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Differences in heparan sulfate production in cervical fibroblast cultures from women undergoing term and preterm delivery.

Objective. An extensive remodeling of the human cervical connective tissue occurs throughout pregnancy, with a decrease in the total concentration of collagen and proteoglycans. We hypothesized that the profound changes in proteoglycan production in the cervix would be seen in corresponding cervical fibroblasts as well. Methods. Cervical biopsies were obtained from five non-pregnant women, five wo

Didaktiska irritationer i musiklärarutbildning : om kulturmöten och beredskap för pedagogisk utveckling

Genom reflekterande återblickar på musikpedagogiskt fältarbete i Västafrika, fokuserar detta kapitel på musikaliskt inspirerade forskningsmetoder och pedagogisk utveckling. Nyckelhändelsen är en intervju utförd i ett musikerhem i Basse, Gambia, ett samtal som får tjäna som typexempel på möjligheter i kulturellt gränsöverskridande forskning: Här tar min ”informant” rollen som medforskare, medan de

Joseph Beuys : fett och filt : en forskningskritisk essä

Joseph Beuys. Fat and felt. A critical essay. The extremely singular materials fat and felt for use in art, have an entirely dominating role in a long series of Joseph Beuys’ (1921-1986) most important work. They are found both in single works of art as well as in installations and happenings from the beginning of the 1960s and up to the end of the artist’s life. This essay deals with the artist’

Developing the modelling of Swedish prosody in spontaneous dialogue

The main goal of our current research is the development of the Swedish prosody model. In our analysis of discourse and dialogue intonation, we are exploiting model-based resynthesis. By comparing synthesized default and fine-tuned pitch contours for the dialogues under study, we are able to isolate relevant intonation patterns. This analysis of intonation is related to an independent modelling of

Guarantee of the accused person's right to defense counsel. A comparative study of Vietnamese, German and American criminal procedure law

In Vietnam, practical settlement of criminal cases tends to indicate that incorrect judgments still exist that naturally prejudices the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, including the right to have defense counsel. This results from various causes, of which the overlapping and contradictory nature of the laws is one. This dissertation focuses on examining the contents of the applicable

Usage of Air Monitoring and Biomarkers of Isocyanate Exposure to Assess the Effect of a Control Intervention.

Exposure to isocyanates is known to have respiratory effects in workers and therefore it is essential to monitor the occupational exposure. An earlier study of a continuous foaming plant using toluene diisocyanate (TDI) showed that the exposure to isocyanates can be high. Since then several preventive actions were implemented at the plant. The aim of this study was to observe the effect of these a

PyGPU: A high-level language for high-speed image processing

Image processing is an area with many computationally demanding algorithms. When implementing an algorithm the programmer has to make the choice of either using a high-level language, thereby gaining rapid development at the expense of run-time performance. Or, using a lower-level language having higher runtime performance, but also a higher implementation cost. In this paper we present PyGPU, an

Rethinking Transport in the Øresund Region: Policies, Strategies and Behaviours

Øresund EcoMobility contributes to knowledge creation for sustainable transport and green logistics, city transport, and energy systems with a specific focus on the conditions and needs of the Øresund region. In this book, long distance goods transport and strategies for green corridors through the Øresund and Europe are studied, multi-criteria models for analysis in transport and infrastructural