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A frequency domain condition for stability of interconnected MIMO systems

Analysis of interconnected dynamical systems is considered. A framework for the analysis of stability of the interconnection is given. The results of Fax and Murray that studies the SISO-case for a constant interconnection matrix are generalized to the MIMO-case where arbitrary interconnection is allowed. The analysis shows the existence of a separation principle that is very useful in the sense o

The effect of moisture content of water trapped in wood joints

To predict the service life of a structure, a model where the exposure of a structure is compared to its resistance can be used. Which exposure and resistance parameters that are relevant depend on which materials the structure consist of. This approach, with an exposure and a resistance parameter, is similar to the one used in structural engineering where a load (exposure) is compared to the bear

Network formation of graphene oxide in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) nanocomposites

Polyhydroxy alkanoates (PHAs) are bio-based, biodegradable and sustainable polyesters that are produced naturally by different types of bacteria. Recently, interest in these materials has gained strongly to broaden their application range, by modifying their properties through blending and/or using nanofillers. In this contribution we will focus on the modification of Poly[3-hydroxybutyrate] (PHB)

The place of the picture in the development of human beings.

In proposing their theories concerning the development of humans out of the higher primates, psychologists and neurologists such as Deacon, Tomasello and Donald have, each in his peculiar way, accomplished “a semiotic turn”. But these attempts leave at lot to be desired. Most notably, perhaps, they are all (with the exception of Donald, to some degree) incapable of assigning a place to the picture

Vätskeresuscitering och nutrition vid svår akut pankreatit - ju mer desto bättre?

Introduktion: Svår akut pankreatit (SAP) är ännu behäftad med hög morbiditet och mortalitet. Initial vätskeresuscitering är av stort värde; nivån liksom nutritionsform och kaloritillförsel är oklar. Retrospektivt studerades korrelation vätsketillförsel och nutrition mot utfall vid SAP. Metod: 179 patienter med SAP, definierat som förekomst av pankreasnekros, CRP > 150, lång vårdtid eller mortalit