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Det inomobligatoriska medhjälparansvaret har länge ansetts bygga på oskrivna tillräknanderegler. Anta att B anlitar C för att utföra något som uppfyller B:s avtalsförpliktelse mot A och att C orsakar A skada genom handlingen eller underlåtelsen H. Frågan om B:s skadeståndsansvar mot A ska enligt dessa regler avgöras på samma sätt som om B själv hade företagit H. De centrala frågorna blir då om H s

What (H)IF isoform matters? : A deubiquitinase can tune the hypoxic response

Context-specific control mechanisms of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha in tumors exposed to oxygen shortage remain incompletely understood. In this issue, Zhang et al (2022) identify a deubiquitinase that differentially stabilizes HIF-2alpha in stem-like glioblastoma cells, suggesting potential implications for regulation of the hypoxic response in a wide array of

The GALAH Survey : chemical tagging and chrono-chemodynamics of accreted halo stars with GALAH+ DR3 and Gaia eDR3

Since the advent of Gaia astrometry, it is possible to identify massive accreted systems within the Galaxy through their unique dynamical signatures. One such system, Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE), appears to be an early 'building block' given its virial mass >1010M⊙ at infall (z ~ 1-3). In order to separate the progenitor population from the background stars, we investigate its chemical properties

First language matters : ERPs show crosslinguistic influence on the processing of placement verb semantics

Second language (L2) learners experience challenges when word meanings differ across L1 and L2, and often display crosslinguistic influence in speech production. In contrast, studies of online comprehension show more mixed results. Therefore, this study explored how L2 learners process fine-grained L2 verb semantics in the domain of caused motion (placement), and specifically the impact of having

Feather mites and internal parasites in small ground finches (geospiza fuliginosa, emberizidae) from the galapagos Islands (Equador)

During a parasite survey, we collected data on the presence and distribution of feather mites, intestinal parasites, and blood parasites of small ground finches (Geospiza fuliginosa) from 4 islands in the Galapagos. We recorded 4 species of feather mites, with the most common species, Trouessartia geospiza, present on the majority (77% 308/400) of individuals. Birds with high loads of T. geospiza

Rosiglitazone treatment enhances intracellular actin dynamics and glucose transport in hypertrophic adipocytes

Aims: To accommodate surplus energy, adipose tissue expands by increasing both adipose cell size (hypertrophy) and cell number (hyperplasia). Enlarged, hypertrophic adipocytes are known to have reduced insulin response and impaired glucose transport, which negatively influence whole-body glucose homeostasis. Rosiglitazone is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonist, known

The significance of trying : How organizational members meet the ambiguities of diversity

Abstract We address the uncertain outcomes of diversity work in organizations by showing that diversity management does not let itself be reduced to a matter of success and failure. Drawing upon theories of ambiguities in organizations and 2.5 years of longitudinal fieldwork in a Swedish municipality, we show that ambiguities characterize diversity work, including what diversity encompasses, the g

Ketamine inhibits TNF-α-induced cecal damage by enhancing RIP1 ubiquitination to attenuate lethal SIRS

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a sepsis-associated inflammatory state and a self-defense mechanism against specific and nonspecific stimuli. Ketamine influences many key processes that are altered during sepsis. However, the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. In this study, TNF-α-treated mice, as well as HT-29 and L929 cell models, were applied to characterize

Life weariness, suicidal thoughts and mortality : a sixteen-year longitudinal study among men and women older than 60 years

Background: Suicide in old age is a significant contributor to mortality. However, the extent to which life weariness and suicidal thoughts impact on mortality in a long-term perspective is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of life weariness and suicidal thoughts on long-term survival (16 years) in an older Swedish population, controlling for demographic and social netwo

ANAE staining pattern of rat lymphocytes : lack of correlation with lymphocyte subclasses

Lymphocytes from various lymphoid organs of WF and BN rats were isolated and stained for acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) activity. From all organs examined-peripheral blood, lymph nodes, and spleen-70-80% of the lymphocytes were stained for ANAE activity. After separation into B and non-B cells by affinity chromatography on anti-Ig columns, esterase-negative lymphocytes were detected i

Evolution of Insect Color Vision : From Spectral Sensitivity to Visual Ecology

Color vision is widespread among insects but varies among species, depending on the spectral sensitivities and interplay of the participating photoreceptors. The spectral sensitivity of a photoreceptor is principally determined by the absorption spectrum of the expressed visual pigment, but it can be modified by various optical and electrophysiological factors. For example, screening and filtering

A hot topic at the environment–health nexus : investigating the impact of climate change on infectious diseases

Climate change — the ultimate challenge of our time: COVID-19 pandemic aside, climate change is the ultimate challenge of our time. However, to date, there has been insufficient political thrust to make that much-needed climate action a reality. Climate change and infectious diseases: Infectious diseases represent only one facet of the threats arising from climate change. Direct impacts from clima

Quality of life in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving either docetaxel or sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. A multicentre randomised phase III trial by the Scandinavian breast group

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of two alternative chemotherapy regimes on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with advanced breast cancer. In a multicentre trial, 283 patients were randomised to receive either docetaxel (T) or sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (MF). QoL was assessed at baseline and before each treatment using the European Organization for Research

Timing of quality of life (QoL) assessments as a source of error in oncological trials

AIM OF THE STUDY: To produce an empirical estimate of the nature and magnitude of the error produced by incorrect timing quality of life (QoL) measurements in patients receiving chemotherapy.DESIGN: In a multicentre trial, 283 patients were randomized to receive either docetaxel (T) or sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (MF). The QoL was assessed at baseline and before each treatment using

Diffuse back-illumination temperature imaging (DBI-TI), a novel soot thermometry technique

To meet stringent emissions regulations on soot emissions, it is critical to further advance the fundamental understanding of in-cylinder soot formation and oxidation processes. Among several optical techniques for soot quantification, diffuse back-illumination extinction imaging (DBI-EI) has recently gained traction mainly due to its ability to compensate for beam steering, which if not addressed