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A game model of logistics network management

In this paper, the author discusses the most common approaches to the supply chain problem. The author argues that they rest on static ideas while the supply chain network is better viewed as an ongoing activity for which the suggested methods are inappropriate. Hence, none of the popular methods has a suitable model of the problem. Instead he suggests infinite games as a computational model for t

Interaction of some molecules with complex surfaces

This thesis investigates the adsorption, decomposition and reactions of small molecules on flat, oxidised and vicinal surfaces of late transition metals. The main technique for these studies is high resolution core level spectroscopy (HRCLS). All the studies presented in the thesis are performed in Ultra High Vacuum (UHV). The articles can be divided into three groups. The first three articles dea

The Vergegenkunft Archive / A Futuristic Archaeology

The essay discusses the American artist Jane Philbrick's exhibition "Everything Trembles" at The Museum of Sketches – Archive of Public Art, Lund University (2009), from the point of view of the museum, its founder Ragnar Josephson and his idea of "the birth of the work of art", and the creative process.

Erection of in-situ cast concrete frameworks - model development and simulation of construction activities

The erection process of in-situ cast concrete frameworks in multi-storey housing involves a wide range of non-value adding activities, resulting in poor process efficiency. This paper describes the process and presents a model for discrete-event simulation of activities and resource use involved in the construction of in-situ cast concrete frameworks. The model simulates the work flow which is sub

Seaside, Celebration och Windsor: Studier av urbana estetiska regler

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns idag en uttalad strävan från samhällets sida att höja den arki-tektoniska kvaliteten i den byggda miljön. Den svenska bygg-lagstiftning-en är sedan ett par år tillbaka ändrad så att hänsyn måste tas också till estetiska kvaliteter när ändringar i den fysiska miljön ska genomföras. I den regerings-proposition som föregick lagändringen pekas arkitektur och desigThis dissertation deals with aesthetic rules in an urban context. The dissertation develops a theoretical framework for understanding the role of aesthetic rules, especially urban design codes, in the process of improving the architectural quality of the built environment. In the context of this framework three case studies of urban design codes are presented. The over-arching aim is hermeneutical

Synthesis of the Monodeoxy Neoglycolipid Analogues of Globotrioside; Development of Some New Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry.

1. All monodeoxy TMSEt globotriosides (GbO3) and double-chain bis-sulfone GbO3-lipids were synthesised. The alpha-glycosylation with deoxygenated glycosyl donors (fluoride, ethylthio- and thiopyridin-2-yl-) was investigated in the syntheses of the TMSEt 2"-, 3",- 4"- and 6"-deoxy GbO3, and activation of the thiopyridin-2-yl-glycosides with AgOTf gave the best yield and selectivity. Glycosylation w

Storytelling in Jazz Improvisation : Implications of a Rich Intermedial Metaphor

The phenomenon of intermedial conceptual loans is central to our understanding of the time-based arts. This thesis focuses on the usage of the term storytelling with regard to jazz improvisation. The aim of the investigation is to clarify how this concept is used by Swedish jazz practitioners. The framework of the study includes theories of narrativity and of metaphor as well as educational and

Sensorless Friction-Compensated Passive Lead-Through Programming for Industrial Robots

Industrial robots are important when the degree of automation in industry is increased. To enable the use of robots also when the products change rapidly, the programming must be quick and easy to perform. One way to accomplish this is to use lead-through programming, i.e., the user manually guides the robot. This paper presents a sensorless approach, and thus avoids the need for a typically expen

Kan man köpa framtiden?

The chapter discusses the potential of public procurement to contribute to sustainable development through circular economy ideas.

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The concept “Broken Technologies” is related to the question: “Which is the benefit of humanity studies?” Of course the question is rhetorical because, how could this question be answered if the benefit was not obvious? Any answer supposes that we understand what we are asking for and the study of “what we mean” is one of the axes of the epistemology of the humanities. Anyway, we can also put the

Regulation and functions of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors in neuroblastoma cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de viktigaste frågeställningarna inom molekylär genetik är hur uttrycket av människans ca 30-40 000 gener regleras i tid och rum. En typ av reglering som är väldigt viktig är transkriptionell reglering och denna utövas av proteiner som kallas transkriptionsfaktorer. Dessa binder till specifika områden i DNA strängarna i närheten av genkodande regioner och kan däriNeuroblastoma is a childhood tumor derived from primordial neural crest cells. The tumor cells exhibit a phenotype similar to that of developing neuroblasts, which indicates that the tumor arises due to perturbed differentiation of the sympathetic nervous system. It is well established that transcription factors control the steps leading to neuronal differentiation, and a number of basic helix-loo

Field Investigations on the Risk for ASR when Using Potentially Reactive Aggregates and Low Alkali Cements - Results after 50 Years in Sweden

The adverse effects from reactions of reactive aggregates in concrete dams are well known worldwide. The mechanisms ruling alkali silica reactions (ASR) are partly but not fully understood. A majority of the Swedish concrete dams are so far considered to be protected from ASR due to the common use during the 50:s, 60:s and 70:s of the Swedish low alkali cement Limhamn LH. Today there is a discussi