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Hormonella system : Binjurebarken
Hormonella system : Hypotalamus och hypofysen
Hormonella system : Reproduktionsorganen
Inner valence region of CO adsorbed on Pd(100)
The inner valence region of CO/Pd(100) p(2√2×√2)R45° has been studied by angular resolved photoemission at the Pd 4d Cooper minimum, and with resonant Auger spectroscopy at photon energies corresponding to the C 1s and O 1s x-ray absorption (XA) maxima of the unoccupied parts of the 2π*-Pd 4d hybrid (2πun). Previously unobserved inner valence states are revealed in the direct photoemission and are
Surface and bulk core level binding energy shifts in PtAu alloys
The surface core level shift of the 4f 7 2 level in a Pt2%Au and a Pt15%Au alloy has been investigated using high resolution synchrotron radiation excited photoelectron spectroscopy. The bulk and surface components in the recorded spectra have been extracted using a curve fitting procedure. The chemical shifts and the bulk-to-surface intensity ratios are consistent with a strong enrichments of Au
Surface core level shift of the Be 1s level observed from a Be(0001) single crystal surface
We have used surface sensitive photoelectron spectroscopy to study the Be 1s core level from the Be(0001) single crystal surface. Two core peaks are observed, one from the bulk atoms, and the other from the first layer surface atoms. They are separated in binding energy by 0.50 eV, the surface peak being located at lower binding energy. This experimental surface core level shift (SCS) is compared
World War I and its Meanings in Czech and Slovak Societies
Knowledge Base Combinations and Innovation Performance in Swedish Regions
The literature on geography of innovation suggests that innovation outcomes depend on a diversity of knowledge inputs, which can be captured with the differentiated knowledge base approach. While knowledge bases are distinct theoretical categories, existing studies stress that innovation often involves combinations of analytical, synthetic, and symbolic knowledge. It remains unclear, though, which
Chicken parathyroid hormone gene expression in response to gastrin, omeprazole, ergocalciferol, and restricted food intake.
Treatment with omeprazole, a long-acting proton pump inhibitor of acid secretion, induces hypergastrinemia. In chickens, omeprazole induces growth not only of the acid-producing mucosa (probably reflecting the trophic action of gastrin), but also of the parathyroid glands (hypertrophy + hyperplasia), while suppressing bone density and body weight gain without affecting blood calcium. The first par
Qualitative questionnaires as a method for information studies research
Several cases of undesirable effects caused by methacrylate ultraviolet-curing nail polish for non-professional use
Background: Ultraviolet (UV)-curing nail polishes based on acrylates or methacrylates are currently also available for non-professional use. The Swedish Medical Products Agency recently prohibited one brand of UV-curing polish, because several consumers reported undesirable effects after using it. Objectives: To investigate whether consumers with undesirable effects after using the UV-curing nail
How do carriers of hemophilia experience prenatal diagnosis (PND)? : Carriers' Immediate and later reactions to amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling
A semistructured personal interview was performed with 29 carriers of hemophilia A or B, 1-5 years after a pregnancy in which prenatal diagnosis (PND) was performed by fetal blood sampling. Fetal blood sampling by fetoscopy was significantly more often reported by the women to the more trying than expected than was ultrasound-guided heart puncture. Of 29 women 13 was classified as having experienc
En analys av processen för anställning av lärare vid Lunds Universitet sett ur ett genusperspektiv
Transcriptional analysis of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells shows that PD-1 inhibits T cell function by upregulating BATF
CD8(+) T cells in chronic viral infections such as HIV develop functional defects including loss of interleukin-2 (IL-2) secretion and decreased proliferative potential that are collectively termed 'exhaustion'. Exhausted T cells express increased amounts of multiple inhibitory receptors, such as programmed death-1 (PD-1), that contribute to impaired virus-specific T cell function. Although revers
Simulating terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Trends from samples from different labs
We present a systematic comparison of the results from our non-equilibrium Green's function formalism with a large number of AlGaAs-GaAs terahertz quantum cascade lasers previously published in the literature. Employing identical material and simulation parameters for all samples, we observe that the discrepancies between measured and calculated peak currents are similar for samples from a given g
Selection of an optimal feature set to predict heart transplantation outcomes
Heart transplantation (HT) is a life saving procedure, but a limited donor supply forces the surgeons to prioritize the recipients. The understanding of factors that predict mortality could help the doctors with this task. The objective of this study is to find locally optimal feature sets to predict survival of HT patients for different time periods. To this end, we applied logistic regression to
Reactivating Fetal Hemoglobin Expression in Human Adult Erythroblasts Through BCL11A Knockdown Using Targeted Endonucleases
We examined the efficiency, specificity, and mutational signatures of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcriptional activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9 systems designed to target the gene encoding the transcriptional repressor BCL11A, in human K562 cells and human CD34+progenitor cells. ZFNs and TALENs were delivere
In situ hybridization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA in the goldfish brain
The distribution of neurones expressing neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA in the brain of the goldfish was investigated using a non-radioactive in situ hybridization technique. Neurones expressing NPY mRNA were located in cell groups previously shown to exhibit NPY immunoreactivity in the ventral telencephalon, thalamus, optic tectum and a region adjacent to the locus coeruleus. In addition, neurones expr