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Risks in transition – the case of Northvolt and Skellefteå

Denna studie undersöker övergången till en hållbar framtid genom att fokusera på den framväxande batteriindustrin i Sverige, med särskild fokus på Northvolt och deras etablering i Skellefteå. Målet med studien är att förstå de hinder och risker som upplevs av olika aktörer inom både den offentliga och privata sektorn, och hur dessa hanteras. Sverige har satt ett ambitiöst mål att nå nettonollutsläThis paper explores how barriers and risks are perceived by different actors involved in Northvolt's establishment in Skellefteå, Sweden, through the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) and risk perspective. The study employs a qualitative research design and utilizes document analysis and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The findings contribute to the existing risk framework by introduci

Machine fetishism > information fetishism : how machine-dependent information devours libraries and the lithosphere

The industrial and information revolutions that took shape in the British and Anglo-American empires, respectively, and that are linked in time and space by a westward expansion of capital, have both been justified and referred to as unavoidable and inescapable processes. Thus, they have been understood more as revelations of nature and less as products of a particular and historical society. Karl

Digitala böcker och det demokratiska biblioteket : en kvalitativ studie om folkbibliotekens arbete med e-bokstjänsten Biblio

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to gain in-depth knowledge about how the provision of digital books via the e-book service Biblio functions in Swedish public libraries and how this activity can be understood through the library's mission of promoting the development of a democratic society. To gather the empirical material for this study, we have conducted semi-structured interviews wit

Skönheten och hjärnan - en studie om fördomar om intelligens baserat på uppfattad attraktivitet

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns en eventuell bias i bedömningen av intelligens baserat på skattad attraktivitet. En online-enkät utformades och innehöll bilder på två män och två kvinnor med uttalanden av olika kompetensnivåer. För att kontrollera attraktivitetsvariabeln användes bilder från en databas som har befintliga värden för uppfattad attraktivitet. Enkäten delades upp i fThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether there might be an underlying bias in the assessment of intelligence based on perceived attractiveness. An online survey was developed, each containing images of two men and two women, accompanied by statements of varying complexity levels. To control for the attractiveness variable, images were sourced from a database with pre-existing attractiv

Sambanden mellan attityder till miljön, personlighet och empati

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan attityder till miljön, personlighet och empati, samt huruvida personlighet och empati kan predicera miljöattityder. Detta gjordes genom en tvärsnittsstudie där målgruppen utgjorde unga vuxna i åldrarna 18-30 som rekryterades genom ett bekvämlighetsurval på sociala medier. I studien deltog 100 respondenter och svar samlades in genom ett fråThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between environmental attitudes, personality and empathy, and whether personality and empathy can predict environmental attitudes. This was done through a cross-sectional study where the target group was young adults aged 18-30 who were recruited through convenience sampling on social media. 100 respondents participated in the study an

A comparison of methods for integrating biodiversity in life cycle assessment: a case study on the Swedish diet

The main drivers of the alarming biodiversity decline are land use and land use change, primarily due to agriculture. It is therefore important to assess the impact on biodiversity caused by production of food and to do so, life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method widely used. Since the UNEP-SETAC provisionally recommended the method by Chaudhary et al. (2015, updated 2018) for impact assessments o

Investigating the Effects of Psychological Flexibility and Creativity on the Relationship between Job crafting and the outcomes Engagement and Burnout among Mental Health Practitioners in Malaysia

Managing work and other responsibilities while being efficient and open to work changes has become increasingly difficult for employees. There is even more pressure on social workers, or more specifically, mental health workers given the nature of their job which not only includes working with clients but also making the decision to reject some individuals due to a packed schedule. This study aime

Promoting Effect of Ce and La on Ni-Mo/δ-Al2O3 Catalysts in the Hydrodeoxygenation of Vanillin

A crucial aspect of adding an economical and environmental dimension to the upgrading of bio-oils is to develop catalysts with enhanced and prolonged activity. In the present study, the effect of doping δ-alumina (Al2O3) with oxides of cerium (Ce) and lanthanum (La) before thermal treatment was investigated. The performance of such an Al2O3-supported nickel-molybdenum (Ni-Mo) catalyst was evaluate

Beyond Linearity: Exploring the Curvilinear Association Between Conscientiousness and Well-Being through Instrument Sensitivity

Background: Recent research has begun to challenge the traditional view of conscientiousness as solely beneficial, suggesting a potential reverse-U-shaped relationship with subjective well-being (SWB). Yet, while some studies have found this curvilinear association, overall findings remain inconsistent. This study proposes the limited conceptualization and measurement of conscientiousness within

Harmonic Analysis in EMC - Developing a Software Tool for Frequency Spectrum Analysis

EMC is crucial when it comes to designing modern electronic systems, ensuring their functionality, reliability, and regulatory compliance amidst the ever-expanding electromagnetic landscape. This master's thesis delves into the domain of EMC by investigating the possibility of developing a Python-based proof-of-concept tool. The software tool is designed to analyze frequency spectra acquired f

Evaluation of dyes for white blood cell staining for in-vitro diagnostics

Infärgning av vita blodkroppar för att möjliggöra blodanalys Kvantifiering av vita blodkroppar kan vara en snabb och enkel lösning på att diagnostisera olika sjukdomstillstånd. Genom att färga in de vita blodkropparna i ett blodprov kan man lättare analysera dem och då få kunskap om hur de ser ut och kunna räkna dem. Men vilken färg är faktiskt bäst för att färga in vita blodkroppar och vad finns​​The white blood cells are critical for the immune response of the body and the defence against infections. Measurements of the number of white blood cells in the blood is essential when diagnosing for example immunodeficiencies and determining the type of infection. Two types of measurements are frequently used, total white blood cell count and white blood cell differential. Both types are depen

In Vitro Validation of 4D Flow MRI Measured Hepatic Flow Distribution Following a Fontan Procedure

Att filma blodflöden med MR-kamera kan vara ovärdeligt för patienter med ett enkammarhjärta. Denna studie visar att magnetkamera kan bli ett värdefullt verktyg för att övervaka och hantera möjliga komplikationer hos barn födda med hjärtfel, vilket i sin tur kan förbättra deras hälsa och livskvalitet. Barn som föds med ett defekt hjärta där en av hjärtats sidor inte funkar som det ska, behöver ofThe treatment for children born with only one functioning ventricle culminates in a Fontan procedure, which aims to create a total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC), i.e. where the superior and inferior vena cava has been connected to the pulmonary arteries, bypassing the right atrium and ventricle. The blood flow to the right and left lung plays an important part in preventing pulmonary arterioveno

Bathhouse in Reykjavik, Iceland

One of the main qualities of life in Icelandic society is the earth’s heat that has been harnessed and fed into the homes of the citizens. The swimming pool is the clearest and most visible manifestation of these qualities of life. Bathhouses are a regular part of many people’s daily lives, and human life in the pools is a fascinating part of Icelandic society. Architecture plays a key role there,

"Leaving no one behind" : a study of public libraries and community work in southern Zimbabwe

This Master’s thesis concerns librarians and community work in Zimbabwe, and investigates the ways in which librarians may be seen as agents of change. The focus areas are five public and community libraries in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe, where the first language is Ndebele. The libraries are situated in the city of Bulawayo, in suburbs, in a town and at rural sites. The study investigates wh

AI som emotionellt stöd

Chat GPT was launched in November 2022 and has by some been described as just as big and important as the launch of the internet or the personal computer. Trying to describe Chat GPTs main use is not easy. It can help you with your programming, write music or plan a dinner. But its main purpose is not to be a friend, a partner or a therapist. Yet it is used as one. People using artificial intellig

Food Packaging Operations Audit

Supply chain management (SCM) and packaging solutions are essential in the food industry due to their impact on the environment and economics, necessitating innovation. How to efficiently move goods through the supply chain therefore involves a complex network involving a great amount of stakeholders and processes. Food distribution logistics are particularly complex, requiring standard procedures

The epidemiological and economic burden of diabetes in Ghana : A scoping review to inform health technology assessment

Diabetes remains one of the four major causes of morbidity and mortality globally among non-communicable diseases (NCDs. It is predicted to increase in sub–Saharan Africa by over 50% by 2045. The aim of this study is to identify, map and estimate the burden of diabetes in Ghana, which is essential for optimising NCD country policy and understanding existing knowledge gaps to guide future research