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Immaterialrättsliga fel - En studie av säljares och köpares inbördes förhållande när avtalsenlig användning av ett överlåtelseobjekt hindras av en immateriell rättighet

Det grundläggande syftet med uppsatsen har varit att analysera säljares och köpares inbördes förhållande när en avtalsenlig användning av ett överlåtelseobjekt förhindras av en immateriell rättighet. Syftet har delvis fått tillgodoses på olika sätt, och med utgångspunkt i olika rättskällor, beroende på var de avtalande parterna har sina affärsställen och vilken typ av föremål som köpet har avsett.The basic purpose of this thesis is to analyse the interrelation between buyers and sellers, when an intellectual property right prevents the contractual use of a transfer object. The purpose has been met in partially different ways, and with different sources of law, depending on where the contracting parties have their places of business and what type of object the purchase relates to. The essay

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Justice as Predictors of Attitude Concerning Organizational Reform

The Swedish Institution of Education has recently been under debate. This is partly due to the matter that Swedish pupils’ performances have dramatically worsened. In an international study conducted through the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), scholastic performance scores have dropped from being substantially above average to being below average compared to the 65 other cou

Ascertaining the lithological boundaries of the Yoldia Sea of the Baltic Sea : a geochemical approach

When analyzing sedimentary sequences, results which are based solely on macroscopic observations, can lead to misleading and incomplete conclusions. Therefore these observations need to be complemented by analyses on a microscopic or atomic scale, such as through biological, chemical or physical methods. This approach is especially necessary when analyzing marine sedimentary cores from the Baltic

Happiness Economics: Validity of subjective wellbeing measures and considerations for public policy

Happiness is a relatively new discipline within economics. Traditionally, economists have not paid too much attention to it since they considered that both indicators and theoretical assumptions in which this discipline was based were not neither reliable nor useful for policy recommendations. However, especially in the last decade, there has been extensive research which, if not proved, at least

Blir det någon lön på fredag? - en studie om provisionsbaserad lön inom mäklarbranschen

The purpose with this essay was to study if real-estate agents experience any impact by working with 100 percent commission. The study is based on eleven interviews with real-estate agents from four different real-estate firms in the southern parts of Sweden. The main result of the study is that the real-estate agents experiences economical uncertainty which effects them in a negative way. The maj

Vad spelar Ryssland för roll?

This essay examines especially Russia's role in the civil war in Syria that started on 15 March year 2011. My question is: What is Russia's role, in relation to other external actors in the international system, in the civil war in Syria that began in March 2011? External actors` political views, their cooperation with Russia and their interests in Syria have also been processed in this pa

Har ni sett min nalle? En studie av Polisens närvaro på Facebook

På senare tid har det blivit allt vanligare att myndigheter väljer att implementera Facebook som en del i deras externa kommunikation. Detta ställer krav på att myndigheter anpassar sin kommunikation efter de normer som förespråkas på Facebook. Det förekommer också diskussioner huruvida Polisens närvaro på Facebook bidrar med en samhällsnytta. Vad bidrar en polisiär närvaro på Facebook egentligen It has become more common for authorities to use Facebook as an implemented part of their external communication. This requires that authorities adapt their communication to the standards advocated on Facebook. There are also debates whether a Police presence on Facebook is contributing to public benefits. What does a Police presence really contribute with? The purpose of this study is to analyze

De svenska hushållen och boendeutgifternas utveckling - En scenariobaserad approach

This essay makes an attempt to answer whether the mean Swedish household is vulnerable to changes in economic variables. This is made with a simplified version of housing expenditure relative to the household’s disposable income which creates a quota. First a history review is made which helps clarify the reasons of this quota moving in certain directions. The history lesson also provides importan

Early life and its implications for astrobiology : a case study from Bitter Springs Chert, Australia

Forskning kring tidigt liv möter svårigheter utöver de som forskning kring senare liv ställs inför. På grund av att de tidigaste bergarterna inte finns bevarade har viktig information om jordens tidiga förhållanden för evigt gått förlorad. Dessutom var de tidigaste livsformerna små och morfologiskt enkla, vilket betyder att abiotiska pseudofossil lätt kan infiltrera fossilarkivet. Ett centralt temEarly life research faces additional challenges than those of the study of later life forms. Due to the de-materialization of the earliest rocks, valuable information about the early Earth is forever lost. Furthermore, early life was small and morphologically basic, effectuating abiotic pseudofossils to infiltrate the fossil record. A central theme is the close connection early life research share

The Gender Digital Divide

Gender not only pervades how people use the ICT, but also influences whether or not and how much they use them. This study, making use of the latest possible secondary data, studies the possible gender digital divide among users of ICT in both developed and developing countries. I move the study of gender digital divide from an early narrow perspective of ICT access and usage patterns among biolog

Livet som Gaijin- En studie om hur utlandssvenska kvinnor ser på sitt liv i Japan

The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish women who are living in Japan as expatriates experience their life by studying their social networks and the relationships they formed. By interviewing six Swedish women, using semi-structured interviews, it was possible to identify three major themes that seemed to have a major role in how the women viewed themselves and how they described their ti

Sexualitet och Utvecklingsstörning - Hur personal på gruppboenden konstruerar brukarnas sexualitet

The aim of this study was to examine how staff, working in LSS-group homes, through ways of talking, attitudes and approaches construct, form and shape the sexuality among people with learning disabilities. LSS is “the Swedish act concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments” (Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade) and implies, inter alia