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Analyses of climate response and phenological mismatch using data from herbarium specimens

Aims to analyse climate response in flowering time and phenological mismatch using records from herbarium specimens. Phenological data have emerged as effective tools for studying the impact of climate change on demographic processes. Of the biological responses to climate change detected to date, changes in phenological events during the spring such as onset of flowering are among the most sensit - 2025-01-31


Welcome to BECC world leading research about the dynamics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world Cooperation between Lund University and University of Gothenburg 2 universities, 16 departments and more than 300 researchers. From natural to social sciences tackling the complexities of social-ecological systems in a world affected by global change. Stakeholder dialog - 2025-01-31

Research on imperative questions of our time

addressing our society´s need for knowledge about the dynamics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world To generate cutting-edge research increasing the ability of societies to reach the UN Sustainability Development Goals, BECC currently focuses on three grand challenges arising from the combined consequences of climate change and land-use on biodiversity, ecosystem - 2025-01-31

Carbon Cycle & Climate Change – 4C (foresee)

One major challenge is to reduce the currently high uncertainty about how the carbon cycle responds to anthropogenic and biophysical drivers, including long-term effects of slow-responding processes of vegetation and soils. The carbon cycle dynamically couples the biosphere, oceans and atmosphere, and links societal and biophysical dimensions of the Earth system. A Grand Challenge is to reduce wid - 2025-01-31

Ecosystem Services under Global Change

A Grand Challenge is to integrate private and public values of ecosystem services into environmental policies and management, while accounting for the projected impacts of climate, land-use and other drivers of change. Climate, environmental and socio-economic change may negatively impact ecosystems and their services. But it may also provide opportunities such as increased agricultural and silvic - 2025-01-31

Biodiversity under Global Change

Climate change threatens biodiversity directly, but also indirectly through changes in land-use caused by attempts to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This calls for effective biodiversity conservation strategies on different scales. The direct and indirect consequences of climate change may have compounding effects on biodiversity, such as habitat loss that limits species range shifts. A Gran - 2025-01-31

BECC strategies and plans

On this page we have gathered strategies and plans that are important in BECC. We encourage all researchers and staff at BECC to read the Research strategy and the current Plan of operations. BECCs work is guided by its research strategy that stretches five years at a time. This is complemented by a yearly plan of operations and a strategic plan for the Grand Challenges.We encourage all BECC resea - 2025-01-31

Apply for a BECC Action

Applications are open for all BECC members and can be sent to the Board two times per year: by 1 May or 1 November. What is a BECC Action?A BECC Action grant aims at shorter projects (max 12 months) and is open to all BECC PIs and BECC researchers. Actions should be targeted efforts that in the long-term leverage and strengthen BECC research and collaboration. Inter- and/or transdisciplinarity, an - 2025-01-31

BECC funding for guest researchers

Open for all BECC associated researchers. Application can be submitted at any time. Researchers affiliated with BECC are welcome to apply for support through BECC funds and facilities to invite guest researchers. The overall aim of guest researchers is to further strengthen research areas and research groups within BECC. BECC researchers are welcome to apply for support through BECC funds and faci - 2025-01-31

Apply for workshops

BECC welcomes workshop initiatives within its area of interest. They can serve a number of purposes, for example to update a scientific area and to interact with stakeholders. What is a BECC workshop? Workshops serve many purposes, for example to update or summarize a scientific area of particular interest to BECC,  to interact with stakeholders,  to initiate research applications, or to initiate - 2025-01-31

Registration BECC Grand Seminar: How fair and effective is the political process to decide and implement a post-2020 global biodiversity framework?

We invite you to a joint BECC and LU Land Grand Seminar. We will listen to experts in different fields connected to biodiversity, decision-making, and discuss possibilities for implementing the post-2020 global biodiversity framework that will be finalized and adopted at COP15 in December. Register below Place: Pufendorf institute (stora hörsalen), Biskopsgatan 3, Lund  Date and time: 25th of Nove - 2025-01-31

Research infrastructure

As a researcher in BECC you have access to world leading research infrastructure. BECC researchers are active in using research infrastructure, some of which is partly or fully financed by BECC.Some examples of the research infrastructure that is available to our researchers are listed below.LPJ-GUESSLPJ-GUESS is a process-based dynamic vegetation-terrestrial ecosystem model designed for regional - 2025-01-31

EU, ERC and Horizon Europe support page

Here you find news related to Horizon Europe, ERC and other calls and events on Europe/EU-level, open calls for planning grants, early drafts for missions and work programme cluster 5 and 6. The page also includes an overview of support available for researchers connected to CEC, CEC Fellows, BECC, MERGE and/or LU Land during the planning and application phase. Click on the link below to get to th - 2025-01-31

BECC Membership

BECC consists of scientists at different stages of their career. On these pages we explain the different levels of membership in BECC, present the nomination- and application forms as well as the benefits of being a member, and what is expected of you. BECC consists of scientists at different stages of their career and is defined by its Principal Investigators (PIs) that perform research, educatio - 2025-01-31

BECC Incubator Grant

For BECC-PIs What is the Incubator Grant?The funds within the Incubator Grant are intended for projects that offer excellent research addressing BECC challenges, where inter- and/or transdisciplinarity, interaction between different research groups and interaction between different universities are requirements. Granted projects should clearly address one or more of BECC’s current Grand Challenges - 2025-01-31