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Following the rules of rendaku in Japanese: Native speakers’ production of novel compound words

The goal of this thesis is to gain knowledge on the psychological reality of some known rules, conditions, and categorizations that have been observed in the phenomenon of Japanese “rendaku” (also known as sequential voicing). The results presented in this thesis are based on a quantitative study that was aimed at native speakers of Japanese. The conducted experiment for this study was designed as

Intäktsregleringens påverkan på svenska eldistributörer

Problembeskrivning: Den svenska intäktsregleringen tenderar att uppdateras inför varje reglerperiod, vilket kan göra det svårt för eldistributörerna att bedöma vilka strategier som säkerställer en rimlig intäktsram och avkastning på längre sikt. En möjlighet skulle kunna vara att den svenska intäktsregleringen inspireras av motsvarande regelverk i andra länder. Mot bakgrund av detta är det av intr

Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy Using Non-spreading Airy Beams

Recently a new field of microscopy has emerged, known as selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM). Using a SPIM setup the sample is illuminated with a thin light sheet from the side. The selective plane illumination overcomes many problems that conventional microscopes have. Conventional microscopes illuminate the sample axially and collects the light only from the focal plane of the microsc

The Cost of Thinking - Testing a Paradigm that Measures Mental Costs

Research on why we use a specific mode of thinking has long recognised the relevance of mental costs. The definition of this cost, however, has either been too abstract to be measured or focusing on metabolic costs, which currently is expensive and difficult to measure. In this experiment, we used a paradigm that measures the behavioural cost of three modes of thinking (rational reflection, emotio

An AFFIRM Assay for Potential Biomarkers in Relapsed Breast Cancer

Relapsed or recurrent breast cancer is the chief cause of breast cancer related deaths and it is estimated that one-third of breast cancer patients would likely suffer a relapse. Due to high mortality and incidence, recurrent breast cancer requires better means of prediction, prevention and treatment. The AFFIRM platform uses recombinant antibody technology and selected reaction monitoring (SRM) m

State Aid and the MEIT - Can the State really be seen as a private investor?

State Aid is prohibited according to European Union legislation since it has possible distortive effects on competition. Nevertheless, Member States intervene in the economy and play an important role in the full functioning and development of the economy and society. The European Commission investigates potential State Aid measures by comparing the behaviour of the State with the behaviour of a h

Leverage in Pharma

Purpose: To test established theories on capital structure determinants for the pharmaceutical industry and to discern the determinants of capital structure of this industry. Methodology: A quantitative study is conducted using a deductive approach to statistically describe the nature of the global pharmaceutical industry's capital structure. Theoretical perspective: The theoretical framewor

The JOBS Act and the Role of Venture Capital-Backing in Initial Public Offerings: Revival of Self-serving Collaborators

Course: BUSN79 Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Seminar Date: June 1, 2018 Authors: Morten Henrik Sassen & Birger Willersen Advisor: Prof. Lars Oxelheim Purpose: This study aims to empirically examine the effects of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012 on a perspective hitherto neglected by the recently emerging JOBS literature: The role of ve

The Process of Making Change Stick for Corporate Sustainability

Nowadays companies need to consider sustainability issues if they wish to operate in harmony with society and the environment and to leverage their resources efficiently in the long run. Sustainability issues often become the drivers for organizational change due to external pressures and demands. As it takes time for sustainability efforts to bear fruit, companies need to remain committed to the

A Framework for Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management

Title A Framework for Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management Background Since the Bitcoin currency prices received huge increments, researchers and industries started to ask what makes this currency so unique, and how can we harness the technology behind it. This research is about exploring Blockchain Technology applications in the Supply Chain Management field. Different ca

En fallstudie i Landskrona gällande möjlighet att inrätta miljöriskområde för förorenad mark

Giftig mark i Landskrona. Avfall har dumpats under lång tid. Det finns giftiga ämnen i marken i Landskronas östra industriområde. Detta har konstaterats i ett examensarbete i miljövetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Markprover visar att jorden innehåller de giftiga ämnena arsenik och bly i höga nivåer. Sanering eller förbud mot grävning måste införas för att människor inte ska påverkas. Många fastiIn the city of Landskrona, in the southwest of Sweden, the eastern industrial area is partially filled with householdjavascript:changeTab('additionalInformation') waste, resulting in contamination throughout the area. Since it is not considered reasonable to carry out full remediation in the area, the environmental department in Landskrona is interested in establishing an environmental ris

Kuratorns interprofessionella möten: En kvalitativ analys av sjukhuskuratorers erfarenheter av interprofessionellt samarbete

In hospitals, several professions need to collaborate to be able to offer patients the best care possible. The aim of this study was therefore to examine and analyse counselors experiences of interprofessional collaboration on hospital clinics within Skånes University Hospital (SUS). The study consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews of four hospital social workers. The interviewees were

Semi-Automatic Segmentation, Detection and Classification of Gram Stained Bacteria in Blood Samples

För att snabbare kunna diagnostisera och behandla patienter vill man göra mikroskopering automatisk istället för manuell som den är idag. Vi har utvecklat ett automatiskt system för att analysera bakterier i ett digitalt mikroskop. Att automatisera vården är ett koncept som blir vanligare och vanligare. Även inom laboratorieverksamhet har det anammats. Dock finns det en bit kvar att gå, framföralManual microscopy is a time-consuming and inefficient procedure in microbiology laboratories today. Common analyses in these laboratories are detection and classification of Gram stained bacteria (Rydberg J. personal communication. Feb. 2016). Bacteria that have been Gram stained are either Gram negative or Gram positive. Gram negative bacteria are pink/red and Gram positive bacteria are purple. M

Yang-Mills driven Cosmic Expansion

This thesis will investigate the possibility to have SU(2) gauge fields as the source to the Cosmic Inflation and/or to the Dark Energy. It will be explained that, under certain conditions, the Universe can be filled with vector fields without violating its isotropy. Those conditions are naturally fulfilled within the SU(2) gauge theory. Both Einstein's equations and the equations of motion

Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Sweden: a GARCH Modelling Approach

This essay investigates inflation and inflation uncertainty in Sweden from 1970:Q1 to 2014:Q4. GARCH models are used to generate a measure of inflation uncertainty estimated under the distributional assumption of Student's t-distribution and GED. The preferable model found for Swedish inflation was a EGARCH(1,1) estimated with Student's t-distribution. The coefficient of the asymmetry in t

The Precarious Case of Female Representation: A Single Case Study of Female Political Representation in Lund’s Municipality

The thesis proceeds from Sweden’s first gender equality sub-goal; Equal Division of Power and Influence, in order to investigate how the political power is divided between the sexes within local committees in Skåne and in Lund. Political commitments at local level should be carried out alongside labour or other occupation; and thus the overall aim of the thesis is to investigate if labour market m

Waste to Energy: an alternate energy source for Ghana

For the past three to four years, Ghana has experienced an energy crisis which has resulted in frequent power outages. Although water levels in the main Akosombo dam has been low, electricity generation from hydro has not declined but steadily increasing pointing to efficiency in generation. However inefficiencies in grid transmission coupled with decline in thermal generation of electricity from

Utveckling av leveransprestationsmätning av Orkla Foods Sveriges leverantörer

Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta fram en mer tillförlitlig leveransprestationsmätning av Orkla Foods Sveriges leverantörer vars resultat kan kommuniceras både internt och externt för att långsiktigt förbättra leveransprestationen. När denna studie genomfördes hade Orkla Foods Sverige problem med låg leveransprestation från sina leverantörer och otillförlitliga mätningar av detta som grundade s

Ledtidsreduktion från ämnesmaterial till monterad värmeväxlare

Titel: Ledtidsreduktion från ämnesmaterial till monterad värmeväxlare Författare: Anders Eklind & Jacob Johnsson Handledare: Jan‐Eric Ståhl, Professor vid Industriell produktion, Lunds tekniska högskola, Fredrik Schultheiss, Doktor vid Industriell produktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Bakgrund: Orderingången för värmeväxlare ur kylsortimentet minskar idag med 15‐25 procent för varje extra ve