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2014/2015 Nanoscience Colloquia

The organiser of the 2014/2015 Nanoscience colloquia series was Anders Mikkelsen. October 2 2014, Thu 15:15, k-spaceProf. Peter HommelhoffUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, GermanyWhen femtosecond laser pulses meet nanoscale structures:from attosecond electron control to novel particle acceleratorsHost: Anders Mikkelsen November 20 2014, Thu 15:15, k-spaceProf. Andrew TurberfieldUniversit - 2025-03-13

2015/2016 Nanoscience Colloquia

The organiser of the 2015/2016 Nanoscience colloquia series was Andreas Wacker. October 6 2015, Tue 15:15, k-spaceProf. Michael A. FillerGeorgia Institute of TechnologySurface Chemical Choreography of Semiconductor Nanowire SynthesisHost: Kimberly Dick Thelander November 19 2015, Thu 15:15, k-spaceProf. Ali JaveyUC BerkeleyA direct thin-film path towards low-cost large-area III-V photovoltaics and - 2025-03-13

2016/2017 Nanoscience Colloquia

The organiser of the 2016/2017 Nanoscience colloquia series is Jesper Wallentin. October 12 2016, Wed 15:15, k-spaceDr. Werner ProstUniversity of Duisburg EssenLight Charge Interaction in Semiconductor NanowiresHost: Magnus Borgström and Kimberly Dick Thelander November 10 2016, Thu 15:15, k-spaceProf. Paul C. McIntyreStanford UniversityNanowire Structure, Luminescence Characteristics and Carrier - 2025-03-13

Spin-off companies

We aim to use the unique opportunities offered by nanoscience and nanotechnology to help address societal challenges. We strive to do pioneering science, we support innovation, and are very proud of all the different companies spun out of NanoLund. NanoLund’s success in pushing technologies to market derives from the focus on synthesis, production, and application of tailored nanostructures. These - 2025-03-13

Visitor Programs

The goal of outreach activities is to spread information about nanoscience and nanotechnology, including safety and sustainability aspects and opportunities to address important needs in society. This can be lab tours, lectures, but also practical exercises. Lab tours and lectures School classes or student groups that are interested to make an appointment for a tour are invited to contact our outr - 2025-03-13

Popular scientific presentations

Here you find links to video presentations as well as news articles related to for example nanoscience, nanotechnology and aerosol technology. New method to get nanodiamonds into living cells The researchers use gentle electrical pulses to widen pores in the cell membrane and then use hollow nanowires (similar to drinking straws, only smaller) to get the nanodiamonds into the cell. This does not h - 2025-03-13

Time-resolved Laser Spectroscopy

We have access to numerous laser spectroscopy setups for experiments in broad range of timescales including femto- and attosecond.  The instruments are handled by specialist in the divisions of Chemical Physics and Atomic Physics, both included in the Lund Laser Center (LLC).For further information about Laser Spectroscopy contact Tönu Pullerits: tonu [dot] pullerits [at] chemphys [dot] lu [dot] s - 2025-03-13

Example page

Just an example This page shows the layout of a page. To demonstrate all parts. Here the main text is. You can also have images here, either to the right and the left, or as a large image over the whole width.   Media Videos (Links to youtube)TedX talk on nanoenergyPopular science talk on nanothermoelectrics  Research seminar on Quantum dot heat enginesResearch seminar on Nanoscale Calorimetry wit - 2025-03-13

Enabling technology for 3D Heterointegration

The combination of materials and devices that traditionally do not go together can open a wide range of scientific and technical opportunities. Here we explore new processes and technology to combine advanced materials of high quality that can enable new physics and breakthroughs in system performance. We focus specifically on methods to integrate distinct materials and functionality on top of eac - 2025-03-13

STED microscopy

Two STED microscopes are installed at Solid State Physics. Both systems are equipped with a 775 nm STED laser, 560 and 633 nm excitation lasers, Star 580 and Star Red detection channels, 3D STED imaging, autofocus and Rescue imaging mode to minimize photobleaching. In addition, one system has Fluorescence lifetime and polarization imaging capabilities, the other system has near IR detection channe - 2025-03-13

Nanoparticle synthesis and assembly

Perfecting particles individually and collectively Multifunctional nanoparticles are synthesized via aerosol and solution-based methods, with tuning of e.g., semiconducting, magnetic and catalytic properties. Self-assembly into 1D, 2D, 3D and superlattice structures are explored for utilizing collective phenomena. Research areas:Aerosol-based nanoparticle generationPerovskite nanocrystal synthesis - 2025-03-13

Nanofabrication and industrial production

Production of, and with, nanostructures. We explore novel nanofabrication methods such as directed self-assembly and template-assisted crystal growth. Metal products and production methods have multiple synergies with nanostructured materials e.g., through integration of nanosensors. Processes such as oxidation, melting and deformation are studied at the nano and atomic scales. Research areas:Nano - 2025-03-13

Transport physics

Quantum transport in semiconductors We focus on experimental and theoretical studies of transport and quantum many-body physics, as well as on application aspects of nanostructures and quantum devices made from semiconductor heterostructures and nanowires, and emerging new materials. Quantum dots in nanowiresWe explore the physics of strongly confined quantum dots in semiconductor nanowires, forme - 2025-03-13

Quantum technology

On the verge of a second quantum revolution An ability to utilize quantum resources like the superposition of states and entanglement opens completely new perspectives for technology. The research focus of both experiment and theory is on generating and controlling long-lived coherent states and entanglement in different systems on the nanoscale. Research areas:Generating, manipulating and detecti - 2025-03-13

Quantum optics

Light particles interacting with matter Quantum optics describes how individual quanta of light, the photons, interact with atoms, molecules and larger pieces of matter. We focus on studies of light interacting with nanoscale systems, in both experiment and theory. Our motivation for this is to create and study hybridized quantum states between electrons and photons. We also aim for example to inc - 2025-03-13


High performance electronics are designed and implemented on the nanoscale. Smaller device geometries leads to higher operation frequencies, larger small signal gain and better packing density. We explore transistors close to the atomistic limit to implement high performance electronics devices for radio frequency (RF) and computation. Project areas: RF Nanowire Field Effect Transistors Transistor - 2025-03-13

Nanowire photovoltaics

Solar energy ~10 000 times today’s total global energy consumption impinges on Earth. Could we only convert a small fraction of all this energy to useful energy forms, our future energy supply is secured. Photovoltaics converts light to electricity and NW technologies have the potential to provide multi-bandgap materials otherwise not feasible and low material-consumption devices.   Nanowire array - 2025-03-13

Nanowire LEDs

Lighting and displays accounts for a major part of our energy consumption, and presently light emitting diodes are penetrating the market. A first political incentive towards developing more efficient devices was taken by abolishing incandescent lamps. However, much more efficient and longer lifetime lighting devices are present today, constructed by use of semiconductor based light emitting diode - 2025-03-13

Nanobio interactions and applications

We strive for a detailed understanding of the interactions between cells and nanostructures with respect to cell behavior, cell physiology and cell mechanics. This knowledge allows us to develop novel nanoscale devices with applications in biology and medicine, such as: - the development of nanowire devices that can interact with cells with minimal cell perturbation (e.g. for injection, nanobiopsy - 2025-03-13