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A unique autophosphorylation site in the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor from a heterodimeric receptor complex
The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) alpha and beta receptors undergo dimerization as a consequence of ligand binding. Depending on the PDGF isoform (PDGF-AA, -AB or -BB), homodimers or heterodimers of receptors are formed. In this study, we have used transfected porcine aortic endothelial cells, coexpressing cDNAs for the alpha receptor and the beta receptor at comparable levels, to investig
Dialog hösten 2009
Legal and Social Norms for Development:Why legal reform of the informal economy failed to influence vulnerable groups in developing countries
Using the concepts of social norms and social reality, this chapter explores why legal reforms that aimed to facilitate the formalization of informal workers have largely failed to influence vulnerable groups in developing countries. It explores the use of legal reforms in order to achieve development and poverty reduction. Using empirical material from a qualitative study conducted in Colombia am
Synd och skam : ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd 1680-1880
Popular Abstract in Swedish Synd och skam. Ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd, 1680-1880. Avhandlingens utgångspunkt har varit ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd i ett långtidsperspektiv, 1680-1880. Arbetet är kvinnohistoriskt och utgår från en önskan att synliggöra betydelsen av kön i det äldre samhället. Hur tänkte och resonerade man kring kön och sexualitet i det förindustriella bondesamhället? The situation of unmarried mothers in Swedish rural society during 1680–1880 is the subject of this thesis. It focuses on the judicial and religious discourse concerning extra-marital sexuality. The state felt duty-bound to control extra-marital sexuality, and this resulted in a dynamic legislative arena. An important objective has been to study the local consequences of legislative changes and ex
Chance Meetings of Umbrellas with Sewing-Machines: some Reflections on the Object, the Table and the Tableau in 20th Century Art." Paper delivered at the Still Life Symposium, Nationalmuseum, 3.4 1995.
Evidence for Geographical and Racial Variation in Serum Sex Steroid Levels in Older Men.
Background: Despite considerable racial and geographical differences in human phenotypes and in the incidence of diseases that may be associated with sex steroid action, there are few data concerning variation in sex steroid levels among populations. We designed an international study to determine the degree to which geography and race influence sex steroid levels in older men. Methods: Using mass
Prenatal smoking exposure, measured as maternal serum cotinine, and children's motor developmental milestones and motor function: A follow-up study.
Cohort studies have indicated an association between prenatal smoking exposure and children's motor difficulties. However, results are inconsistent and exposure is most often self-reported. Studies indicate that measurement of serum cotinine can result in a more accurate status of smoking exposure in comparison with self-report.
Kampen om de adliga privilegierna 1526-1594
Consequentialism and the Autonomy of the Deontic
Den gränslösa makten
Mer svensk än ungersk — och ändå inte
Contrasting Criminal Justice: Getting from here to there. Edited by David Nelken. Ashgate/Dartmouth 2000
Behaviour of an Intumescing System Subjected to Different Heating Conditions
Previous studies have indicated that the expansion of fire seals and fire stoppers will be dependent on the heat exposure. Standardized methods for classification includes exposure to a rapid heat exposure of the product that is tested, but this might not always be the worst case scenario for the product. In this paper a series of tests are presented in order to study how a graphite based intumesc
Stakeholder participation in the policy process: What are the effects on the implementation of policy instruments?
Cholangiocarcinoma - current classification and challenges towards personalised medicine.
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A Real-Time Kernel with Graphics Support Modules
Simplifications of Multilinear forms for Sequences of Images
This paper contains a simplified framework for the analysis of sequences of images taken by uncalibrated cameras. It is assumed that the correspondences between the points in the different images are known. Corresponding points in a sequence of n images are related to each other by a fixed n-linear form. This form is an object invariant property, closely linked to the motion of the camera relative