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"Jag måste vara nationalist!"- En textanalys om feminism och nationalism i irakiska Kurdistan

This paper examines the relationship between feminism and nationalism in a contemporary society. With the development of an autonomous region in Iraq, the autonomous Kurdish region in the country saw the rise of new actors in the society. This study has focused on the case of Kurdish women in Iraqi Kurdistan and investigated how nationalism and feminism can be complementary. Using tools from disco

On fixing the international drug control regime: bridging the gap between evidence and politics

The war on drugs has failed. The 'world drug problem' is bigger than ever. The repressive law-enforcement policies are counterproductive. What now? A new approach is needed, one that accepts the fact that drugs cannot be eliminated from society, but focuses on the harm that it causes, so says science. But is the world ready to adopt this new approach? It does not seem to be the case. This

Sverigedemokraterna ett feministiskt parti?

The purpose with this studie is to see if it is possible to call Svergiedemokraterna a feministic party and if you can explain the diffrent views of feminsim inside the party whit the teory of partyculture. Whit the help of ideal types created from four diffrent feministic perspektives (difference feminism, existentialist feminism, nationalistic feminism and intersectional feminism) and a discussi

Arbete, framtid och ideologi - En ideologianalys av Svenskt Näringsliv och LO och debatten om sänkta lägstalöner

The essay explores the legitimizing, rationalizing, universalizing and naturalizing effects of ideology with focus on the Swedish trade union LO and employers’ organization Svenskt Näringsliv. The material consists of two reports both concerning the issue of lowering the minimum wage. Ideology is discussed in relation to the use of expert knowledge and how the use of expert knowledge can be read a

"The Kurds used to have no other friends than the mountains. But that is not true anymore."

This paper investigates the recruitment of foreign fighters to the Kurdish armed forces YPG and YPJ, who combat the jihadist Islamic State in Western Kurdistan. The research question addresses the mystery of how people with no ties to the conflict area can be motivated to risk their lives in a distant conflict abroad, when they could just choose not to. David Malet´s theory of the framing of the c

The green formula

This thesis tests, using quantitative methods, how four factors, namely frequency of post materialism, electoral system, party competition and nuclear power, affect and potentially explain the success rate of green parties through share of electoral support and share of parliamentary representation. The aim is to map out good and bad conditions for a green party to succeed on a transnational basis

The Return of the Poor: The Creation of a New Underclass and how it Constitutes Society

This thesis puts forward the idea that the radical other that constitutes and threatens our society is not to be found outside its limits, but that it is something inherent to our society. It proposes that the threatening other, the constitutive outside of society, is the subject 'the poor', that in its failure to partake in the labour market, fails to conform to the rules of the market, a

Brysselöverenskommelsen - botemedel eller gift?

The Brussels Agreement signed on April 19th 2013 has been described as a historical deal on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The agreement relates to questions of how to integrate the Kosovo Serb minority in Kosovo. The answer is decentralization. However are the intentions of decentralization to truly integrate the Kosovo Serb? And why has the agreement received so much r

Kampen om mellanöstern

This thesis is a case study about how Saudi Arabia’s and Iran's foreign policy have played a crucial role in forming the conflict in Syria from 2010 until today. Ever since the outbreak of the revolution in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been involved in Syria’s domestic policies. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how realism can be used to explain the power balance between the two c

A Principal's Homework: A study of principals' reactions to the Swedish School Inspectorate's auditing process

This thesis attempts to study and explain Swedish school principals’ reactions to and perceptions of the auditing process of the Swedish School Inspectorate. Guided by two strands of institutional theory, rational choice and sociological institutionalism, the author identifies certain factors that can potentially affect how principals react and think about the auditing process. The study follows a

”Integration, en sån grej som skapar jämlikhet”

Abstract This essay is about integration in the small Swedish municipality of Höör, in the south of Sweden. Using a qualitative research approach in the form of a content analysis, I have con-ducted a study concerning female immigrants from Afghanistan. The theoretical framework in this study consists of theories on integration by Diaz and Beckman. Further theoretical framework in the study consis

Islam utifrån svensk nyhetsrapportering : En kritisk diskursanalys av Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter

The survey is a critical discourse analysis of text analytic ambition where I study how Muslims and Islam are portrayed in Swedish media during the period September 2015 - May 2016.The research is based on forty newspaper articles from the nationwide newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. To read the discourses that prevail in the articles, I take the starting point in Edward Said's

Migration in the internet age: The 21st century: When refugees went online

This paper provides a new take on how to explain irregular migration. The results of this study takes a leap forward in scientific thinking of how larger irregular migration flows can be understood in the modern age where migrants are using internet technology to their advantage. By using existing migration theory and big data search patterns from google a completely new way of understanding irreg

Altering the Modes of Consumption - Nudge Policy in the Context of Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Environmental Discourse

One particular approach of behavioral economics has gained attention within environmental politics during the last decade. The idea of nudging (“gently pushing”) people in situations of decision-making towards the choice that in the long run is best for them as well as for the society and/or the environment seems to attract policy makers around the world. Many governments inside and outside the EU

Storytelling in the Anthropocene: A critical consideration of the Anthropocene using socio-ecological theory and science fiction to scrutinise current and envision future stories of social justice and ecological sustainability

We now have entered the Anthropocene. Humanity is the new geological force drastically changing the systems of the Earth. At least this is the story told by natural scientists. Social scientists are critical of this ‘natural’ narrative as it cannot deal with the social dimension of geological changes. This is problematic with regard to understanding the relation between social justice and ecologic

Ingen skatteflykt utan lag - Har tillämpningen av skatteflyktslagen inneburit att rättstillämparen blivit lagstiftare?

Skatteflyktslagen har kritiserats för att vara så vagt utformad att den kan sägas sakna materiellt innehåll. Vid ett sådant synsätt har lagstiftaren genom införandet av skatteflyktslagen delegerat normgivningsmakt till rättstillämparen. Eftersom skatterätten är ett rättsområde där ett föreskriftskrav följer av regeringsformen skulle detta innebära att skatteflyktslagen är grundlagsstridig. Få förfThe law against tax evasion (lag (1995:575) mot skatteflykt) has been criticized for being so vague that it in fact lacks content. Should this be the case, the Swedish legislator has, through the law against tax evasion, delegated the legislative competence to the judges. According to the Swedish constitution, legislation is necessary for taxation to be lawful. Only the parliament has legislative

Synthesis of iron borides

In this report, the synthesis of iron borides has been studied. Iron and boron powders have been mixed in amounts corresponding to 50 at-% of each element. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to observe any reactions taking place up to a temperature of 1550 °C at heating rates of 5, 10 and 10 K/min, both for pre-compacted Fe-B powder mixtures as well as loose powders. The results

Vinst och samhällsansvar - En studie av ändamålet med aktiebolagslagstiftningen, vinstsyftet och dess förhållande till hållbar utveckling

Forskning har visat att ett konstant ökat materiellt välstånd inte är möjligt med hänsyn till jordens begränsade resurser, klimatförändringarna eller för att möjliggöra en hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsen undersöker förhållandet mellan den norm att aktiebolagsverksamhet ska syfta till att maximera avkastningen till aktieägarna och därigenom nyttan i samhället, mätt i materiellt välstånd, och behovet Research has demonstrated a causal link between the consistent growth in total human material wealth over the recent centuries and the consumption of the Earth's limited resources at the expense of the natural environment. For a multiplicity of reasons, it is now clear that it is no longer possible for capital accumulation and the rate of growth to continue at the rate it previously has if an

Styrelsebegreppet i 8 kap. 35 § ABL

För att en styrelse ska anses ha rättshandlat i bolagets namn förutsätts att det är styrelsen, i den mening som avses i 8 kap. 35 § aktiebolagslagen (2005:551), ABL, som företagit rättshandlingen. Genom NJA 2005 s. 729 och NJA 2015 s. 312 har HD gjort bedömningar som påverkar innehållet i styrelsebegreppet. Enligt besluten är styrelsen behörig att teckna bolagets firma om den företräds av en sådanA prerequisite for the board of directors to commit a legal act on behalf of a company, is that the board has performed the legal act within the boundaries of the definition of the board found in chapter 8, section 35 of the Swedish Companies Act. In two decisions by the Supreme Court, NJA 2005 s. 729 and NJA 2015 s. 312, the court has passed judgements that affect the concept of the board. Accord

Långtidspendlande studenters vardag ur ett aktivitetsperspektiv

Långtidspendling har blivit ett aktuellt ämne, då det under de senaste åren uppmärksammats av massmedia. Tidigare studier har visat att både långtidspendlare och studenter, var för sig exponeras för faktorer som kan utgöra en risk för ohälsa. Kombinationen av studier och långtidspendling har inte studerats ur ett tydligt aktivitetsperspektiv, syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur denna g