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MPP Diabetes endpoint report 2017

Malmö Preventive Project Department of Clinical Sciences Skåne University Hospital, Malmö Lund UniversityReport byAnders Dahlin Peter NilssonMalmö Preventive Project - Diabetes EndpointsEnd of follow-up: 31 December 2016 Report: 12 April 2018 General informationAn individual with diabetes can be characterized as either prevalent or incident with respect to diabetes onset in relation to the time of - 2025-03-05

MDC Questionnaire

2022-08-15ContentsFactors which are likely to have an effect on the emergence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, such as education, occupation, physical load, psychosocial working environment, social relations, physical activity, sleep, tobacco and alcohol consumption, health, diseases in the family, use of contraceptive pills etc.Lines: 28 577Variables: 291SourcesData have been derived from t - 2025-03-05

MDC Bodycomp

2022-08-18ContentsMeasures of body composition. Anthropometric measurements were taken by a trained nurse. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA 103, RLJ system) was used for measuring the resistance and reactance. Measured values of these two variables were used together with the participant's sex, age, height and weight in regression analysis and formulas to calculate the other variables (i.e. t - 2025-03-05

MDC Family disease heredity

2017-03-09ContentsFamily disease heredity according to question 65 (version 1), questions 124 to 133 (version 2) or questions 86 to 95 (version 3) in the questionnaire. The accounted diseases are: cancer, heart infarction, stroke and diabetes (only version 1).Lines: 119 649 records of 28 459 individualsVariables: 11MiscellaneousVersions 2 and 3 of the questionnaire did not contain questions about - 2025-03-05

MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based

2017-04-18ContentsIntake of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs (with brand, atc code, dose, disease and starting year). The data file contains one drug per line, an individual may have multiple lines.Lines: 76 946 records of 20 508 individualsVariables: 19SourcesData have been derived from two sources: 1) the questionnaire (questions 62 and 63 [version 1], 121 and 122 [version 2], and 83 and 84 [ - 2025-03-05

MDC Physical activity

2015-11-26ContentsPhysical activity during leisure according to question 37 (version 1), question 75 (version 2) or question 32 (version 3) in the questionnaire. Number of minutes per week per season per activity (including to and from work), one type of activity per line.Lines: 107 189  records of 27 749 individualsVariables: 8SourceData have been derived from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study ques - 2025-03-05

EXTP45 Strålterapifysik

KURSBESKRIVNING Strålterapifysik Var tredje person i västvärlden drabbas av cancer, och antalet nya fall per år ökar stadigt. Strålbehandling är idag vårt mest effektiva alternativ till kirurgi, och mer än hälften av alla cancerpatienter behandlas i kombination med strålning. Dagens strålbehandling är tekniskt avancerad och kan levereras med hög precision. Samtidigt pågår en ständig utveckling. Me - 2025-03-05

Information om avdelningen och dess organisation

Om avdelningenMedicinsk strålningsfysik är ett ämnesområde där fysik och olika strålningstillämpningar möter biologi och medicin, med människan i centrum. Avdelningen ansvarar för sjukhusfysikerutbildningen, och bedriver forskning och forskarutbildning på medicinska och naturvetenskapliga fakulteterna. Sjukhusfysiker knutna till medicinsk strålningsfysik arbetar på avdelningen för radiofysik vid S - 2025-03-05

8th SYRA3 Cost Action Meeting, Lund, October 13-14, 2016

Innovative Methods in Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery using Synchrotron Radiation (SYRA3) is a COST Action supported by the European Union with the aim to setup and coordinate a multidisciplinary network to develop synchrotron radiotherapy and radiosurgery techniques to treat brain tumours and other diseases of the central nervous system. The 8th SYRA3 Cost Action meeting took place on October 13-14 - 2025-03-05


Please note that this is a local registration only. Do not forget to corfirm your official invitation from the COST Association.  Statusmeddelande Detta formulär är tyvärr stängt för nya inlämningar. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-05

5th Öresund Workshop on Radiotherapy, February 8-9, 2017

General informationThe Öresund Workshop on Radiotherapy is a regional meeting for professionals and researchers, including Ph.D. students and their supervisors, within radiation oncology, biology and physics at the departments in Gothenburg, Lund, Rigshospitalet and Herlev. VenueThe 5th Öresund Workshop on Radiotherapy will take place at Elite Hotel Marina Plaza in Helsingborg, located only 2-5 mi - 2025-03-05

Nuklearmedicin fysik och teknik / Systemisk strålterapi

Systemisk strålterapi innebär användning av radioaktivitet kopplad till ämnen som söker sig till cancercellerna. Sådana målsökande molekyler sprutas in i blodet och användas för att behandla spridda cancerceller och metastaser. För effektiv behandlingen måste man göra en noggrann dosplanering. Vi utvecklar metoder för att beräkna stråldosen till tumör och normal vävnad. För mätningarna användes bl - 2025-03-05


Latest version All files are packed in ZIP archivesWindows versionVersion 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.2: 32-bit or 64-bitMac version (OSX)Version 5.0: 64-bitVersion 6.0: 64-bitVersion 6.1: 64-bitVersion 6.2: 64-bitLinux versionVersion 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.2: 32-bit or 64 - 2025-03-05


Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging - First edition Eds. M Ljungberg; S-E Strand, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; M A King, University of Massachussetts Medical School, Worcester, USA Covers the applications of Monte Carlo calculations (MC) in nuclear medicine from first principles, to the current computer applications. Written for nuclear medicine ph - 2025-03-05