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David Hobbs, Lund Observatory, DinnerLennart Lindegren, Lund Observatory, DinnerAlex Mustill, Lund Observatory, DinnerPaul McMillan, University of Leicester, DinnerÓscar Jiménez Arranz, Lund Observatory, DinnerRoss Church, Lund Observatory, NoIsabella Henum, Lund Observatory, DinnerNatsuki Funakoshi, University College London, DinnerShubham Mamgain, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), - 2025-01-31


Students should register as active student participants. Other attendees are also welcome but will not be guaranteed support in the hands-on project sessions. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-01-31

Visit the Division of Astrophysics

From January 2024 the Division of Astrophysics is located in the A400 corridor in the Physics building.Once you enter the Department of Physics' main entrance, located at Professorsgatan 1, then you can turn right and locate a staircase behind a couple of doors which will lead you up to the right level.  If you enter the Department of Physics via any of the other entrances then you can follow sign - 2025-01-31

The Historic Collection

Telescopes, instruments, clocks, pictures, models and more.  The GUFLAS group was formed in the fall of 2023 and tasked with improving the documentation and registration of our collection of historical astronomical instruments, photos and artifacts.  The collection (currently) contains approximately 300 objects, many of which are on display at the Department of Physics or in the Astronomy building - 2025-01-31

Lärarfortbildningsdagen 2024

Fredagen den 25:e oktober 2024 (v 43) erbjuder Lunds universitet och Vattenhallen Science Center, i samarbete med Skånes kommuner, till en fortbildningsdag för grundskole- och gymnasielärare. Astronomisk data på gymnasiet - Hur kan vi använda offentlig astronomisk data i undervisningen?Rymdens oändlighet fascinerar många av oss och det finns hundratals observatorier, både markbaserade och rymdbase - 2025-01-31

Observational studies of evolved stars, mainly AGB stars and red supergiants, using ALMA

6 February 2025 13:15 to 14:00 | Seminar We are happy to announce a Lund Observatory seminar to be given by Hans Olofson from Chalmers. Hans is an expert on observations of evolved stars and will tell us about his new work enabled by ALMA. A title and abstract are provided below. Observational studies of evolved stars, mainly AGB stars and red supergiants, using ALMAAbstract:  The high sensitivity - 2025-01-31

Valentine's Day Evening Show at the Planetarium

14 February 2025 19:30 to 21:00 | Planetarium show/event Take the chance to snuggle up in the Planetarium's double seats and discover one of space's most fascinating phenomena with someone dear to you. We'll treat you to non-alcoholic sparkling drinks and light snacks. We open the doors at 7:30 PM. Mingle in the Experiment Hall, explore some of our interactive stations, and enjoy a glass of non-al - 2025-01-31

Observing event at Lund Observatory

Spring 2025 After some discussions among the astronomers we have decided to invite those members of the public who have registered interest in our outreach events to come stargazing with us during either week XXX or week XXX. Please check your calendars and indicate which week you would prefer to go observing. Autumn 2024 observing events Culture Night September 21 2024A clear night during week 42 - 2025-01-31

ALVA astronomy club

ALVA is an astronomy club for university students in Lund.The purpose of the club is to provide a place for science students and other people interested in astronomy to get inspiration and to experience how exciting the Universe can be.ALVA arranges astronomy-related activities like public lectures, stargazing nights, planetarium shows and workshops. We arrange an event roughly once a month, usual - 2025-01-31

Division of Astrophysics

Visit us We have moved across the street and now you can find the Division of Astrophysics in the A400 corridor in the Physics building Astronomers Looking for a specific researcher or teacher? Department of Physics The Division of Astrophysics is a part of the Department of Physics, as well as being a part of Lund Observatory. Calendar Link to RSS 6 February 2025 13:15 to 14:00 | Seminar Observat - 2025-01-31

Associates and previous employees

Name Contact Links Daniel Adén Defended his PhD in 2011 daniel [dot] stig [dot] aden [at] gmail [dot] com (daniel[dot]stig[dot]aden[at]gmail[dot]com)   Maria Aldenius Defended her PhD in 2007 aldenius [at] gmail [dot] com (aldenius[at]gmail[dot]com) Publications Chiara Battistini Defended her PhD in 2015 cbattistini [at] lsw [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de (cbattistini[at]lsw[dot]uni-heidelberg[dot] - 2025-01-31

Previous seminars: 2001-2005

  HT2005  VT2005  HT2004  VT2004  HT2003  VT2003  HT2002  VT2002  HT2001  VT2001      FALL 2005     05-Sep-2005 Frederick M. WALTER, Stony Brook University The Extended Atmosphere of V471 Tau: Clues to the magnetic morphology of T Tauri stars and the young Sun? 08-Sep-2005 Peter WHEATLEY, Warwick Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) 15-Sep-2005 Eva GREBEL, Basle The Violent Local Group - A History - 2025-01-31

Previous seminars: 2006-2010

  HT2010  VT2010  HT2009  VT2009  HT2008  VT2008  HT2007  VT2007  HT2006  VT2006      FALL 2010     August 18th, 2010 Benjamin Knispel, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, IMPRS, Germany The Einstein@Home Search for Arecibo's Tightest Binary Radio Pulsar   August 26th, 2010 Jie Chen, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Lund, Sweden Solar coronal loops   September 2nd, 2010 Jennifer Joh - 2025-01-31

Previous seminars: 2011-2015

  HT2015  VT2015  HT2014  VT2014  HT2013  VT2013  HT2012  VT2012  HT2011  VT2011      FALL 2015   2015-09-03 Paul McMillan, Lund Observatory Advances in understanding Milky Way dynamics   2015-09-09 (ATP Seminar) Alex Mustill, Lund Observatory Dynamic exoplanets   2015-09-10 Ted Gull, Goddard Space Flight Center / NASA Exploring Eta Carinae in 3 and 4 Dimensions   2015-09-16 Douglas Heggie, Univer - 2025-01-31

The Planetarium

The Division of Astrophysics owns and operates a planetarium, which is located at the university science center; Vattenhallen. There our astronomers give shows and lectures to the public and to school groups. We also host teacher education courses and give some of our university course lectures at the planetarium. The Lund University Planetarium is open to the public on weekends and during school - 2025-01-31

Fulldome Resources

The Royal Observatory Greenwich and Lund Observatory now offer a selection of their fulldome productions free of charge to digital planetaria around the world. If you are interested in one of our productions then we ask you to please Request Access. Once you have completed the request form you will receive an email containing a password. You can then use set password to access and download the fil - 2025-01-31

Tycho Brahe Astronomical Society

The Tycho Brahe Astronomical Society (Swedish: Astronomiska Sälskapet Tycho Brahe, or ASTB) was founded in 1937 by professor Knut Lundmark of Lund Observatory. ASTB is open for all who are interested in astronomy, both professionals and amateur astronomers. They host regilar meetings and events on a variety of astronomical topics. The Tycho Brahe Astonomical Society The Tycho Brahe Astronomical So - 2025-01-31


The telescopes at Lund Observatory are primarily used for university education, but every now and then we take them out and invite the public to come and take a closer look at the night sky.  These observing events are organized by volunteers and are free of charge.If you are interested in attending a stargazing event we strongly recommend that you join our 2025 mailing list.  Some outreach events - 2025-01-31

EXTP45 Strålterapifysik

KURSBESKRIVNING Strålterapifysik Var tredje person i västvärlden drabbas av cancer, och antalet nya fall per år ökar stadigt. Strålbehandling är idag vårt mest effektiva alternativ till kirurgi, och mer än hälften av alla cancerpatienter behandlas i kombination med strålning. Dagens strålbehandling är tekniskt avancerad och kan levereras med hög precision. Samtidigt pågår en ständig utveckling. Me - 2025-01-31

Information om avdelningen och dess organisation

Om avdelningenMedicinsk strålningsfysik är ett ämnesområde där fysik och olika strålningstillämpningar möter biologi och medicin, med människan i centrum. Avdelningen ansvarar för sjukhusfysikerutbildningen, och bedriver forskning och forskarutbildning på medicinska och naturvetenskapliga fakulteterna. Sjukhusfysiker knutna till medicinsk strålningsfysik arbetar på avdelningen för radiofysik vid S - 2025-01-31