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Immaterialrätt i Kina (del I): De nya patent och varumärkeslagarna

Den kinesiska utrikeshandelslagstiftningen genomgår en snabb omvandling. I två på varandra följande artiklar följs artikeln om utvecklingen av kinesisk handelsrätt i Svensk Juristtidning upp med en genomgång av Kinas immaterialrättsliga regelverk. I den första artikeln behandlas de nyligen antagna varumärkes- och patentlagarna med kortare utvikningar om anställda uppfinnare och upphovsrättsliga re

Normative data for tests of neuromuscular performance and DXA-derived lean body mass and fat mass in pre-pubertal children.

Aim: To present gender-specific normative data on estimates of neuromuscular performance, such as muscle strength, vertical jump and standing unilateral balance, in pre-pubertal children. Methods: Lean body mass (kg) and fat mass (%) were estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 246 boys and 190 girls aged 6-12 years in Tanner stages 1 and 2. Isokinetic concentric peak torque at 60 and 180

Chapter 28 future perspective in peripheral nerve reconstruction.

Nerve injuries induce severe disability and suffering for patients. Profound alterations in nerve trunks, neurons, and the central nervous system are induced rapidly after injury. This includes activation of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms aiming at the transfer of the cells into a regenerative state through the induction of the appropriate gene programs. The understanding of the neur

Pain, fatigue and hand function closely correlated to work ability and employment status in systemic sclerosis.

Objective: To identify factors, individual and work related, influencing work ability, and to assess the association between work ability and employment status, activities of daily life (ADLs) and quality of life in patients with SSc. Methods: Fifty-seven consecutive patients (53 females/4 males) with SSc (47 lcSSc/10 dcSSc) were included. Median age was 58 [interquartile range (IQR) 47-62] year

Köln E52 – Radioraritet med rörande varmt mottagande

Den kanske allra bästa radiomottagaren under andra världskriget heter Köln E52, figur 1, och konstruerades och byggdes av Telefunken. Den har med åren blivit en raritet eftersom kriget, tillsammans med tidens tand, reducerat antalet mottagare betydlig. Det var därför med stor glädje och förvåning som en sådan apparat nyligen återupptäcktes på Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH).

Äldre Boende Design

Denna rapport är en redovisning av den intervjuundersökning som genomfördes under Äldre, Boende, Design projektets första etapp. Innehållet är organiserat efter fyra frågeställningar: Hur ser det moderna urbana äldrelivet ut? Hur beskriver deltagarna sin relation till den tekniska utvecklingen i allmänhet och till utvecklingen av informations- och kommunikationstekniken i synnerhet? I vilket av

Time-Domain Antenna and Scattering Analysis for Micro- and Millimeter-Wave Applications

Telecommunications industries are investing tremendously to meet the ever-increasing demands for higher data rates and capacity. In particular to develop standardization for 5G, which is expected around 2020. The existing spectrum for traditional mobile networks is limited to highly occupied bands at microwave frequencies below 6 GHz. It is expected that 5G will use millimeter-waves to enable high

Attainment of brown adipocyte features in white adipocytes of hormone-sensitive lipase null mice.

BACKGROUND: Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is expressed predominantly in adipose tissue, where it plays an important role in catecholamine-stimulated hydrolysis of stored tri- and diglycerides, thus mobilizing fatty acids. HSL exhibits broad substrate specificity and besides acylglycerides it hydrolyzes cholesteryl esters, retinyl esters and lipoidal esters. Despite its role in fatty acid mobiliza

Non-linear association between androgen receptor CAG repeat length and risk of male subfertility - a meta-analysis.

Summary The CAG repeat in the androgen receptor (AR) has been widely studied in association with male infertility, but the results are conflicting. In a recent meta-analysis, infertile men had 23 and analysed in a binary logistic regression model. Men with CAG < 22 and CAG > 23 had 20% increased odds ratio of infertility compared with carriers of the median lengths [for CAG < 22: p = 0.03, 95% co

Measurement-Based Modeling of Wireless Propagation Channels - MIMO and UWB

Future wireless systems envision higher speeds and more reliable services but at the same time face challenges in terms of bandwidth being a limited resource. Two promising techniques that can provide an increased throughput without requiring additional bandwidth allocation are multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. However, the performance of such systems

Multiplex sibling history of coronary heart disease is a strong risk factor for coronary heart disease.

Aims: Familial risks for coronary heart disease (CHD) in families with multiple affected siblings have not been thoroughly studied. This nationwide cohort study aimed to determine familial risks for hospitalization or death due to CHD in families with multiple affected siblings. Methods and results: The study is a nationwide follow-up study. The Swedish Multigeneration Register data on 0-76-year-

Systematic feed-forward convolutional encoders are better than other encoders with an M-algorithm decoder

Consider nonbacktracking convolutional decoders that keep a fixed number of trellis survivors. It is shown that the error performance of these depends on the early part of the distance profile and on the number of survivors kept, and not on the free distance or the details of the code generators. Particularly, the encoder may be feedforward systematic without loss. Furthermore, this kind of encode