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Your search for "*" yielded 531679 hits

Dynamics of charge pair generation in ladder-type poly(para-phenylene) at different excitation photon energies

Generation of charge pairs in a ladder-type poly(para-phenylene) was investigated by means of electric field modulated femtosecond pump-probe absorption spectroscopy upon excitation at 3.1 and 4.66 eV. Exciting at 3.1 eV in the optical S-0-->S-1 transition, the number of geminately bound electron-hole pairs rises smoothly within the entire exciton life time. Upon excitation at 4.66 eV an instantan

Not letting the disease get the upper hand over life: strategies of teens with asthma

Adolescence is a period when teens normally revolt against being dependent. For teens with asthma this period may be even more difficult to deal with, as they also have to deal with their illness. Since few studies describe this phenomenon, the aim of this study was to provide a theoretical understanding of how teens with asthma manage their everyday life in relation to their disease. A grounded t

Swedish-Lithuanian telemedicine Litmed project in otolaryngology

Telemedicine is becoming a reality as a result of improvements in technology and telecommunications. The task of the otolaryngological part of the pilot international telemedicine Litmed project was devoted to the establishment of telemedicine training and demonstration facilities in cooperation between the Departments of Otolaryngology of the Kaunas University of Medicine (Lithuania) and the Lund

Invasion and Proliferation in Malignant Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Två händelser i tumörutvecklingen för en tumörcell är att erhålla okontrollerad celltillväxt och invasiva egenskaper. Detta tillåter tumöran att växa in i den omkringliggande vävnaden. I denna avhandling har vi specifikt studerat p16 och ERK1/2 med speciell fokus på förhållandet mellan invasion och proliferation i hudcancer och bröstcancer. Basalcellscancer har ett disTwo key events in the oncogenic process of tumor cells are to acquire uncontrolled proliferation and invasive properties. This allows the tumor to grow and invade beyond the tissue from which the tumor cells originate. We here specifically studied p16 and ERK1/2 with special focus on and the relation to proliferation and invasion in non-melanoma skin cancer and in breast cancer. In a model system

Ifrågasatta fäder : Olika bilder av fäder till socialt utsatta barn

Popular Abstract in Swedish Faderskap är en familjepolitisk angelägenhet där staten går in och intervenerar och på så sätt fostrar fäder. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att uppmuntra fadersnärvaro och att förmå frånvarande fäder att ta ansvar för sina barn. Detta ger oss en bild av vad som uppfattas som bra fäder och vad som avviker från normen. Den sociala barnavården är en kontext som verkar inom den soThis dissertation deals with fathers of children subjected to child welfare investigations. They are "fathers called into question" and their fatherhood is not very much investigated so far. The dominating picture is that the fathers are absent, to their children as well as in research and social work literature. Two Swedish contexts are presented. These represent different interpretations of "the

Biomolecule Separation Using Temperature-Induced Phase Separation with Recycling of Phase-Forming Polymers

We review our recent work on the thermoseparating polymers in aqueous two-phase extractions of biomolecules. Random copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide (EOPO copolymers) are thermoseparating in water solution, i.e., at temperatures above the cloud point a concentrated copolymer phase and a water phase almost free of copolymer are formed. This phase behavior makes it possible to recycl

Mesenchymal stem cell content of human vertebral bone marrow

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of down-regulating alloimmune responses and promoting the engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells. MSCs may therefore be suitable for improving donor-specific tolerance induction in solid-organ transplantation. Cells from cadaveric vertebral bone marrow (V-BM), aspirated iliac crest-BM, and peripheral blood progenitor cells were compared. Cells were charac

International Asset Pricing, Diversification and Links between National Stock Markets

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av tre empiriska uppsatser inom internationell finansiell ekonomi. Den ekonometriska gemensamma nämnaren är att samtliga använda modeller är av komplex multivariat natur. Därför föreslås att de ekonometriska modellerna estimeras med hjälp av simulated annealing, en stokastisk optimeringsalgoritm som potentiellt löser de problem som vanligtvis är förkThis thesis consists of three self-contained empirical studies on international financial economics. The common economic theme is that all three studies deal with international stock market return and risk. The common econometric theme is that all estimations are performed using simulated annealing, a stochastic optimization algorithm in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo family, in an attempt to solve

Att gestalta en region : Källornas strategier och mediernas föreställningar om Öresund

Popular Abstract in Swedish NÄR ÖRESUNDSBRON INVIGDES ÅR 2000 nådde förväntningarna på dansk-svensk integration sin kulmen. Prognoser och framtidsspekulationer haglade. Nyhetsbrev, reklamkampanjer, webbplatser och konferenser producerades på löpande band. Öresundsbron förenade Öresundsregionen. Öresundsregionen förenade skåningar och själlänningar. Tillsammans skulle de forna broderfolken skapa enThe Öresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden was inaugurated in the year 2000, connecting the city of Malmö and the Danish capital Copenhagen. The bridge was an important move towards the visionary realisation of a transnational Öresund Region. In this dissertation the communicative aspects of the regional process are put in focus. The vision of the Öresund Region that developed during the 1990s

Connectivity can be used to identify key genes in DNA microarray data: a study based on gene expression in nasal polyps before and after treatment with glucocorticoids

Conclusions. The presented analysis of nasal polyposis using connectivity based on the PubGene literature co-citation network demonstrates that this tool can be used to identify key genes in DNA microarray studies of human polygenic diseases. Objectives. DNA microarray studies of complex diseases may reveal differential expression of hundreds of genes. According to network theory and studies of ye

Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader : generell metod för fuktdimensionering av byggnader

Två tillämpningsexempel visar att den beskrivna fuktdimensioneringsmetoden är praktiskt genomförbar både när det gäller övergripande anvisningar (s k generella checklistor) för olika byggnadsdelar och för exakt definierade kontrollpunkter för en enskild byggnadsdelar (s k projekteringschecklista som redovisar ett oventilerat varmtak med papp eller dukar av gummi eller plast). De anvisningar som fi

Pain and quality of life among older people with rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis: a literature review.

The aim of this study was to review the research literature on pain and quality of life (QoL) and the relationship between these variables among people aged 75 years and above with rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis. A Medline and CINAHL search was carried out using MeSH terms rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, QoL and pain in various combinations. Seventeen articles were identified tha

Effect of a conjugated carbonyl group on the photophysical properties of carotenoids

Effects of introducing a carbonyl group into the conjugation system of carotenoids were studied for four naturally occurring carotenoids: peridinin, fucoxanthin, siphonaxanthin and spheroidenone. The conjugated carbonyl group affects energetics and dynamics of all these carotenoids in a similar way, although the magnitude of the changes depends strongly on the carotenoid structure. Firstly, presen

Dentistry in Sweden - Healthy work or ruthless efficiency?

The general objective of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the organization of Sweden's Public Dental Health Service (PDHS) and the problems it has faced, e.g. dentists’ job dissatisfaction. This is done against the background of the historical development of the Service. The thesis comprises five papers, based on two empirical studies. Questionnaires were used for both studies: respon