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A new challenge for objective uncertainties and the propensity theorist
The paper is concerned with the existence of objective uncertainties. What would it take for objective uncertainties to exist, and what would be the consequences for our understanding of the world we live in? We approach these questions by considering two common theories on how we are to understand the being of propensities and how it pertains to possible outcomes that remain unmanifested. It is aThe paper is concerned with the existence of objective uncertainties. What would it take for objective uncertainties to exist, and what would be the consequences for our understanding of the world we live in? We approach these questions by considering two common theories on how we are to understand the being of propensities and how it pertains to possible outcomes that remain unmanifested. It is a
Remissvar till rektorsämbetet: Tillträde för nybörjare – ett öppnare och enklare system för tillträde till högskoleutbildning (SOU 2017:20)
Relationship of Platelet Reactivity With Bleeding Outcomes During Long-Term Treatment With Dual Antiplatelet Therapy For Medically Managed Patients With Non-St-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Background--The relationship between "on-treatment" low platelet reactivity and longitudinal risks of major bleeding dual antiplatelet therapy following acute coronary syndromes remains uncertain, especially for patients who do not undergo percutaneous coronary intervention. Methods and Results--We analyzed 2428medicallymanaged acute coronary syndromes patients fromthe Targeted Platelet Inhibition
Vid ruinens tröskel: folkrätten som doktrin och disciplin
Private Scarabs from Gebel el-Silsila found during Excavations in the New Kingdom Necropolis
The current paper is aimed as a primary publication of eight scarabs assembled by the Swedish-Egyptian excavation team between 2015 and 2016, found in private tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty necropolis at Gebel el-Silsila East. Each entry includes information about field number, dimensions, material, description, inscription, and dating if possible. Typology conclusions are based on comparisons to
Managing soil natural capital : a prudent strategy for adapting to future risks
Farmers are exposed to substantial weather and market related risks. Rational farmers seek to avoid large losses. Future climate change and energy price fluctuations therefore make adaptating to increased risks particularly important for them. Managing soil natural capital—the capacity of the soil to generate ecosystem services of benefit to farmers—has been proven to generate the double dividend:
Saint Ingrid
Concordance between different amyloid immunoassays and Visual amyloid positron emission tomographic assessment
IMPORTANCE: Visual assessment of amyloid positron emission tomographic (PET) images has been approved by regulatory authorities for clinical use. Several immunoassays have been developed to measure β-amyloid (Aβ) 42 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The agreement between CSF Aβ42 measures from different immunoassays and visual PET readings may influence the use of CSF biomarkers and/or amyloid PET ass
Current pharmacologic approaches in painful bladder research : An update
The symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS) may have multiple causes and involve many contributing factors. Traditional treatments (intravesical instillations) have had a primary focus on the bladder as origin of symptoms without adequately considering the potential influence of other local (pelvic) or systemic factors. Systemic pharmacological treatments have had modest
Oxygen consumption in platelets as an adjunct diagnostic method for pediatric mitochondrial disease
Diagnosing mitochondrial disease (MD) is a challenge. In addition to genetic analyses, clinical practice is to perform invasive procedures such as muscle biopsy for biochemical and histochemical analyses. Blood cell respirometry is rapid and noninvasive. Our aim was to explore its possible role in diagnosing MD.MethodsBlood samples were collected from 113 pediatric patients, for whom MD was a diff
Dynamic Allocation or Diversification : A Regime-Based Approach to Multiple Assets
This article investigates whether regime-based asset allocation can effectively respond to changes in financial regimes at the portfolio level in an effort to provide better long-term results when compared to a static 60/40 benchmark. The potential benefit from taking large positions in a few assets at a time comes at the cost of reduced diversification. The authors analyze this trade-off in a mul
The Materiality of Affect in North Africa: Politics in Flux: Workshop and roundtable report
Internremiss ingiven till Utbildningsnämnden: Kvalitetssäkring och kvalitetsutveckling av utbildning vid Lunds universitet
Performance and manufacturability tradeoffs of different electrical machine designs
This work addresses the manufacturability challenges in traction machine production systems and design. The tradeoffs between performance and manufacturability of a heavy duty traction machine for buses and trucks, are investigated for four different winding designs, with multiple stator combinations, all using the same interior permanent magnet rotor. We present an analysis of electromagnetic, th
Climate warming and land-use changes drive broad-scale floristic changes in Southern Sweden
Land-use changes, pollution and climate warming during the 20th century havecaused changes in biodiversity across the world. However, in many cases, the environmental drivers are poorly understood. To identify and rank the drivers currentlycausing broad-scale floristic changes in N Europe, we analysed data from two vascularplant surveys of 200 randomly selected 2.5 9 2.5 km grid-squares in Scania,
Visual adaptations for mate detection in the male carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa
Sexual dimorphism in eye structure is attributed to sexual selection in animals that employ vision for locating mates. In many male insects, large eyes and eye regions of higher acuity are believed to facilitate the location of females. Here, we compare various features of male and female eyes in three sympatric carpenter bee species, which include two diurnal species (Xylocopa tenuiscapa and X. l
A 6-Week Web-Based osteoarthritis treatment program : Observational quasi-experimental study
Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of disability, with a burden of disease estimated to increase over time. Joint Academy, a Web-based treatment for individuals with clinically verified knee or hip OA, was developed to increase access to and facilitate implementation of evidence-based nonsurgical OA treatment in accordance with international guidelines. Objective: The