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Ethics in Archaeological Practice

The ethical dimensions of Swedish archaeology will be discussed from several angles – those of the archaeology of the past, critical archaeology, contemplative archaeology, and antiquarian archaeology. These themes overlap in the various fields of archaeology. In my opinion ethical perspectives on archaeological practice are vital for the survival and legitimacy of archaeology. Thus, archaeologist

A 350μW Sign-Bit architecture for multi-parameter estimation during OFDM acquisition in 65nm CMOS

Correct estimation of symbol timing, Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO), and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is crucial in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) communication. Typically, high estimation accuracy is desired, but often comes with increased complexity. Which has a direct repercussion in energy consumption. In this article, an architecture based on Sign-Bit estimation with low com

Membrane-based sample pre-treatment strategies in ultra-trace determination of metal ions in complex matrices

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling har olika analytiska provupparbetningsmetoder för bestämning av spårmetaller i komplexa matriser utvecklats och testats. I metod utvecklingen har både porösa och icke-porösa membraner använts för provrening och anrikning före slutanalys med atom absorptions spektrometri (både med flamma och grafitugns tekniken) och stripping voltammetri. De metaller In the present thesis, analytical sample pre-treatment methods for the determination of trace metal ions in complex matrices were developed and tested. These methods were based on membrane fractionation, clean-up and enrichment of analytes and applied to the determination of aluminium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel and lead in biological and environmental samples. In one application d

A distributed scheme for inter-domain routing optimization

The goal of the paper is to present a decomposed approach to optimization of inter-domain routing in IP networks. A problem of maximizing the total amount of traffic carried in an inter-domain network is formulated as a linear programme. Using Lagrangean relaxation the problem is decomposed with respect to individual domains. A resolution method based on subgradient optimization combined with reco

Topological design of MPLS networks

The paper considers design problems related to topological and modular design of core communication networks using integer programming techniques and multi-commodity flow models.

Genetic variation and population differentiation in the forest herb Lathyrus vernus (Fabaceae)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårärt (Lathyrus vernus) är en skogsväxt som tillhör familjen ärtväxter (Fabaceae). Den förekommer hos oss i södra och mellersta Sverige och har sin nordligaste utbredning vid Höga kusten, där den förekommer i geografiskt isolerade populationer på sydsluttningar med gynnsamt klimat. I övrigt har vårärten sitt utbredningscentrum i centrala och östra Europa. Med denna avhIn the present thesis, I investigated patterns of genetic variation in the forest herb Lathyrus vernus (Fabaceae), using plant material from different-sized populations representing three geographically separated regions: central Europe, southern and central Sweden. My studies included presumably neutral or weakly selected characters (allozymes and leaflet shape) as well as characters that should

Thermodynamics and Structure of Plate-Like Particle Dispersions

Popular Abstract in English Most people see chemistry as an abstract and complicated subject because it deals with species that can not be seen with bare eyes. But if one think about it, chemistry is everywhere! Chemical processes happen all around you and inside you everyday : there is chemistry in the human body where proteins play a great role, in shampoo bottles, the toothpaste, in the cement A considerable amount of mineral particles are found to have a plate-like shape. The work in this thesis concerns theoretical investigations, using Monte Carlo method, of the properties of such particles in aqueous solutions. The objectives were first to create a model that could capture the essential physics of clay suspensions and also to understand the role of thermodynamics in certain chemical