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Churches, geometry and nonsense: A critical reply on Erling Haagensens article “Churches, geometry and statictics” in META 2002: 2.
Churches, geometry and nonsense: A critical reply on Erling Haagensens article “Churches, geometry and statictics” in META 2002: 2.
We consider a cooperative wireless network where a set of nodes cooperate to relay in parallel the information from a source to a destination using a decode-and-forward approach. The source broadcasts the data to the relays, some or all of which cooperatively beamform to forward the data to the destination. We generalize the standard approaches for cooperative communications in two key respects: (
To evaluate measurement properties of 2 brief outcome measures for carpal tunnel syndrome: the 6-item carpal tunnel symptoms scale (CTS-6) and the 2-item palmar pain scale (measuring severity of pain in the scar/palm and pain-related activity limitation). Our hypothesis was that the CTS-6 is responsive to change in symptoms after surgical treatment and the pain scale is a valid measure of surgery-
Abstract not available.
The 20 or so galectins expected to be found in man, and their many possible functional effects promise a rich and fruitful research field in the future. At present, the biomedically most promising areas for use of galectins or their ligands are in inflammation, immunity, and cancer. Many good stories can be formulated, but the field lacks the cohesion of knowing basic galectin function. The only b
This paper describes and analyses the political discourse regarding e-government (including terms earlier used) in Sweden in the period from the 1960s until today, drawing on a review of policy documents. It is found that even though both the meanings ascribed to computers, the political visions,and the main arguments have changed considerably over time, the majorplans for action have always remai
Promotion of new media industry has become a significant focus for regional development strategies, as it is generally believed that new media industry is a highly desirable form of economic activity. But is this really so? The question was put to a group of international researchers. The article which summarises their discussion and policy recommendations states that it is by no means clear that
Secondary metabolites produced by fungi and bacteria are among the potential agents that contribute to adverse health effects observed in occupants of buildings affected by moisture damage, dampness and associated microbial growth. However, few attempts have been made to assess the occurrence of these compounds in relation to moisture damage and dampness in buildings. This study conducted in the c
A real time visualisation method, to be used in mobile gamma-spectrometric search operations using standard detector systems is presented. The new method, called deviation display, uses a modified waterfall display to present relative changes in spectral data over energy and time. Using unshielded (137)Cs and (241)Am point sources and different natural background environments, the behaviour of the
AIMS: Cancer syndromes manifest at many sites albeit with variable penetrance. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified susceptibility loci shared by many types of cancer. Yet, a population level search for shared susceptibility between discordant cancers has been hampered because of lacking population sizes. METHODS: Over 1.1million patients in the nation-wide Swedish Family-Cancer D
The immunoglobulin D (IgD)-binding protein MID/Hag of the human respiratory pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis is an outer membrane protein of approximately 200kDa belonging to the autotransporter family. MID also functions as an adhesin and hemagglutinin. In the present paper, the ultrastructure of MID was mapped. Using a series of Escherichia coli transformants, the last 210 aa of the C-terminal reg