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Our lab facilities

We provide a variety of solutions for tomography and imaging of samples of different sizes and in different environments. Our two tomographs offer the possibility to rapidly image larger samples, or perform a more in-depth high resolution scan of smaller objects. The 4D Imaging lab at Lund University is specialised in 3D and 4D imaging of a wide variety of samples. The facilities are located at th - 2025-03-11

Contact us

Lund is located in the south west of Sweden close to Malmö and Copenhagen. The Lund University 4D Imaging Lab is located together with the LTH Division of Solid Mechanics. Currently the lab and office spaces are in the old MAXLAB building adjacent to the "M-building" at the LTH campus. For directions to the entrance of the 4D Imaging lab, copy and paste the following Plus Code in Google Maps as th - 2025-03-11

In-situ environments

Advanced solutions for demanding sample environments and in-situ testing We can provide a wide range of solutions for various types of in-situ tests, as well as accommodate samples with specific demands for the sample environment. The in-situ sample environments are available for use with both the 3D x-ray microscope (Zeiss XRM520) and the RX Solutions EasyTom150 micro x-ray tomograph. If a unique - 2025-03-11

Lund University 4D Imaging Lab

About the 4D Imaging Lab Read about our equipment, book a time or contact us Lab facilities Technical specifications of the available equipment for tomography Contact us Contact us at the 4D Imaging Lab Apply for time Apply for time at the 4D Imaging Lab Our research Publications related to the 4D imaging lab Characterization of damage mechanisms in cortical bone: Quantification of fracture resist - 2025-03-11


ForskningsansvarigPia LundqvistE-post: pia [dot] lundqvist [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (pia[dot]lundqvist[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)Telefon: 046-2221828ForskningsadministratörMagnus C PerssonE-post: magnus_c [dot] persson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (magnus_c[dot]persson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)KommunikatörJon UlvsgärdE-post: jon [dot] ulvsgard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (jon[dot]ulvsgard[at]med[dot]lu[dot] - 2025-03-11

Immunology and Infection Biology BIOR88

15 credits The aim of the course is that the student after completing the course should have acquired knowledge, skills and abilities regarding both pathogenic microorganisms and the immune system's function at the molecular and cellular level. The student shall also understand host-pathogen interactions and the infection processes from both a mechanistic and an evolutionary perspective. During th - 2025-03-11

Limnology and Marine Ecology - Concepts and Processes BIOR87

15 credits The course contains several components that focus on aquatic ecological and evolutionary theory.  Through a combination of lectures and experiments the students acquire knowledge of e.g. bacteria production, primary production, competition, predator-prey interactions, migration and distribution patterns in time and space and which consequences these processes have for the function of aq - 2025-03-11

Limnology and Marine Ecology - Organisms and Habitats BIOR86

15 credits The aim of the course is that the student should acquire an overall view on organisms and abiotic preconditions in aquatic systems from source to sea. The first part of the course includes the physical and chemical properties of water, species in the different organism groups and relationships in and between populations and their environment. Effects of human impact on aquatic ecosystem - 2025-03-11

Methods in Molecular Biology BIOR79

15 credits The course was offered for the last time autumn 2023 Course descriptionThe aim of the courseThe aim of the course is that the students should assimilate:a substantial theoretical basis to understand key experimental techniques used in modern molecular biology research;a practical experience in some of these methods, as well as skills to analyse and present experimental data both in oral - 2025-03-11

Microbiology BIOR18

15 credits Course description Why study microbiology? Although the study of microorganisms is an old and important discipline, it has gone through a rapid development in recent years that has transformed it into a highly dynamic field that influences most aspects of modern biology. New technology allows us to study important and fascinating questions regarding the microbial life and its importance - 2025-03-11

Microscopy – Bio-Imaging BIOS08

7,5 credits Course description There has been a dramatic development of microscopical methods for visualization of biological structures and physiological events. Microscopy has become an increasingly important tool in cell and molecular biology, as well as in many other areas of biology. This course gives an introduction to the use of microscopy-based methods in life science today. It is given fo - 2025-03-11

Modelling Biological Systems BIOS13

7,5 credits This course is well suited for masters students at the department of Biology interested in biological modelling, how models work and what they are good for. It is suited for all biology students - we try to include examples from many fields of biology. Nature is complex and often several factors interact also in seemingly simple processes. Models are useful tools to disentangle complic - 2025-03-11

Molecular Biotechnology BIOR31

15 credits Replaced by BIOR94 Molecular Biotechnology and Methods from spring 2025 Course descriptionWho should take this courseThis course is an advanced course in the subject areas of Biology and Molecular Biology and is appropriate for students who focus on Molecular Biology, Bioengineering, Biomedicine and similar topics. There is a special focus on applied aspects within Molecular Biology and - 2025-03-11

Molecular Ecology and Evolution BIOR25

15 credits Molecular DNA techniques are nowadays widely used and instrumental tools in a wide range of applications from conservation biology to evolutionary ecology. You will learn how to use such methods, in the lab and in computer-based analyses, and to read scientific papers using molecular techniques. It is a practically oriented course providing the basics for DNA analyses in any kind of fre - 2025-03-11

Master's degree programmes

Programme 120 credits | 2 years | Master's degree Our programmes offers broad training at the frontier of research. Several of our research groups are world-leading in their topics, and as our teachers are active researchers you will get involved in ongoing projects during your studies. Our courses are teaching-intensive with lectures, seminars, theoretical and practical exercises as well as self- - 2025-03-11

Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes BIOR95/BIOR49

15 credits Course descriptionIn this course we focus on genetic information and its different molecular aspects. You will study the structure of DNA and chromatin, and develop an understanding for how the expression of genetic information is regulated. You will engage yourself in the questions concerning how the DNA is maintained, organized and evolving. The course is research oriented, and we put - 2025-03-11

Molecular Microbiology BIOR63

15 credits Course description This course focuses on the molecular basis of bacterial, structure, physiology, genetics, and regulatory mechanisms. Bacteria make up the foundation of the biosphere and sustain all life on earth. They have the amazing ability to grow in extreme conditions and to grow slowly or rapidly. Current estimates of the number of bacterial species range from 1 to 1000 million. - 2025-03-11

Mosses, Lichen, Fungi - Biodiversity and Conservation BIOR11

15 credits The organism groups formerly known as Cryptogams – mosses, liverworts, lichen and fungi – are particularly diverse in Scandinavia. They are common and often dominant in a wide range of natural habitats. Therefore, Cryptogams have received much attention in practical conservation work during recent years. For example, so called ’signal species’ have been intensively used to identify ’key - 2025-03-11

Neurobiology BIOR58

15 credits Course description Neurobiology is an internationally important research field where biological basic research and medical research come very close. We teach an introductory course that will allow you to continue with more specialized courses, a degree project and start your own research or get a position in one of the large biomedical companies. At the same time, if you do not want to - 2025-03-11

Ornithology BIOR51

15 credits Course description The course provides a solid foundation for identifying and studying birds in the field and the hand. You will get basis knowledge about how to study birds, both as basic and applied research. The course suits those who plan a research career using birds as study subjects, but also those who want to broaden their biological scope about birds in general. Also those who - 2025-03-11