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The Hokkaido Dialect: A Standardising Dialect?

This thesis explores the standardisation process of the Hokkaido Dialect, a Japanese variety spoken on Japan’s northernmost island. This dialect, in turn, will be compared to the island of Okinawa and its regional equivalent Uchinaa-Yamatoguchi. These islands are parallel to each other as they share similar historical and political events. To investigate the standardisation process and to be able

Local currencies: a tool for sustainability? : a: transitions perspective on the impacts of local currencies for sustainability : the case of the Bristol Pound

This research investigates the contribution of local currencies to sustainability. I look at a specific local currency scheme (the Bristol Pound, in Bristol, United Kingdom) through a transitions perspective, employing a Transitions Evaluation Framework, Multi-Level and Multi-Phase Perspectives to conduct my analysis. I use a qualitative triangulation approach to collect data, namely semi-structur

Analysis of planetary gear train

This thesis regards the efficiency of a planetary gear train. The analysis only accounts for the power losses in the gear meshing. Tip radius, pressure angles and profile shifts are altered and the results show higher efficiency due to tooth modifications.

Inclusion of Evidence-Based Approach to Humanitarian Needs Assessment in Flash Appeals

According to the humanitarian principle of impartiality, decisions on what to fund in humanitarian crises should be based on a clear identification and prioritization of need. However, both the donors and responders have been reported to not act solely based on the needs. Previous studies indicate that skepticism around the quality of humanitarian needs assessments, especially in Flash Appeal docu

Country of Origin Branding: The Case of Air Canada

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to research how Air Canada uses their country-of-origin as part of their identity and branding strategy and to find out how a global customer base perceives it. Air Canada was chosen for the main focus of this research, as the airline is leveraging their Canadian country-of-origin as the primary factor in differentiating themselves in a highly competitive mark


Under senare delen av 1800-talet började järnvägarna byggas i Sverige. Det växte efterhand upp samhällen och städer på de platser där stationerna byggdes. Södra stambanan, som går från Malmö till Falköping, och sedan vidare till Stockholm, började byggas 1856. Järnvägen byggdes genom Tjörnarps socken 1858–59. Tjörnarp ligger mellan Höör och Hässleholm. Det anlades järnvägsstationer både i Höör,

En succé till börsentré

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera ett intervall av optimal förstadagsavkastning för börsintroduktioner på den svenska aktiemarknaden ur ett ledningsperspektiv, samt att undersöka ett antal variablers samband med nämnda optimala förstadagsavkastning. Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats använts för att analysera insamlad sekundärdata. Teoretiska perspekPurpose: The purpose of this study is to identify an interval of optimal first day return for IPOs on the Swedish stock market from the management’s perspective, and to investigate the relationship between the study’s chosen variables and mentioned optimal first day return. Methodology: A quantitative method with a deductive approach has been used to analyze the collected secondary data. Theoret

On Shock Propagation in Financial Networks

This thesis develops a simplified financial network model for an interbank lending system which is then analyzed in terms of contagion when exposed to external liquidity shocks. The aim is to understand how individual institutions and the network structure affect the shock propagation and finding factors that increase respectively decrease the systemic risk of the network. The network structures a

Svenska aktiemarknadens inställning till kvinnliga styrelseledamöter

The purpose of this thesis is to show how the Swedish market reacts to the appointment of a new female board member and whether this has a negative or positive affect on the share price in the short term. The theoretical framework complying of the efficient market hypothesis and behavioral finance sets the basis for the hypotheses and analysis. By using data from 120 observations from publicly tra

1:N fingerprint classification

Biometric recognition systems are widely used to recognize an individual. Fingerprints is a biometric identifier and are today widely used in smartphones for biometric recognition. The fingerprint software used in smartphones are great and fast, and usually implemented for one person usage. A fingerprint software used for smartphones often conducts a one-to-one comparison between the sample and th

Variational approach to the many-body problem with error estimation

I detta arbetet utvecklas en metod för att göra approximativa beräkningar av grundtillståndet för ett kvantmekaniskt system bestående av flera partiklar.In this thesis a method for doing approximate calculations of the ground state of quantum mechanical many-body systems is developed and implemented. This method uses the Hartree-Fock method as a starting point and approximates the ground state as a linear combination of non-orthogonal Slater determinants. The Slater determinants are added consecutively by minimising their associated energy while k

En unik ankarbutik - en kvalitativ studie av Systembolagets butikslokalisering och dess inverkan på platsutveckling

I och med att konkurrensen om kunderna ökar behöver utformningen av platser syfta till att attrahera människor. Som en konsekvens av den ökade konkurrensen är det viktigt med samlokalisering av handelsaktörer för att locka människor till platsen. Att vissa platser är mer välbesökta än andra beror bland annat på handelsagglomerationers samt enskilda ankarbutikers olika dragningskraft. En av de anka

Mitigating Urban Heat Island effects in Beirut

Urbanisation in Beirut has led to a situation where the city suffers from a severe lack of green public space—Lebanon’s capital have ended up with some of the least amount of public green space per capita in the world. The lack of green surfaces and vegetation in Beirut contributes to the city’s Urban Heat Island (UHI)—a phenomenon where an urban or metropolitan area traps waste heat and end up si

Harnessing Employee Influence on Social Media : A Qualitative Case Study An Indonesian Company

This study examines the problem of implementing the employee as social media influ-encer to spread the company messages on social media. The research aim to answer how the role of an employee could contribute to the development of the company brand through employee as a social media influencer. A qualitative approach is used to analyze the phenomenon with the help of a single case study of the Per

A Tribute to Reason: An Appraisal of the 1860 Beirut Tribunal and Commission in light of the 1945 Nuremberg Tribunal

The Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg IMT), created in 1945, has been put forward by international legal scholars as the first international criminal tribunal, and the starting point of international criminal justice. However, throughout history, there have been other initiatives to try individuals for mass atrocities on the international level, comparable to the Nuremberg IMT t

Value Creation in Distressed M&As

This thesis concludes that financially distressed targets’ shareholders gain significantly higher premiums. Acquirers’ shareholders suffer from value destruction in the short-run when acquiring distressed targets, whereas in the long-run value is created. However, both findings are insignificantly different from non-distressed M&As. Key long-term value drivers in distressed M&As are relati

Sexuella trakasserier eller en del av jobbet?

Hösten 2017 startade uppropet #tystnadtagning för att uppmärksamma skådespelerskors upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier i arbetet. Genom flertalet berättelser delade skådespelerskorna i uppropet med sig av personligt upplevda sexuella kränkningar i syftet att förändra sin arbetssituation. Denna uppsats syfte är att generera större branschspecifik kunskap om sexuella trakasserier i arbetet ur kvin

Invändig tilläggsisolering av massiva tegelytterväggar – fallstudie av Zoofysiologen, Lund.

I Sverige är en stor del av byggnadsbeståndet uppfört före 1973. Detta år har stor betydelse då vi detta år hade en oljekris som ändrade inställningen till energi och byggande. Sverige ligger i norra delen av Europa och har en låg medeltemperatur jämfört med stora delar av övriga Europa. Detta har gjort att det ställts hårda krav på modernt byggande som stramas åt med jämna mellanrum. De gamla byg

Incubating open innovation: How can the participation in the COII support companies to open up? - A single case study exploring open innovation within an incubator

Research question: How can the participation in the COII support companies to open up? Methodology: The thesis applies a single case study design to examine an opening up process in relation to open innovation. The thesis used a qualitative research strategy with inductive design with influences of deduction. The primary data emerged from semi-structured interviews to grasp an in-depth understand