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Rethinking Transport in the Øresund Region: Policies, Strategies and Behaviours

Øresund EcoMobility contributes to knowledge creation for sustainable transport and green logistics, city transport, and energy systems with a specific focus on the conditions and needs of the Øresund region. In this book, long distance goods transport and strategies for green corridors through the Øresund and Europe are studied, multi-criteria models for analysis in transport and infrastructural

Att analysera kvalitativt material

I detta kapitel behandlas analys av kvalitativt material, det vill säga det arbete i forskningsprocessen som brukar intensifieras efter att det empiriska materialet är insamlat. Vi belyser tre grundläggande arbetssätt för att skapa samhällsvetenskapliga analyser: att sortera, att reducera och att argumentera. Det rör sig om tre handlingar som bemöter tre problem och försöker gör dem hanterbara. At

Assistive technology, human rights and poverty in developing countries. Perspectives based on a study in Bangladesh

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen ger teoretiskt, juridiskt och empiriskt stöd för att genom hjälpmedelsförsörjning öka möjligheterna för människor med funktionshinder i låginkomstländer att förverkliga sina mänskliga rättigheter och minska sin fattigdom. Människor med funktionshinder är överrepresenterade bland världens fattiga. I utvecklingsländer lever mer än hälften av dem i extrem fatDeprived of human rights, more than half of all people with disabilities in developing countries live in extreme poverty. Although considered a prerequisite for equalization of opportunities, about nine out of ten of those who need assistive technologies do not have access to them. Little is known about the socioeconomic benefits of using assistive technology in low-income countries that can infor

The Origins of the Cashless Society: Cash Dispensers, Direct to Account Payments and the Development of On-Line Real-Time Networks, C. 1965-1985

This article explores the technological choices made at the dawn of the massification of retail finance. We describe and analyze the early development of electronic banking and the foundations of the cashless society through the experiences of organizations with similar governance in two different competitive environments — Swedish and British savings banks. We document how the adoption of direct-

Safe Manual Control of the Furuta Pendulum

This paper deals with the manual control of unstable systems, subject to control signal saturation. In particular we consider the Furuta pendulum, where the problem is to control the orientation of the arm manually while stabilizing the inverted pendulum. This paper presents an analysis which leads to an insight into the problem as well as the control strategy. This control strategy has been imple

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Within a modern legitimacy paradigm of moral education, autonomy has traditionally been ascribed a legitimating function in relation to moral education. Moral education is thought to be legitimate as long as it is conceptualized and practised as aiming towards autonomy. The normative relation arising between autonomy and moral education is thereby expressed in the pedagogical paradox, based on a p