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Perioperative serum cortisol levels in ACTH sufficient and ACTH deficient patients during transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary adenoma

Purpose: No previous study has analyzed serum cortisol levels during transsphenoidal endoscopic pituitary surgery in patients with and without hydrocortisone (HC) substitution. Methods: A total of 15 patients undergoing surgery for a pituitary adenoma were studied. Those with normal ACTH function were either not given HC (n = 7) or received 50 mg intravenous HC at the start of surgery (n = 4). Pat

Feasibility of simplifying renal dosimetry in 177Lu peptide receptor radionuclide therapy

Background: Recently, 177Lu-dotatate therapy for neuroendocrine tumours has received regulatory approval. Dosimetry can be used to optimize treatment on an individual basis, but there is no international consensus as to how it should be done. The aim of this study is to determine a feasible and accurate dosimetry method to guide individualized peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) for patie

Workplace relationships impact self-rated health : A survey of Swedish municipal health care employees

Background: The impact of positive social relationships on the health of municipal employees in the elder care sector in Sweden needs further examination. OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between health and relationships among elderly care employees using a salutogenic perspective. METHOD: Survey of all employees (n = 997) in special housing, home care and Disabled Support and Services in a S

Analysis of eyewitness testimony in a police shooting with fatal outcome–Manifestations of spatial and temporal distortions

Eyewitness statements are commonly used in the criminal justice system and viewed as having a high-probative value, especially when the witness has no motive to lie, other witness recollection corroborates the account, or the witness is highly confident. A fatal police shooting incident in Sweden had 13 witnesses (nine civilians and four police officers) and was also filmed with two mobile phones.

Algebraic reflections in geometric acoustics

Stochastic Ray tracing is one of the most widely used geometric acoustic algorithms, and excels primarily for modelling the late room response in high frequencies. A significant bottleneck of the algorithm is the high computational cost of testing rays for intersection with geometry, and the high amount of rays required for convergence. Several methods exist to reduce this cost by means of reducin

Phase-matched extreme-ultraviolet frequency-comb generation

Laser-driven high-order harmonic generation1,2 provides spatially3 and temporally4 coherent tabletop sources of broadband extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) light. These sources typically operate at low repetition rates, frep ≲ 100 kHz, where phase-matched HHG is readily achieved5,6. However, many applications demand the improved counting statistics or frequency-comb precision afforded by high repetition r

Re-compartmentalizing local policies? The translation and mediation of European structural funds in Sweden

The local governments of EU member countries are attracted to the possibility of receiving EU funding. However, as the governance structures of EU funds are complex and dynamic, municipalities are increasingly drawing on the knowledge and resources of ‘EU experts’ who mediate and provide project support. This article contributes to our understanding of how EU cohesion policy is translated through

Femtosecond and nanometre visualization of structural dynamics in superheated nanoparticles

The ability to observe ultrafast structural changes in nanoscopic samples is essential for understanding non-equilibrium phenomena such as chemical reactions, matter under extreme conditions, ultrafast phase transitions and intense light-matter interactions. Established imaging techniques are limited either in time or spatial resolution and typically require samples to be deposited on a substrate,

Cracking the Sugar Code by Mass Spectrometry : An Invited Perspective in Honor of Dr. Catherine E. Costello, Recipient of the 2017 ASMS Distinguished Contribution Award

The structural study of glycans and glycoconjugates is essential to assign their roles in homeostasis, health, and disease. Once dominated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometric methods have become the preferred toolbox for the determination of glycan structures at high sensitivity. The patterns of such structures in different cellular states now allow us to interpret the s

The role of therapy in impairing quality of life in dermatological patients : A multinational study

Skin disease and its therapy affect health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The aim of this study was to measure the burden caused by dermatological therapy in 3,846 patients from 13 European countries. Adult outpatients completed questionnaires, including the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), which has a therapy impact question. Therapy issues were reported by a majority of patients with ato

East versus West: Energy intensity in coal-rich Europe, 1800–2000

This paper presents a stylized graph of the energy intensities in two typical European sets of countries: the East and the West, in parallel to the existing research on the European North – South. The coal-rich West and East differ from the coal-poor South and North, in that their pattern is an inverted U-curve, while both North and South have consistently declining energy intensities. Energy inte

ϕ meson production at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

ϕ meson measurements provide insight into strangeness production, which is one of the key observables for the hot medium formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. ALICE measured ϕ production through its decay in muon pairs in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV in the intermediate transverse momentum range 2 < pT< 5 GeV/c and in the rapidity interval 2.5 < y< 4. The ϕ yield was measured as a functi

Effect of Gate Oxide Defects on Tunnel Transistor RF Performance

Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) are designed for low off-state leakage and low drive voltages. To investigate how capable TFETs are of RF operation, we measured their scattering parameters and performed small-signal modeling. We find that in the low frequency ranges, gate oxide defects have a major influence on the RF performance of these devices, which can be modeled by a frequency-depend

Retinoic acid signaling in thymic epithelial cells regulates thymopoiesis

Despite the essential role of thymic epithelial cells (TEC) in T cell development, the signals regulating TEC differentiation and homeostasis remain incompletely understood. In this study, we show a key in vivo role for the vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid (RA), in TEC homeostasis. In the absence of RA signaling in TEC, cortical TEC (cTEC) and CD80loMHC class IIlo medullary TEC displayed subset

Functional channel membranes for drinking water production

Drinking water production utilities rely on, among other processes, different filtration technologies like bank filtration and slow sand filters, as well as pressure, roughing, or rapid gravity filters that, together with low- and high-pressure operating membranes, help to ensure high quality drinking water for millions of customers all over the world. The global market of membrane separation tech

Reduced Prevalence of Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Very Preterm Infants Delivered after Maternal Preeclampsia

Background: Very preterm (VPT) delivery after severe preeclampsia (PE) has been associated with adverse perinatal outcome. It is unclear whether fetal exposure to PE per se modifies the prevalence of neonatal morbidities associated with VPT birth. Objectives: To evaluate neonatal morbidity in VPT infants exposed to maternal PE compared to morbidity in nonexposed VPT infants. Methods: This retrospe

Migration, Transnationalism, and Social Change in Central Asia: Everyday Transnational Lives of Uzbek Migrants in Russia

There is an extensive research that explores the reproduction of transnational communities and relations, with a particular focus on locality, identity and culture. However, the existing literature on transnational migration is largely based on the case studies of immigrant communities living in the United States and Western Europe, while not much has been said about the transnational practices of