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Fugitive transformations of performance practice in landscapes of crisis

About the book:Theatre Institutions in Crisis examines how theatre in Europe is beset by a crisis on an institutional level and the pressing need for robust research into the complex configuration of factors at work that are leading to significant shifts in the way theatre is understood, organised, delivered, and received.Balme and Fisher bring together scholars from different disciplines and coun

New Alphabet School

Can knowledge be simultaneously locally situated and globally relevant? How is it possible to approach knowledge as a collective practice through the modes of action that produce it, rather than through a hegemonic point of reference? What trajectories of knowledge are produced by situated, militant or emergent practices? The New Alphabet School is an experimental model of collective study that ex

BALDR : A Web-based platform for informed comparison and prioritization of biomarker candidates for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Novel biomarkers are key to addressing the ongoing pandemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus. While new technologies have improved the potential of identifying such biomarkers, at the same time there is an increasing need for informed prioritization to ensure efficient downstream verification. We have built BALDR, an automated pipeline for biomarker comparison and prioritization in the context of diabe

A mixture of Nordic berries improves cognitive function, metabolic function and alters the gut microbiota in C57Bl/6J male mice

Our diets greatly influence our health. Multiple lines of research highlight the beneficial properties of eating berries and fruits. In this study, a berry mixture of Nordic berries previously identified as having the potential to improve memory was supplemented to young C57Bl/6J male mice to investigate effects on cognition function, metabolic health, markers of neuroinflammation, and gut microbi

Dislocating Institutions: Theses/Momentums of (Un)Making Spaces of Culture

Cultural and academic institutions have been in crisis for quite some time now. In many cases, they still refer to a canon that has been made obsolete by global developments – in particular, by new voices from the Global South. Their modes of knowledge production operate within disciplinary bounds that can no longer cope with the Anthropocene’s radical processes of change, and their self-referenti

Electromobility Impact on the Power Grid - Base Case for Probabilistic Modelling

The Swedish electric vehicle fleet is rapidly growing, creating a need to include their charging demand in future grid planning. Charging stations are often placed based on the needs of the transport system, and the grid connection is considered at a later stage with long lead times. This study proposes selecting charging locations based on grid capacity. Doing this by probabilistic load flow requ

Examining the effects of MLC1 mutations in induced astrocytes and on development of neuroglia using cerebral organoids

Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC), is a congenital leukodystrophy with childhood onset. It is an extremely rare genetic disorder of the brain that affects less than 1 per 1,000,000 live births. Patients typically present macrocephaly during early childhood and later develop symptoms like decreased motor and cognitive functions, and epileptic seizures, all of which us

Atomic-resolution study of structural rearrangements in small platinum crystals

Structural rearrangements in small Pt crystals, which were initiated by the incident electron beam, have been studied in real time with a 400 kV high-resolution electron microscope equipped with TV image viewing and videorecording facilities. The phenomena of crystal growth, particle coalescence and atomic clouds above particular surfaces were recorded at the atomic level and have been analysed us

Transformer Energization Using Grid Forming Converter

Increasing renewable integration is posing new challenges to reliability of power networks. One of these challenges is to restart the power network and energize power transformers in the event of a blackout. Grid forming converters can provide a potential solution to this issue because they can be controlled as independent, self starting, voltage sources. This study analyzes and compares four grid

Association of TNF-α (-308G/A) Gene Polymorphism with Changes in Circulating TNF-α Levels in Response to CPAP Treatment in Adults with Coronary Artery Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Rationale: We recently demonstrated that patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) carrying the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) A allele had increased circulating TNF-α levels compared with the ones carrying the TNF-α G allele. In the current study, we addressed the effect of TNF-α (-308G/A) gene polymorphism on circulating TNF-α levels following continuous

Solar heating may explain extreme diel flight altitude changes in migrating birds

Great reed warblers, Acrocephalus arundinaceus,1 and great snipes, Gallinago media,2 exhibit a diel cycle in flight altitudes—flying much higher during the day than the night—when performing migratory flights covering both night and day. One hypothesis proposed to explain this behavior is that the birds face additional heating by solar radiation during daytime and hence must climb to very high, an

PON-Fold : Prediction of Substitutions Affecting Protein Folding Rate

Most proteins fold into characteristic three-dimensional structures. The rate of folding and unfolding varies widely and can be affected by variations in proteins. We developed a novel machine-learning-based method for the prediction of the folding rate effects of amino acid substitutions in two-state folding proteins. We collected a data set of experimentally defined folding rates for variants an

Cooperative Vehicles versus Non-Cooperative Traffic Light : Safe and Efficient Passing

Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) will be a key component of future cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS). Since the adoption of C-ITS is not foreseen to happen instantly, not all of its elements are going to be connected at the early deployment stages. We consider a scenario where vehicles approaching a traffic light are connected to each other, but the traffic light itself

Women, Language and Politics, Sylvia Shaw, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2020)

This timely book addresses the political under-representation of women and over-representation of men, both in the UK and internationally. It does so by bringing together perspectives from political science and sociolinguistics to analyse the relationship between gender and language in a variety of political spheres. Specifically, it investigates how both women and men use language and interact ac

Executive Summary : Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus

BACKGROUND: Numerous laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. The overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations we

Spreading of Localized Information across an Entire 3D Electrical Resistivity Volume via Constrained EMI Inversion Based on a Realistic Prior Distribution

Frequency-domain electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are commonly used to map vast areas quickly and with minimum logistical efforts. Unfortunately, they are often characterized by a very limited number of frequencies and severe ill-posedness. On the other hand, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) approaches are usually considered more reliable; for example, they do not require specific ca