisk belysning.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna bok undersöks det begynnande 1800-talets svenska reform av kyrkosången. I fokus står J C F Hæffners koralbok 1820, med dess privat utgivna andra del 1821, som här för första gången ägnas en ingående idéhistorisk analys. Hæffners utgåva har kritiserats hårt för att ha tagit död på den s.k. folkliga koralsången — ”dödshugget mot vår nationella tonkonst” — och istäThis thesis analyses the Swedish chorale book in two parts edited by J.C.F. Hæffner in 1820-21 to the new hymnal by Wallin of 1819. This is done in relation to the ideas and practices of the time; earlier and up to present times this chorale style has been described as a “petrified” hymnody, with a rhythmic equalisation, slow tempo, melodic trivialization and harmonic uniformity. To understand th
No title
Abstract in German:Wie gestaltete sich die diskursive katholische Männlichkeit in den nordischen Ländern in dieser Zeit des Nationalismus und Konfessionalismus? Und wie verhielten sich die katholischen Männlichkeitsideale zu den im nordischen Volkschristentum der Zeit artikulierten Ideen zur Männlichkeit? Diese Fragen bilden den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Studie über Männerideale und Konstrukt
Er vi blevet dummere af 1864? : Om forholdet mellem historiografi og historisk drama
Study of the reception by historians of the Danish TV-series 1864.
Klassikernas roll i post-sovjetisk televison
I Ryssland spelar de litterära klassikerna en roll som på ett avgörande sätt skiljer sig från svenska förhållanden. På grund av den utbredda analfabetismen vid bolsjevikernas makttillträde har böcker och läsande blivit starkt förknippade med det sovjetiska moderniseringsprojektet. De nya makthavarna såg som sin uppgift att sprida det som i väst har uppfattats som ett borgerligt bildningsideal till
Behind Poverty: The Social Formation in a Tamil Village
Types of text in the Nordic languages of the 20th century
Bakgrundsdokumentation. Behandling av atopiskt eksem
På jakt efter en mångkulturell musiklärarutbildning
Zero carbon energy systems
Om kunskap och metaforer
Endre Nemes: Det olikartades förmälning – det förgångnas återfödelse. En studie av Endre Nemes' senare skapande 1965-1985. Del 2, L-Ö. Övriga
”Varför just Lund”: välkommen till Lundajuristernas dag den 6 juni 2003!
Electronic structure of nanometer-scale semiconductor wires
We report a theoretical study of the electronic structure and optical properties of GaAs nanowires grown in the [111] direction with a hexagonal cross section, based on a tight-binding approach. It is shown that in the nanowires the degeneracy of the light-hole and heavy-hole bands at the Γ-point seen in the bulk material is lifted, and the light-hole state is located above the heavy-hole state, i
Water Efficiency Handbook
This handbook was developed to assist water users identify and prioritize cost-effective water efficiency opportunities. It targets water use in residential and commercial buildings, industrial plants, and agricultural farms. The handbook offers practical and proven methods to cut water consumption, and water costs, without sacrificing production, reliability, orcomfort. By making this handbook av