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Completeness of certain compact Lorentzian locally symmetric spaces

We show that a compact Lorentzian locally symmetric space is geodesically complete if the Lorentzian factor in the local de Rham–Wu decomposition is of Cahen–Wallach type or if the maximal flat factor is one-dimensional and time-like. Our proof uses a recent result by Mehidi and Zeghib and an earlier result by Romero and Sánchez.

Fastighetsvärdering - Om värdeteori och värderingsmetoder

Det här är en lärobok om hur fastigheter får sitt värde och hur detta värde kan bedömas. Med utgångspunkt i nationalekonomisk teori beskrivs en värdeteori för fastigheter som förklarar hur fastighetsvärden uppstår ur mänskliga behov. Det förklaras hur värdena också påverkas av hur fastigheters användning regleras i lag och politik. Från värdeteorin går boken över till värderingsteori och beskriver

Locally conservative and flux consistent iterative methods

Conservation and consistency are fundamental properties of discretizations of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. Here, these concepts are extended to the realm of iterative methods by formally defining locally conservative and flux consistent iterations. These concepts are of both theoretical and practical importance: Based on recent work by the authors, it is shown that pseudo-time iteratio

Impact of magnitude uncertainties on seismic catalogue properties

Catalogue-based studies are of central importance in seismological research, to investigate the temporal, spatial and size distribution of earthquakes in specified study areas. Methods for estimating the fundamental catalogue parameters like the Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) b-value and the completeness magnitude (Mc) are well established and routinely applied. However, the magnitudes reported in seismi

Adaptive reuse and shared spaces as circular business models

Circular economy (CE) is still a nascent research field in the built environment, however, has gained traction in the last decade. Despite it being generally accepted that sustainability consists of three dimensions, namely, social, environmental, and economic, CE has been criticised for focusing on environmental and economic impact whilst neglecting the social aspect. Further, CE has been critici

Isolation of a New Efficient Dye Decolorizing White Rot Fungus Cerrena Sp. WICC F39

Lignin degrading system of white rot fungi and its exploitation in the decolorization of synthetic dyes has been used in a wide array for human benefits. In this study, decolorization of two model synthetic dyes, Reactive Black 5 (RB5) and Methylene Blue (MB) with the ability of Kraft lignin degradation were investigated using new fungal isolates from Malaysian soils. The most potent isolates WICC

Carbon Emissions Trading in China : Law, Policy and Mechanisms

Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) have been hailed as a game changer for the evolving climate crisis. This book provides an in-depth analysis of China’s carbon ETS, including its legal and policy frameworks, carbon market mechanisms, and international and comparative implications.With nine cutting-edge topics divided into three thematic parts, this comprehensive book probes the essential concepts, c

Developing the Angantyr model and extending colour reconnection for heavy-ion collisions in Pythia

This thesis is composed of four papers, the first two show the attempts made to extend the Pythia event generator to simulate heavy-ion collision events. The other two papers show methods to improve the hadronization mechanism in the Pythia model for a bettter agreement with the experimental data of pp and heavy-ion collisions.Paper I introduces a new model named Angantyr for heavy-ion collision e

Inget nytt om Sverige under andra världskriget : Landet utanför – Sverige och kriget 1940–1942 - Henrik Berggren

Myriader av forskare har befattat sig med andra världskriget och dess verkningar i Sverige och Henrik Berggren har inget nytt att komma med i den andra delen av en planerad trilogi. Även betraktad som en popularisering tillför den inte mycket. Berggrens ambition har varit att inte tadla och inte frikänna, men det är kanske inte möjligt att skriva om andra världskriget utan att ha de stora moralfrå

The Impact of Internet and Gaming Addiction on Women and Gender Minorities in Sweden and Europe

Equality between men and women has also affected women in non-expected ways. Today, the prevalence of female substance abuse is slowly approaching the male level. A similar trend has been seen in gambling with increased numbers of women gambling and developing problems but also seeking help for problems related to gambling. There is reason to believe the same is applicable for gaming. Several stud

Disfluencies in spontaneous speech in persons with low-grade glioma before and after surgery

Impaired lexical retrieval is common in persons with low-grade glioma (LGG). Several studies have reported a discrepancy between subjective word-finding difficulties and results on formal tests. Analysis of spontaneous speech might be more sensitive to signs of word-finding difficulties, hence we aimed to explore disfluencies in a spontaneous-speech task performed by participants with presumed LGG

På jakt efter legitimitet

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera biltillverkares hållbarhetsredovisning med hjälp av legitimitetsteorin för att bidra till förståelse av hur legitimitet skapas i hållbarhetsrapporter. Frågeställningar: Hur uppstår legitimitet i hållbarhetsredovisning genom transparens och mål? Hur uppstår legitimitet i hållbarhetsredovisning genom koder och principer? Hur uppstår legitimitet genom s