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Managing Festival Stakeholders: Concepts and Case Studies
The medicine as a fetish. Or the meaning of magic feelings in trust relationships and self trust.
The Early State in Lombard Italy
Hälsoekonomisk utvärdering vid rekommendation av läkemedel
Henric Schartau
Ingen enskild person har utövat ett så djupgående inflytande som Henric Schartau (1757–1825) på kyrkolivet i södra och västra Sverige under 1800- och 1900-talen. Han gav själv inte ut sina skrifter, men av ingen annan svensk teologisk författare torde så mycket ha publicerats. Hans teologiska och kyrkliga ståndpunkt präglades av en ibland ensidig koncentration på det enda nödvändiga. Han gav namn
Room-temperature nanoelectronic logic devices with ballistic junctions
Model estimates of Holocene regional land-cover inferred from pollen records for climate modelling
Situated probing
In this position paper we present methodological considerations from a project in which we have collaborated with people with cognitive difficulties and university students. For people with considerable difficulties in communicating, a new means of expressing their dreams was required. Cultural probes were used to inspire, inform and surprise in the design process: situated probing.
Luminenscence study of self-trapped holes in pure and Fe or Mo doped ZnWO_4 crystals
Plant Major Intrinsic Proteins - natural variation and evolution
Popular Abstract in Swedish Livets minsta beståndsdel, cellen, omges av ett membran som avgränsar den från omvärlden. För att hålla den inre miljön kontrollerad måste cellen kunna styra transporten av olika ämnen över membranet, vilket görs med hjälp av olika proteiner. Dessa proteiner kan antingen vara energikrävande pumpar och transportörer som aktivt förflyttar substanser över membranet, eller Major Intrinsic Proteins (MIPs, also called Aquaporins, AQPs) are channel forming membrane proteins. Although initially functionally characterized and named after their water channeling property in human red blood cells, it has become increasingly evident that MIPs are present in all types of organisms and transport a variety of small, uncharged molecules besides water. MIPs have a highly conserve
Optical Studies of Single Quantum Dots
Popular Abstract in Swedish En halvledare är en kristall vars egenskaper till stor del bestäms av dess bandgap, som i någon mening kan ses som lägesenergin hos fria elektroner i kristallen. En kvantprick är en liten volym halvledarmaterial som är inbäddad i ett annat material med större bandgap. Det gör att volymen attraherar laddning eftersom elektroner (precis som allt annat) helst minimerar sinThis thesis presents spectroscopic studies of single self-assembled InP quantum dots (QDs). The electronic properties of these QDs have been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and scanning tunnelling luminescence (STL). The QDs were grown in the Stranski-Krastanow mode and were embedded in GaInP. This material is slightly n-type, giving a Fermi-level close to the conduction band edge at low temper
Agreeing passives in Finnish
Alberto Moravias De likgiltiga
Analysis of the novel "Gli indifferenti" by Italian novelist Alberto Moravia
Music, Lust and Modernity: Jazz in the Early Films of Ingmar Bergman
Tal till studenterna vid Högskolan i Karlskrona-Ronneby 1994
Solar electricity generation. A comparative view of technologies, costs and environmental impact
Värmegenerering och thermoplasticitet för stora töjningar
The Accident and the Brokenness of History: Updated November 2015
An article to be presented at the seminar “Breakdown and other Technological Phenomena”– directed by Professor Don Ihde to be held during the fall term of 2010 at the Techno-science Research Group; Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University Aristotle understood the word “accident” as an attribute of a class or a thing that is not essential. The word comes from Latin accidentum meaning “some