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Your search for "*" yielded 531834 hits

Social Mechanisms in Empirical Sociology : Introduction to Special Issue

The social mechanism program has been successful in sociology and neighboring social science disciplines, such as criminology and political science. However, in our view the literature on social mechanisms is still too preoccupied with intratheoretical and metatheoretical discussions, and we find very few empirical applications. This is surprising since one of the basic aims of the social mechanis

Häktad eller omedelbart omhändertagen? : En studie om akuta frihetsberövanden av unga lagöverträdare.

This thesis deals with the question of how Swedish society responds when juveniles commit crimes. The concepts “treatment”/”goal-rational decision- making” and “correction”/ “norm-rational decision-making” is used to illustrate either the social services’ or the police/attorneys’ work. The focus of the study is social work co-operating with the legal system and the interaction between these two.Th

Measuring floodplain spatial patterns using continuous surface metrics at multiple scales

Interactions between fluvial processes and floodplain ecosystems occur upon a floodplain surface that is often physically complex. Spatial patterns in floodplain topography have only recently been quantified over multiple scales, and discrepancies exist in how floodplain surfaces are perceived to be spatially organised. We measured spatial patterns in floodplain topography for pool 9 of the Upper

Heterozygous PINK1 p.G411S increases risk of Parkinson's disease via a dominant-negative mechanism

SEE GANDHI AND PLUN-FAVREAU DOI101093/AWW320 FOR A SCIENTIFIC COMMENTARY ON THIS ARTICLE: It has been postulated that heterozygous mutations in recessive Parkinson's genes may increase the risk of developing the disease. In particular, the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) p.G411S (c.1231G>A, rs45478900) mutation has been reported in families with dominant inheritance patterns of Parkinson's

Triolein from Coix lacryma-jobi induces cell cycle arrest through p53/p21 signaling pathway

p53, a tumor suppressor protein, has important roles in DNA repair, cell cycle and apoptosis, is a one of the key events in cancer development. Coix lacryma-jobi seed has been used as a food and traditional medicine plant with anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic effects. In currently research, we identified the most potent p53-increasing compound among 4 compounds (1-4) found in Coix lacry

Soot-doped natural snow and its albedo - Results from field experiments

Soot has a pronounced effect on the cryosphere and experiments are still needed to reduce the associated uncertainties. This work presents a series of experiments to address this issue, with soot being deposited onto a natural snow surface after which the albedo changes were monitored. The albedo reduction was the most pronounced for the snow with higher soot content, and it was observed immediate

Experimental contact zones reveal causes and targets of sexual selection in hybridizing lizards

Divergence in sexually selected traits in allopatry should affect the degree and direction of hybridization. However, few studies have established the causes and targets of sexual selection during secondary contact. Common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) from north-central Italy have highly exaggerated male sexual traits compared to populations in Western Europe. Using experimental populations, we