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En fallstudie av personalomsättning på ett Telecomföretag: att stanna eller inte stanna, det är frågan

Hög personalomsättning har varit och är fortfarande ett stort problem inom ett flertal branscher. Tidigare forskning har visat på negativa konsekvenser såsom ekonomiska kostnader och ojämn kvalité i arbetet som utförts. Intressant var därför att undersöka ett företag inom en av branscherna med hög personalomsättning för att se vad konsekvensen innebar för företaget, samt vilka faktorer som påverka

Antitrust Damages Actions in the EU; A Real Possibility or Wishful Thinking?

According to traditional economic theory an environment with free competition is seen as the only environment where optimal allocation of resources and thus a maximizing of consumer welfare and economic growth can be achieved. Successful enforcement of Competition law is considered vital for the achievement of its objectives. Throughout the history of the EU the enforcement of Competition law has

Effective Implementation of the Core ILO Standards at the National Level (Comparative Study between Sweden and Lithuania)

By ratifying ILO Conventions, ILO Member States undertake to bring national legislation and practice into full compliance with these international labour instruments. However, the question remains whether the countries actually implement their international commitments. The assessment of national compliance with the ratified ILO Standards may help to find out the good practices to be followed by

Risk- och kostnadsvärdering av alternativa brandskyddslösningar.

This paper deals with the concept of trade-off and comparisons between different fire protection alternatives. Fire protection regulations concerning the building process and the nuclear power industry are being discussed. Different methods of decision analysis as well as risk analysis and uncertainty analysis are presented. A method of how to make quantitative risk and cost assessment between dif

Samhällsomfattande posttjänster - en komparativ studie av svensk och brittisk tillämpning av artiklarna 3 – 7 i postdirektivet

Denna uppsats jämför de lagstiftningstekniker som valdes av Sverige respektive Storbritannien för att implementera den del av Postdirektivet som omfattar de samhällsomfattande posttjänsterna och vilka resultat respektive land har uppnått. Den utvärderar även EU:s val av regleringsmetod. Motivet bakom Postdirektivet, som trädde ikraft 1997, var EU:s vilja att försäkra invånarna tillgång till samhäThis essay compares the different ways that Sweden and Great Britain respectively chose to implement the part of the Postal Directive that include the universal services and the results that have been achieved by each country. It also evaluates the EU's choice of regulatory approach. The motive behind the Postal Directive, which came into force in 1997, was the EU's desire to assure resid

"Three Good Things Exercise" som en teknik för att öka det subjektiva välbefinnandet och minska depressiva symptom: en interventionsstudie med distriktssköterskor

To feel good is something most of us strive for in life. Research has shown that it is possible to increase subjective well-being by use of different self-help techniques from the field of positive psychology. The aim of this study was to investigate if it is possible to decrease depressive symptoms and increase the subjective well-being in a group of district nurses by applying a self-help techni