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Traveling on a Whim? A qualitative case study on how business models for Mobility-as-a-Service can be designed and configured

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how MaaS business models can be designed and configured. Theoretical Perspective: The theoretical perspective is provided by a preliminary framework which consists of a synthesis between Business model theory and MaaS literature. Methodology: A qualitative single case study was employed with an abductive research approach. E

Deal or No Deal

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if deal completion probability is associated with the stock market’s initial reaction to the M&A announcement. Furthermore, the study aims to explore if other characteristics have a relationship with deal completion, and if they have a moderating effect on the relationship with deal completion and the stock market’s reaction. Methodology: We

Resilient Food Supply Chains in the Face of the Russo–Ukrainian War: Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things

The current war in Ukraine has severely disrupted global food supply chains due to the significant decline in the production of grain commodities, of which Ukraine and Russia are major global suppliers. This creates problems in today’s globalised food systems. In particular, a number of countries are heavily dependent on food imports from Ukraine and/or Russia, particularly some developing nations

Investigating House Price Predictors: A Random Forest Application

In macroeconomics, the housing market has been well-researched due to its significance for economic and financial stability. This study investigated the predictive importance of selected fundamental and non-fundamental determinants of house price in three different markets: the United States, Sweden, and Japan, across three different periods. By applying a random forest model, this thesis attempte

To ESG or Not to ESG? That is The Question for Cost of Debt

Purpose and research question: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an improved ESG performance leads to a lower cost of debt, proxied by the yield spread of newly issued corporate bonds and if this effect is more pronounced for firms operating in a stronger institutional environment. We therefore ask the following two research questions: Does a higher ESG score lead to a lower cost

Ovärdig vård i livets slutskede – verklighetens palliativa vård?

En ökad kunskap och medvetenhet i vården och i samhället om palliativa vårdbehov skulle ge våra medborgare en bättre och tryggare tillvaro i livets slutskede.I den vård som bedrivs när livet närmar sig sitt slut saknas ofta – planering för vården i livets slutskede trots multisjuklighet och hög ålder– brytpunktssamtal eller informerande samtal med närstående – dokumentation av patienters behov, ön

Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning experiences of an online Sino-Nordic doctoral summer school on aging

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of Higher Education, necessitating a rapid shift from in-person to remote teaching and learning. This study investigates the experiences of doctoral students in an online Sino-Nordic summer school on aging, implemented during the pandemic. A survey was conducted to collect and analyze data on participants’ experiences and perspective

Material Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe : Archaeological Perspectives

The study of the movement of ‘things’ — the exchange of objects as gifts or through trade, the itineraries that they followed when on the move, and their changing importance from location to location — can offer unique insights into our understanding of past societies; and archaeology plays a vital role in allowing such movements to be traced. Nonetheless the circulation of objects across time, an

Virtual vistas : exploring the art of in-game photography presence on social media

This thesis delves into the emerging field of virtual photography, an artistic form seamlessly integrated into the digital landscapes of video games. Investigating the intricate relationship between the virtual and the tangible, the study meticulously analyzes in-game photographs to unveil the subtleties often overlooked, decoding implied meanings. These visuals are meticulously crafted within the

Strategic Partnerships within the Startup Ecosystem in Skåne: The Role of Collaborative product development.

This thesis explores the role of collaborative product development in the context of the startup ecosystem in Skåne, focusing on the opportunities and challenges faced by startup companies in forming strategic partnerships with other companies and organizations. The study aims to explore the motivations, benefits, and challenges of collaborative product development for startups and their partners,

Profitability of various energy supply systems when renovating a single-family house in Sweden: case study

The majority of single-family houses in Sweden are affected by deteriorations in building envelopes as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, since they are about 30 years old. Theses house are therefore in need of extensive renovation, which provides an excellent opportunity to incorporate energy efficiency measures to reduce both the energy consumption and also operational. A

One-stop-shop as an innovation, and preparedness to adopt it: a study on house renovation stakeholders in Sweden

This study examines the views of stakeholders involved in house renovations regarding the one-stop-shop business concept innovation, and assesses their level of preparedness to adopt such a concept in order to enter the promising market of detached house renovations. The investigation is based on 25 interviews with construction SMEs owners, real estate agents and loan consultants, and on a concept

Time and sequence as key developmental dimensions of joint action

Joint action, generally defined as working together towards a common purpose, has become an important concept in many areas of cognitive science, from philosophical appraisal of its core concepts to empirical mapping of its psychological development. Within mainstream cognitive accounts, to engage in a joint action requires an inferential process of representing the other’s intentions and plans to

Improving Water Efficiency in the Beverage Industry With the Internet of Things

The food and beverage industry is one of the most water-intensive industries, with water required for various processes (e.g., washing, cooking, cleaning) at almost every stage of the production, as well as being a key constituent in many food and drink products. Therefore, a real-time efficient water management strategy is imperative, and the novel internet of things (IoT)-based technologies can

Strategic communication practices on local level in public sector organizations - Micro-strategies and other social innovations in the empowerment process of building civic relations and trust

Sweden has during the past decades experienced increasing challenges in suburban, segregated areas: the inhabitants have different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds but despite that, face similar problems. Many inhabitants lack relevant networks as well as other opportunities to become a part of the society. These inhabitants claim they don´t have the “keys” to understand their society and iSweden has during the past decades experienced increasing challenges in suburban, segregated areas: the inhabitants have different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds but despite that, face similar problems. Many inhabitants lack relevant networks as well as other opportunities to become a part of the society. These inhabitants claim they don´t have the “keys” to understand their society and i

Circular economy adoption challenges in the food supply chain for sustainable development

Food loss and waste are major issues in the food industry, and they affect all stages of the food supply chain (FSC). Food loss and waste are linked to environmental deterioration, economic loss, and an increase in hunger. Therefore, the food industry requires sustainable consumption and production (SCP) to reduce losses and waste. The circular economy (CE) concept has become a popular strategy fo

New insight into the causes, consequences, and correction of hematopoietic stem cell aging

Aging of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is characterized by lineage bias, increased clonal expansion, and functional decrease. At the molecular level, aged HSCs typically display metabolic dysregulation, upregulation of inflammatory pathways, and downregulation of DNA repair pathways. Cellular aging of HSCs, driven by cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors, causes a predisposition to anemia, a