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Towards an Actor-Centred Approach to Studying Overseas Remittances, Rural Development, and Livelihoods: An Ethnographic Case Study in Guangdong Province, South China

Through the lens of a Cantonese remittance village, the thesis aims to critically examine rural livelihood dynamics reconfigured through overseas emigration and remittances, and their relationships with agrarian land, labour, and production in the historical sending region of overseas Chinese (qiaoxiang). Drawing on the concept of ‘remittance village’ coined by Ramesh Sunam, the thesis emphasises

Protecting workers in a warming world - An analysis of a mission-driven organization's business model

Examensarbetet gjordes i samarbete med La Isla Network (LIN), en icke vinstdrivande amerikansk organisation som bekämpar konsekvenserna av yrkesrelaterad värmeexponering. Värmestress utgör ett betydande hot mot individer engagerade i fysiskt arbete under varma förhållanden, med potentiellt dödliga konsekvenser. För att minska dessa risker har LIN utvecklat programmet RSH-S (Rest, Shade, Hydration,The thesis was done in collaboration with La Isla Network (LIN), a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to combating the consequences of occupational heat exposure. Heat stress poses a significant threat to individuals engaged in physical labor in warm conditions, with potentially fatal consequences. To mitigate these risks, LIN has developed the RSH-S (Rest, Shade, Hydration, and Sanitation

Comparator Design for High Speed ADC

High-speed Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) play an important role in mod- ern electronic systems, especially those systems that require high data rates and low power consumption. These converters are essential components in various applications, including telecommunications, medical imaging, radar systems, and wireless communication. This thesis explores four different dynamic comparators to en

Tvärkulturell anpassning av bedömningsinstrumentet Sensory Processing Measure 12-21 år, andra upplagan (SPM-2)

Bakgrund: Sensoriska integrationssvårigheter kan påverka ungdomars dagliga aktiviteter, inklusive skolarbete. Bedömningsinstrumentet SPM-2, som syftar till att identifiera sådana svårigheter hos ungdomar, har nyligen översatts från den ursprungliga engelska versionen från USA. Den har dock ännu inte undersökts vad gäller användbarhet ur ett semantiskt och kulturellt perspektiv i den svenska skolmBackground: Sensory integration difficulties can impact adolescents' daily activities, including schoolwork. The assessment tool SPM-2, which aims to identify such difficulties among adolescents, has recently been translated from the original English version from the USA. However, it has not yet been examined for its validity from a semantic and cultural perspective in the Swedish school envi

Solar light driven atomic and electronic transformations in a plasmonic Ni@NiO/NiCO3 photocatalyst revealed by ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

This work employs ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) to delve into the atomic and electronic transformations of a core-shell Ni@NiO/NiCO3 photocatalyst - a model system for visible light active plasmonic photocatalysts used in water splitting for hydrogen production. This catalyst exhibits reversible structural and electronic changes in response to water vapor and solar simu

Fenestrated Endovascular Repair using Short Tipped Distal Components with “No Cross” Concept to Prevent Crushing of Target Vessel Bridging Stents

ObjectiveTo compare and evaluate early and midterm outcomes of a “no cross” novel approach with short tip vs. standard tip introducer systems for all distal components to prevent target vessel bridging stent kink or collapse during fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR).MethodsA retrospective analysis was conducted on all patients who underwent FEVAR at a tertiary referral centre between O

Identifying older adults at increased risk of medication-related hospital readmission

IntroductionPrevious studies show that approximately 40% of hospital readmissions in older adults are medication-related and that about 70% of these could be prevented. A risk assessment tool aiming to identify older adults at increased risk of medication-related readmission could help maximize the impact of implemented preventive measures and save healthcare resources. In this study we made furth

Greening Bovisa: Striking the balance in urban revitalization Exploring citizens’ perspectives in Milan’s Bovisa district on green urban regeneration, gentrification, and the right to the city

The city of Milan stands today as a prominent model of sustainable urban development. Yet, beneath its allure lies a paradox: the quest for 'green' and 'smart' development has exacerbated privatization and fueled debates on green gentrification, social equity, and urban accessibility. This research explores the emerging impacts of large-scale green urbanization intervention in the

Practical evaluation of chain-like MPC protocols

Bottleneck Complexity (BNC) is a fairly new metric for Secure Multi Party Computation (SMPC) protocols. Two protocols with the BNC in mind are examined in this thesis. One protocol is successfully implemented in the Python programming language, and the BNC, latency and computational complexity of the protocol is examined with positive results. The BNC is independent on the number of parties in the

Algorithmography: Intersections of Truth, Authenticity and Representation of AI Generated Visual Content in Journalism

As we are in 2024, it's worth noting that generative artificial intelligence technologies are marking their 10th anniversary despite being available online for less than half that time. The rapid adoption of these tools across various professional sectors has prompted researchers to delve into studying them. However, these studies are still in their nascent stages, highlighting the timeliness

'Regards: European Stories'. The representation of European diversities in the ARTE Magazine Show

The topic of the research is the representation of European diversities in the French-German cultural channel ARTE, specifically in its collection of documentaries from the Magazine Show ‘Regards: European Stories’, henceforth ‘Re: European Stories’ (2023-2024). By investigating the ways in which multiple dimensions of diversity - religion, politics, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, class and

Den goda, den onda och den vardagliga cyklismen: Inordningen av cyklismen i det svenska 1890-talets offentliga platser och rum

This study follows cycling as an experienced symbolic activity during the 1890s in Sweden. The period has been framed in both Swedish and international research as pivotal for the activity in the western world. Cycling and the object itself were seen as emblematic of modernity and social status; the symbolism it had was lost due to the introduction of the car and the increased prevalence of bikes,

Reading between the lines: Investigating perceptual differences between social workers and parents in communicated violence against children

När våld mot ett barn rapporteras till myndigheter är det av yttersta vikt att allvaret kan kommuniceras effektivt och bedömas korrekt. Denna studie genomfördes i två faser och syftade till att undersöka perceptuella skillnader i kalibrering och noggrannhet för fysiskt och psykologiskt våld mot barn. I fas 1 samlades förstahandsberättelser in från föräldrar (narratörer) som bevittnat våld mot sinaWhen violence against a child is reported to authorities it is of utmost importance that the severity can be communicated efficiently and evaluated correctly. This study was conducted in two phases and aimed to investigate perceptual differences in calibration and accuracy for psychological and physical violence against children. In phase 1 first-person narratives from parents (narrators) who have

A Digital Big Sister? Exploring Sisterhood on TikTok Through Neoliberal and Postfeminist Structures

This thesis investigates Storasystertips, or big sister advice amongst young Swedish women on TikTok and how it reflects gender dynamics and societal expectations on young women in contemporary society. Women’s cultural production is often met with disdain and reduced to being narcissistic, not realising that young women’s production is in fact shaped by broader postfeminist and neoliberal discour

Dry Coating Technology for Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Fabrication

With the vigorous development of the electric vehicle industry, there is an increasing demand for high-capacity, high-stability batteries, and higher requirements are also placed on clean, non-toxic, and efficient battery production processes. The electrode is one of the most important components in lithium-ion batteries. It determines the capacity and overall performance of the battery. The fabri

Läsningens spelregler – hur läser lärare en spelmanual?

Pedagogiska spel har blivit ett allt vanligare inslag i grundskolans undervisning. För att eleverna ska få en bra spelupplevelse är det viktigt att läraren förstår spelreglerna fullt ut och därför behöver lärarhandledningar utformas på ett läsvänligt sätt. Denna undersökning syftar till att testa två olika dispositioner för en lärarhandledning till ett läsfrämjande spel för skolklasser. Nio lärare

Om värdetidpunkten vid återvinning till konkursbo

Huvudregeln vid återvinning till konkursbo är så kallad återvinning in natura (att den återvunna egendomen återlämnas till konkursboet). I vissa fall, till exempel när egendomen inte finns i behåll, ska konkursboet i stället ersättas med egendomens värde, så kallad värdeersättning. Vid värdeförändringar av återvinningsegendomen uppstår frågan om vilken värdetidpunkt som bör användas för beräkningeThe general rule in the case of recovery to the bankruptcy estate is so-called recovery in kind (the recovered property is returned to the bankruptcy estate). In some cases, for example when the property is not retained, the bankruptcy estate must instead be compensated with the value of the property, so-called value compensation. In the case of changes in the value of the recovered property, the

The Right to Accessibility - A comparison of the accessibility regulations in the CRPD and ECtHR case law on accessibility under the right to private life

Tillgänglighet till byggnader och anläggningar för personer med funktionsnedsättning är tätt sammanbundet med flera andra rättigheter, så som rätten till politiskt deltagande och rätten till deltagande i det kulturella livet. Tillgänglighet kan till och med vara en förutsättning för att dessa rättigheter ska uppfyllas. Med detta i åtanke har förslag till ändringar i svenska byggregler fått motta kAccessibility to buildings and facilities for persons with disabilities is closely connected with several other human rights, such as the right to political participation and the right to participation in cultural life. Accessibility may even be a precondition for the fulfilment of those rights. On that note, suggestions of changes to existing Swedish building regulations have been criticised for