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The Cusumsq Test
Stability and causality of effective material parameters for biased ferromagnetic materials
A Logic-Based Approach to Pluralistic Ignorance
``Pluralistic ignorance'' is a phenomenon mainly studied in social psychology. Viewed as an epistemic phenomenon, one way to define it is as a situation where ``no one believes, but everyone believes that everyone else believes''. In this paper various versions of pluralistic ignorance are formalized using epistemic/doxastic logic (based on plausibility models). The motive is twofold. Firstly, the
Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger
Connectivity in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A Framework
This paper seeks to investigate the connectivity construct in logistics and supply chain management literature. A review of existing literature is conducted regarding connectivity on a broad basis. The review is based on a general search in the ABI-Inform database for articles containing the twin search phrases of connectivity and logistics, and connectivity and supply chain management. An initial
Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer VIII
Report from a journey May-June 1968. Research in perception as applied to planning and designing environment
Drick kranvatten. Ett kommunikationsprojekt i VA-Branschen. Dokumentation och utvärdering
Drick kranvattens syfte är att öka ungdomars medvetenhet om kranvattnets värde. Projektet innehåller kranvattenautomater till skolorna och färdiga lektioner på Utvärderingen visar på en positiv inställning hos lärare och elever till projektet och till frågeställningar om vatten.
Handbook for Sustainable Karez Renovation in North-Iraq
Spatio-Temporal Estimation for Mixture Models and Gaussian Markov Random Fields - Applications to Video Analysis and Environmental Modelling
In this thesis computationally intensive methods are used to estimate models and to make inference for large, spatio-temporal data sets. The thesis is divided into two parts: the first two papers are concerned with video analysis, while the last three papers model and investigate environmental data from the Sahel area in northern Africa. In the first part of the thesis, mixture models are used to
Knowing and the Art of IT Management. An inquiry into work practices in one-stop shops
Popular Abstract in Swedish Informationsteknologin utvecklas i allt snabbare takt. Däremot tycks utvecklingen ske långsammare när det gäller de modeller, metaforer och metoder som används för att beskriva och förstå hur information sprids och hanteras i organisationer, i kommuner och i samhället i stort. Använder vi egentligen IT på ett effektivt sätt i det dagliga arbetet? I den här avhandlingen New information technology is developing faster than the models, metaphors and methods in use for conceptualizing the sharing and managing of information in organizations, in communities and in society in general. The way we utilize information technology today does not seem to succeed in supporting the everyday work practices through which organizations accomplish their work. In this Ph.D. disser
Susanne intervjuades av Dag Kättström. Publicerat på
Clinical evaluation of an adjustable cerebrospinal fluid shunt valve
Popular Abstract in Swedish Operationer för att dränera vätska från hjärnans hålrum för att sänka ett högt tryck i skallen är den mest förekommande operationstypen vid neurokirurgiska kliniken i Lund. Orsaken till det höga trycket är oftast hydrocefalus (vattenskalle p.g.a. för mycket hjärnvätska), antingen som följd av en medfödd missbildning eller som följd av en förvärvad åkomma. Ytterligare orIntroduction: Shunting systems are implanted for draining cerebrospinal fluid to treat hydrocephalus, intracranial cysts, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Most shunt systems include a valve which regulates drainage. A differential pressure valve opens when intracranial pressure exceeds the valve’s opening pressure. The difficulty with these valves is selecting and predicting the most sui