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News and events from 2020

News updates and events from the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. NewsDecemberStudy of wastewater reuse in Simrishamn get funds from Svenskt Vatten Utveckling(4 December, 2020) More frequent droughts combined with climate change, but also a more advanced wastewater treatment, have placed wastewater reuse high on the agenda. Simrishamn is one of the Swedish municipalities having received funds from the - 2025-01-31

News and events from 2021

News updates and events from the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. NewsNovemberSustainable diets reduce risk of cancer(24 November 2021)PhD student of Medicine, Anna Stubbendorff, co-authored an article that shows valuable health benefits with reduced risk of premature death caused by cardiovascular disease and cancer, if we follow more sustainable diets.Summary of the articleArticle (in Swedish) on Fo - 2025-01-31

News and events from 2022

News updates and events from the 2030 Graduate School. NewsDecemberReduced flow of plasticsAt Helsingborg's hospital, doctors have switched from disposable to reusable items and reduced the flow of plastics, writes Sjukhusläkaren. The Agenda 2030 PhD student Linn Boberg researches plastic articles in healthcare and is interviewed in the article.Tog bort onödiga verktyg - minskade plastflödet i ope - 2025-01-31

Start page

Agenda 2030 Graduate School Cutting-edge research school and collaborative platform on societal challenges and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 Award Nominations are invited! Meet our PhD students From all faculties Join our Extended family! Our PhD courses New PhD students Calendar Link to RSS More events - 2025-01-31

Agenda 2030 Award for high-profile research on degrowth

Does green growth exist? Can we achieve a sustainable society with a GDP that grows year after year? Not if you ask Timothée Parrique. He is the economist who defied all the good advice and chose to research degrowth. Now his thesis has been downloaded 40,000 times, and he is a sought-after lecturer worldwide. Timothée Parrique is the 2023 winner of the Lund University Sustainability Award for Age - 2025-01-31

Alumni of the Agenda 2030 Graduate School

The Agenda 2030 Graduate School has now welcomed its first alumni, with more on the way in spring and autumn 2024. Click on the links to learn more about the alumni's PhD theses and how they experienced their time at the Graduate School. Alezini Loxa Faculty of Law Jesica López Faculty of Science Phil Flores School of Economics and Management Tanya Andersson Nystedt Faculty of Medicine Alva Zalar - 2025-01-31

News and events from 2023

News updates and events from the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. NewsNovember 2023Agenda 2030 Career Day for Early-Career ResearchersInvest in building relationships and remember that opportunities are linked to people, be digitally searchable, remember that your skills are your ticket to the interview and once there, the social aspect is important, surround yourself with good people and ensure a wor - 2025-01-31

Recycled wastewater reaches lake water quality

How do we get enough water when climate change leads to heat waves, droughts and other extreme weather events? Reusing wastewater is one option. Agenda 2030 PhD student Maria Takman's research shows how a treatment method that is currently being evaluated in Scania results in lakewater quality wastewater. At the same time, the study highlights the need for both more knowledge about wastewater trea - 2025-01-31

About this website

Processing of personal dataLund University processes personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, the Data Protection Act 2018:218 and other relevant legislation.Privacy Policy at Lund University - website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website. The next ti - 2025-01-31

Panel discussion: "White Men in Africa", Navigating race, gender and identity in fieldwork as a European Researcher in Postcolonial Settings

Welcome to this panel discussion which can help you navigate the complexities of fieldwork by offering advice, guidance and critical reflection on key issues in postcolonial research. Please complete the registration form below to reserve your place. Swedish fika will be served. Date: 3rd April 2024. 1:15-3pmVenue: SOL H104, Helgonabacken 12, Lund Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new - 2025-01-31

Workshop series on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals - Peace, justice and strong institutions

The aim of this workshop series is to look at some of the Sustainable Development Goals of which we currently are furthest away from achieving and to have a joint dialogue in what are the problems, what knowledge do we possess and could we possibly find any solutions together through the work on subject cases.When: Wednesday 23 April 09:00 - 12:00Where: Eden 235, Paradisgatan 5, LundThis is the re - 2025-01-31

Workshop series on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals

In the spring of 2024, the Agenda 2030 research school will organise a workshop series on the SDGs in collaboration with other research schools at Lund University. The aim of this workshop series is to look at some of the Sustainable Development Goals of which we currently are furthest away from achieving and to have a joint dialogue in what are the problems, what knowledge do we possess and could - 2025-01-31

Agenda 2030 Award Ceremony Registration

Welcome to join the ceremony for the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award. Listen to inspiring talks, enjoy music with a sustainability theme and mingle with refreshments. Date: 10 April 2024, 3.00 - 4.30 pm. Mingle and music from 2.45 pm.Venue: Botulfshörnan, Stadshallen, Lund Status message Registration is now closed. You are very welcome to attend the award ceremony anyway, but we cannot promise t - 2025-01-31

Agenda 2030 Award for research on climate change, gender and peace

Research on climate change, gender and peace, sustainable migration and electric scooters are recognised in this year's edition of the Agenda 2030 Award. The winner is Christie Nicoson, a PhD student at the Department of Political Science, who was celebrated at Lund's Sustainability Week. For the third year in a row, the Agenda 2030 Award will be presented at Lund University. The award was establi - 2025-01-31

PhD student Christie Nicoson is the Agenda 2030 Award winner 2024

While we are inundated with data on rising temperatures, carbon dioxide levels and melting glaciers, there are other areas that are also affected by a warming planet. Political scientist Christie Nicoson explores the relationship between gender, climate change and peace and finds that they are closely linked. She is now receiving the Agenda 2030 Award for 2024. Can you tell us about your backgroun - 2025-01-31

Hållbarhetspris för forskning om klimatförändringar, genus och fred

Forskning om klimatförändringar, genus och fred, hållbar migration och elsparkcyklar uppmärksammas i årets upplaga av Agenda 2030 Award. Vinnare är Christie Nicoson, doktorand vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, och hon kommer att firas och presentera sin forskning på Hållbarhetsveckan i Lund. För tredje året i rad delas hållbarhetspriset Agenda 2030 Award ut vid Lunds universitet. Priset instif - 2025-01-31

Doktoranden Christie Nicoson får årets hållbarhetspris Agenda 2030 Award

Samtidigt som vi förses med generösa mängder data över stigande temperaturer, koldioxidhalter och smältande glaciärer finns det andra områden som, lite mer i skymundan, också påverkas av en varmare planet. Doktoranden Christie Nicoson undersöker förhållandet mellan klimatförändringar, genus och fred. Hon konstaterar att de är nära sammankopplade och nu tilldelas hon priset Agenda 2030 Award för si - 2025-01-31

Nothing more queer than Nature

Welcome to a talk on queer ecology with Brigitte Baptiste, Chancellor of Universidad Ean, Colombia. See you on 15 April at 15.00 at LUCSUS, there will be fika served. Please register before or on 10 April. Read more about the event Nothing more queer than Nature Status message Registration is now closed. You are very welcome to attend the award ceremony anyway, but we cannot promise that fika will - 2025-01-31

News 2024

October 2024 Jesica López, a PhD student at the Agenda 2030 Graduate School, successfully defended her thesis on 11 October. Her research presents sustainable solutions to protect the Amazon rainforest, with a focus on reducing deforestation caused by cattle ranching in Colombia. Jesica's work emphasizes the need for improved land use practices, stricter environmental regulations, and collaboratio - 2025-01-31

Study visit to UN City and Sustainability Science Center, Copenhagen

The Agenda 2030 Graduate School invites you to join us for a full day study visit to Copenhagen on the 14th of May 2024. Priority will be given to Agenda 2030 Graduate School PhD students and members of the Extended family. Deadline to register is 26th of April.Food: Lighter snacks and fika will be available. Regarding lunch, it is either brought or paid at your own expense.PLEASE NOTE! Bring a va - 2025-01-31