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Geographic variations in possible risk factors for severe cardiac malformations

The aim of this study was to investigate various putative risk factors in a county in Sweden, described as having a 28% increased prevalence of cardiovascular malformations, and to compare them with the risk factors in two reference counties. Women giving birth in the studied counties differed in age and parity distribution, smoking, and educational level but these differences could not explain th

Hyrtl's anastomosis is normally developed in placentas from small for gestational age infants.

Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and appearance of the anastomosis between the two umbilical arteries in placentas from infants small for gestational age (SGA). Methods. The arterial systems of 64 placentas from singleton pregnancies resulting in SGA infants were visualized by angiography. The method allowed study of the anastomosis between the umbilical arterie

Continuous 24-hour measurement of middle ear pressure

A new method was developed for continuous measurement of the middle ear pressure during a 24-h period. The equipment consisted of a piezo-electric pressure device and a digital memory. To allow continuous pressure recordings during normal every-day activities the equipment was made light and portable. The measurement accuracy of the equipment as well as the base-line and temperature stability were

The observer as categoriser

This article concerns the rotation-translation hypothesis. Oscillations in pattern dynamics are shown to produce perspective transformations of motifs and themes. At the kinematic level, this condition has made it possible to extract different perspective orientations. As a result, it is shown that motifs carry intentional cues and locate structurally the observer’s thematic orientation. Since the

Biodiversity - Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100

Scenarios of changes in biodiversity for the year 2100 can now be developed based on scenarios of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate, vegetation, and Land use and the known sensitivity of biodiversity to these changes. This study identified a ranking of the importance of drivers of change, a ranking of the biomes with respect to expected changes, and the major sources of uncertainties.

High-Resolution Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis Strains by Multilocus Sequence Analysis.

Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis is limited by the low sequence variation in the genome, and no adequate method is available for analysis of the spread of chlamydial infections in the community. We have developed a multillocus sequence typing (MLST) system based on five target regions and compared it with analysis of ompA, the single gene most extensively used for genotyping. Sequence determina

Energy-based throughput analysis of packet radio networks

The increasing use of wireless technology utilizing unlicensed frequency bands calls for more in-depth analysis of interference and coexistence between systems. In this paper a framework is presented for detailed analysis of the performance of coexisting networks in shared frequency bands. The framework allows for multiple packet lengths to be used by the communicating devices and the analysis is

Relationship between anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody determined with conventional binding and the capture assay, and long-term clinical course in vasculitis

Objectives. To evaluate the relationship between anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) measured with two different methods and long-term clinical course in vasculitis. Design. Retrospective determination of ANCA with two different assays for detection of PR3-ANCA, conventional direct binding ELISA and capture ELISA using monoclonal antibodies against PR3. The 245 ANCA determinations were per

Bending the Kuznets Curve - Wrenching and Levelling Forces during Agricultural Transformation in Taiwan and Chile

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur förhåller sig ekonomisk tillväxt och fördelning till varandra när en ekonomi genomgår en strukturomvandlingsprocess? Denna klassiska frågeställning utgör det centrala problemet för denna avhandling. När Simon Kuznets i mitten av 1950-talet tog sig an samma fråga fann han med begränsade data att ekonomisk tillväxt förmodligen ökar inkomstklyftorna under en inledande What are the effects of growth on equality in a long-term perspective? What are the effects of different patterns of equality on subsequent growth? And why are these questions relevant for the understanding of economic development? These are the overriding questions posed in the dissertation. They are addressed in the context of long-term change from economic backwardness to modern economic growth

Tissue Factor in Transplantation -aspects on expression and inhibition

Organ transplantation provides a treatment of end-stage disease primarily in the kidney, liver and heart. The immunosuppressive treatment regimens of today efficiently prevent early acute rejection; however the long-term survival has not improved to the same extent. Within months/years the majority of transplanted organs develop chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD), associated with fibrosis and int

Selling sex in a population-based study of high school seniors in Sweden: Demographic and psychosocial correlates

Adolescents reporting selling sex for payment were studied with respect to socioeconomic background, perceived mental health and health behavior, antisocial behavior, sexual experiences, including sexual abuse and abusive behaviors, and the use of pornography. The sample consisted of a representative sample of 4,339 students (response rate, 77.2%) from the third year of upper secondary schools in

Changes of a non-specific defence mechanism in blood serum of piglets induced by prenatal and postnatal administration of alpha-ketoglutarate

The aim of this study was to establish the influence of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG), administered to pregnant sows from the 91(SI) d of pregnancy to farrowing, and then to piglets from birth to the 30(th) d of life, on lysozyme and ceruloplasmin activity, serum total protein content, and the WBC counts in blood of piglets, at the age of the 14(th) and 30(th) d of their postnatal life. The sows were

Topography and nociceptive receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the cerebellar anterior lobe in the cat

1. The cutaneous receptive fields of 225 climbing fibres projecting to the forelimb area of the C3 zone in the cerebellar anterior lobe were mapped in the pentobarbitoneanaesthetized cat. Responses in climbing fibres were recorded as complex spikes in Purkinje cells. 2. A detailed topographical organization of the nociceptive climbing fibre input to the C3 zone was found. In the medial C3 zone cli