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Vokalfält och formantfrekvenser hos barn med svenska som modersmål i årskurs 3, 4 och 5

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka formantfrekvenser F1 och F2 i svenskans nio långa vokaler /ɑː, ɛː, uː, oː, iː, eː, øː, yː, ʉː/ samt avstånd mellan vokaler /i, ɛ, ɑ, u/ i vokalfält hos barn med typisk talspråksutveckling som hade svenska som modersmål i årskurs 3, 4 och 5. Normaldata för F1 och F2 är relevant då flera kliniska grupper har rapporterats avvika för dessa akustiska mått. Metod:Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine formant frequencies F1 and F2 for the nine long vowels in Swedish /ɑː, ɛː, uː, oː, iː, eː, øː, yː, ʉː/ and the distance between vowels /i, ɛ, ɑ, u/ in the vowel space of children with typical speech development who had Swedish as a first language, in grades 3, 4 and 5. Norm data for F1 and F2 are relevant since several clinical groups have been reporte

Simulating UAV Flight in Augmented Reality

Vi presenterar en simulator-applikation där användarna kan lära sig att flyga drönare. Tack vare en innovativ användning av augmented reality (AR) skapas en verklighetstrogen flygupplevelse. De första flygsimulatorerna började dyka upp i början av 1900-talet och har sedan dess utvecklats till en central del av nästan all flygutbildning. Modern teknologi gör att simulatorerna kan utformas på ett sThis thesis describes the design and development of a UAV simulator application prototype, which uses augmented reality technology and runs on a tablet device. The purpose of the application is to act as a complementary educational tool for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilots in training. The field of commercial unmanned aviation is rapidly growing, and with it the need for structured and standar

Challenges for adoption of Data Democratization: A study of users’ perception of BI usage

This research investigates the subject of Data Democratization (DD), the effect it has on fact-based decision-making, and how users perceive this within the organization. DD is a fairly new initiative, empowering more employees with increased access to data to improve their use of it and to a greater extent be able to make decisions based on data. The idea for this paper originated from the lack o

Bias in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Systems: Analyzing the risks and contributors from a data perspective

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing to take over decision making in different industries, the threat that comes with the use of these systems is also increasing. One major threat is the risk of these systems acting biased, causing discrimination to parts of the population. To tackle the risk of AI systems acting biased it is important to understand how these biases originate in the firs

Doing the Doughnut: Exploring how Swedish multinationals develop sustainable innovations to drive transformation

This qualitative study explores whether sustainable innovation by multinational enterprises (MNEs) can lead to the transformation of existing regimes through the lens of innovation theory and doughnut economics. The study proposes a conceptual framework to evaluate the practices of businesses and the findings chart how sustainable innovation occurs within two multinational enterprises. Overall, th

The Individualised Swedish Pension System: A qualitative study on foreign-born women's retirement planning

The Swedish pension reform in the 1990s introduced several individualistic features and a debate has emerged on the implications of the structure and if policymakers behind the reform had unrealistic assumptions on economic behaviour. Given the potential negative implications of the current structure and the projections on how foreign-born women is at risk of receiving future low pensions, a quali

A modular switching system as a flexible charging solution for a logistics terminal

The ambition to move road transport from fossil fuels to electric energy is a large undertaking. One of the biggest challenges with making the trucks fully electric is to charge them. They are usually operated daytime, and the operations gives very little time for charging resulting in the power needed for daytime charging being in the high 100s of kW. A desired system implemented at the terminal

LGBTQ+ People & Disasters - A Queer Human Rights-Based Critique of Vulnerability

Climate change and hazard events pose an existential threat to human rights. Hazard events were traditionally viewed as ‘natural disasters’ which were beyond our control and the people caught up in them were unfortunate victims to the unstoppable force of nature. Disasters are not natural; we can choose to prevent them and assist vulnerable populations. This recognition has led to the development

Evaluating vegetation carbon storage by primary forests in Sweden using LPJ-GUESS

Over the past 200 years, the structure of forests in Sweden has changed drastically, with forestry becoming the dominant land use. This has led to the loss of primary forests, which has major impacts on different ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Primary forests are unique ecosystems that are untouched by humans and have been sequestering carbon for centuries.The effects of this shift

Improving a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Resource Scheduling

This thesis aims to further investigate the viability of using reinforcement learning, specifically Q-learning, to schedule shared resources on the Ericsson Many-Core Architecture (EMCA). This was first explored by Patrik Trulsson in his master thesis Dynamic Scheduling of Shared Resources using Reinforcement Learning (2021). The shared resources complete jobs assigned to them, and the jobs have d

Den heliga kulturen- En studie i hur anställda i Svenska kyrkan upplever normativ styrning

Examensarbetets titel: Den heliga kulturen - En studie i hur anställda i Svenska kyrkan upplever normativ styrning Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Sofia Bengtsson, Olivia Persson, Linnea Truedsson Handledare: Olof Hallonsten Fem nyckelord: brand-centred control, normativ styrning, Svenska kyrkan, organisationskultur, orTitle: The holy culture - A study in how employees in Church of Sweden perceive normative control Seminar date: June 2nd, 2022 Course: FEKH49, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 UPC Authors: Sofia Bengtsson, Olivia Persson, Linnea Truedsson Advisor: Olof Hallonsten Key words: brand-centred control, normative control, Church of Sweden, organizationa

Fixaspine - Improve your posture every day

The project started out with professor Fredrik Nilsson reaching out to the school on the behalf of a company called Fixaspine. They were developing a product that aims to improve the neck posture and were interested in collaborating on improving the current iteration of their prototype. I reached out and a collaboration was made An initial meeting was conducted where it was concluded that us

Stuck in Routines? The Interaction Between Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance

There are many unemployed in Sweden that do not qualify for unemployment insurance and instead are referred to social assistance. In 2011 the Swedish Department of Finance issued a report suggesting changes to the current system. The proposed changes would make it easier for the unemployed to qualify for unemployment insurance. This study aims to investigate why the interaction between social assi

Multi-Purpose Women Center for a Community in Kisarawe,Tanzania - Enhancing social resilience through architecture

Architecture greatly influences people‘s lives regarding health, stability, and education and is crucial for economic and social development. This architectural thesis project aims to improve the living conditions of a marginalized community in a rural Tanzanian village, Kisarawe, through a design proposal. It analyzes the potential of humanitarian architecture from the international, European, an

Assessing the Value of Development Assistance According to the Recipients: A Case Study of Georgian Organisations’ Perspectives on Estonian Development Assistance

Factors contributing to valuable development assistance are often perceived as a "black box," due to heterogeneity of development aid motives. This research brings out that too often, the value of aid is assessed from the perspectives of the donors rather than from its recipients. Therefore, this thesis takes a focus to study the recipient's perspectives for valuable development assi

Att arbeta med barn som anhöriga i vuxenpsykiatrin - en studie av yrkesverksammas upplevelse

Children of parents with mental illness (COPMI) are exposed and at risk for developing mental illness, therefor it’s essential that they receive necessary support. In Sweden professionals working in mental health care are obligated by law to acknowledge and provide support to their patients’ children. Despite this, research shows that the work is neither obvious nor as extended as it should be. Th

Allmännytta eller affärsnytta?

Frågeställning: Påverkar kommunkarakteristik sannolikheten för att utdelningar från kommunala bostadsaktiebolag genomförs? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om kommunspecifika faktorer påverkar sannolikheten för att utdelningar från allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag lämnas. Studien avser att tillföra ny kunskap och insikt om kommunens roll i de kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen.Research question: Does municipal characteristics affect the probability to pay dividends in municipal housing companies? Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine whether municipality-specific factors affect the probability for municipal housing companies to pay dividends to the owner. The study intends to add new knowledge and insight into the municipality's role in the municipal housing

A First Step Towards an Algorithm for Breast Cancer Reoperation Prediction Using Machine Learning and Mammographic Images

Cancer är idag det näst vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen, där 30% av alla cancerfall bland kvinnor är bröstcancer. En vanlig behandling är bröstbevarande operation, där en bit av bröstet kirurgiskt tas bort. Operationer är både dyrt och har en betydande inverkan på kroppen och för vissa kvinnor krävs en omoperation efter den första operationen. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka möjliCancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide and 30% of all cancer cases among women are breast cancer. A popular treatment is breast-conserving surgery, where only a part of the breast is surgically removed. Surgery is expensive and has a significant impact on the body, and on some women, a reoperation is needed. The aim of this thesis was to see if there is a possibility to predict whet

Measurement & Feedback Control of a Two Level System

In this bachelor project, the main objective is to investigate how a two-level quantum system can be controlled using weak continuous measurements and feedback control. The Monte-Carlo method was used to simulate the system dynamics under measurement and feedback to investigate how the system state can be controlled. This thesis concludes on how the feedback function impacts the purity of the stat