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Lactic acid bacteria colonization and clinical outcome after probiotic supplementation in conventionally treated bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis

This randomized double-blind placebo controlled study assessed the vaginal colonization of lactic acid bacteria and clinical outcome. Vaginal capsules containing L gasseri LN40, Lactobacillus fermentum LN99, L. casei subsp. rhamnosus LN113 and P. acidilactici LN23, or placebos were administered for five days to 95 women after conventional treatment of bacterial vaginosis and/or vulvovaginal candid

Endothelial cells expressing an inflammatory phenotype are lysed by superantigen-targeted cytotoxic T cells

The objective of this study was to investigate whether the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), which binds to HLA class II and T-cell receptor Vβ chains, can direct cytotoxic T cells to lyse cytokine-stimulated endothelial cells (EC). In addition, we wanted to determine whether SEA- primed cytotoxic T cells could be targeted to EC surface molecules as a means of a novel cancer immunot

Clinical xenotransplantation of solid organs

A possible solution to the chronic shortage of allografts is xenotransplantation, the use of tissue from an animal donor. Most experts believe that the pig will provide the most suitable solid organs for use in human beings. Although porcine organs are rapidly rejected by a process called hyperacute rejection (HAR), there is hope that several novel therapeutic strategies, already tested in animal

Relationship between intracranial hemodynamics and microdialysis markers of energy metabolism and glutamate-glutamine turnover in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Clinical article

OBJECT: The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between hemodynamics (intracranial and systemic) and brain tissue energy metabolism, and between hemodynamics and glutamate (Glt)-glutamine (Gln) cycle activity.METHODS: Brain interstitial levels of lactate, pyruvate, Glt, and Gln were prospectively monitored in the neurointensive care unit for more than 3600 hours using intracerebral m

Imagery rescripting of early memories in health anxiety disorder : A feasibility and non-randomized pilot study

Background and objectives:Health anxiety is a common problem and is associated with frequent primary carevisits, increased health care costs, and poor prognosis and low recovery rates. Previous research shows thatimagery rescripting (IR) is a promising treatment technique for various disorders. To date, IR has not beenexamined as a viable treatment for health anxiety. The purpose of the present fe

Control methods for a direct-ground cooling system : An experimental study on office cooling with ground-coupled ceiling cooling panels

This article experimentally investigates the performance of two control methods (the supply water temperature method and the water flow control method)for a direct-ground cooling system. The control methods were implemented through three types of indoor feedback controllers: 1)an on/off controller, 2)an on/off controller with a deadband and 3)P controller. The performances of the control methods w

Effects of the N-alicyclic cation and backbone structures on the performance of poly(terphenyl)-based hydroxide exchange membranes

Hydroxide ion conducting poly(terphenyl alkylene)s functionalized with piperidine-based quaternary ammonium cations were synthesized via superacid-catalyzed polyhydroxyalkylations. By employing different synthetic strategies, we have systematically varied the structures of the cation and the backbone polymer to study the effects on morphology, stability and hydroxide conductivity. Two monomers wer

Perforin and IFN-γ are involved in the antitumor effects of antibody- targeted superantigens

The bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is a potent inducer of cytokine production and cytotoxic T cell responses. To target a T cell attack against tumor cells we have genetically engineered a fusion protein of SEA and the Fab part of the tumor-reactive mAb C215. Injection of this Fab-SEA fusion protein to mice carrying lung metastases of the poorly immunogenic B16 melanoma

Energetic constraints and ultimate decisions during egglaying in the blue tit

In a population of Blue Tits, Parus caeruleus, we performed two different food provisioning experiments; one starting before clutch initiaition and one starting when the first eggs were laid. We assessed the effect of these feeding experiments on four fitness—related factors, viz., laying date, clutch size, egg mass, and onset of incubation. Given that breeding birds are food and energy constraine

Exposure to Scientific Explanations for Gender Differences Influences Individuals’ Personal Theories of Gender and Their Evaluations of a Discriminatory Situation

Gender lay theory is a framework of information interpretation related to gender categorisation and can be divided into twogeneral forms: gender essentialism versus gender as socially constructed. The present study investigated how exposure toscientifically framed explanations for gender differences affects individuals’ gender lay theory and if endorsement of an essentialist gender lay theory inflGender lay theory is a framework of information interpretation related to gender categorisation and can be divided into twogeneral forms: gender essentialism versus gender as socially constructed. The present study investigated how exposure toscientifically framed explanations for gender differences affects individuals’ gender lay theory and if endorsement of an essentialist gender lay theory infl

The importance of a β-glucan receptor in the nonopsonic entry of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae into human monocytic and epithelial cells

Previous reports showed that nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) reside in macrophage-like cells in human adenoid tissue. This study investigated the ability of nonopsonized NTHi and encapsulated H. influenzae type b (Hib) to enter human monocytic and epithelial cells. The number of intracellular bacteria was determined by a viability assay and flow cytometry. To characterize the mechanisms