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Användaracceptans för nylanserade mobila betallösningar

Denna uppsats behandlar vilka variabler som påverkar användaracceptansen vid nylanserade appar. En fallstudie har gjorts på Skånetrafiken som i mars 2017 påbörjade lanseringen av ett nytt system för biljett- och betallösning. De olika Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) presenterar ett antal variabler för att studera användaracceptansen av ett system. Vi har skapat en egen teoretisk modell baserat p

På elevens sida? : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av deras arbete med elever som mobbar

The aim of this study was to gain knowledge and understanding of the school counsellors’ work with pupils who bully. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with six school counsellors who work at elementary schools in Sweden. We applied the social learning theory to analyse our data and to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. However, we only used the concepts from the theory t

När den generella lösningen blir en fara för liv - en kvalitativ fallstudie av projektmedarbetarnas arbete och upplevelser i Resursteam Heder

Denna uppsats är dels en efterfrågad utvärdering från Resursteam Heder dels ett examensarbete. Syftet är att undersöka projektmedarbetarna och sektionschefens upplevelser av deras arbete i Resursteam Heder. De forskningsfrågor som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är “Vilka utmaningar har medarbetarna och sektionschefen i Resursteam Heder stött på?”, “Vilka möjligheter ser medarbetarna och sektionsc

Jämförelse av metoder för mätning av metangasutsläpp från vattenreservoarer

Växthusgasutsläpp från vattenreservoarer, hur mäts de? Vattenkraft har länge kritiserats för att påverka ekosystem och förstöra naturliga vattendrag, men ansetts vara en energikälla utan utsläpp av växthusgaser. Forskning har dock visat att så inte är fallet. Vattenreservoarer kopplade till vattenkraftverk har betydliga utsläpp av växthusgaser, framförallt metan. Osäkerheter i mätningar och skillHydropower is developing fast across the globe to accommodate the increasing need for electric energy. It is generally considered to be a close-to-zero emission source of energy, but studies have shown that reservoirs and dams have a substantial emission of greenhouse gas, especially methane. Measurements of methane emissions from different reservoirs have very varying results, partly because of t

Drumlinerna i Löberöd : spår efter flera isrörelseriktningar i mellersta Skåne

Det här arbetet ämnar undersöka strömlinjeformade landformer i Löberöd med Lantmäteriets nya höjdmodell. Målet är att fastställa isens rörelseriktningar i området under den senaste deglaciationen. Med hjälp av höjdmodellen har drumlinernas ryggar markerats för att bestämma deras orientering i landskapet. Resultatet av detta visar tydligt tre olika isrörelseriktningar i området. RörelseriktningarnaThis work aims to investigate streamlined landforms at Löberöd by utilizing the latest elevation model produced by the Swedish national mapping agency (Lantmäteriet). The goal is to establish the ice flow direction in the area during the last deglaciation. Using the height model, the ridges of the drumlins have been marked to determine their orientation in the landscape. The data clearly suggests

Understanding the world through advertising

This thesis explores the audience’s reactions in regards to the phenomenon of norm-breaking ads in Sweden, focusing on the representation of immigrant minorities in advertisements. The aim is to understand if, how, and why, these ads engage audiences online and offline, at a time where public interest in institutionalized politics is on the decrease. The interviews and photo elicitation are a way

IPR - the intangible asset that confuses the European Union

This thesis will be concerned with one of the main concerns and highly discussed topics in the relationship between Article 102 TFEU and Intellectual Property Rights. Predominately, it will focus on the enforcement of IPR(s) as an abusive practise of dominance and whether a dominant undertaking has the ability to protect its IPR by refusing to licence its IPR to a third party. The main purpose wi

Macroeconomic exposure of Swedish firms’ revenue and its impact on stock returns

Previous research suggests that by examining the regional origins of revenues and the expected economic growth in regions, supra-normal returns may be achieved by creating zero investment portfolios. Nevertheless, such previous research examines countries with low export dependence and a high internal demand or uses data from a number of countries with di↵erent economic dependencies. The purpose o

Delningsekonomins vinster - hur bör kollaborativa verksamheter utvärderas?

Delningsekonomins vinster – lever konceptet upp till vad som utlovas? Att dela tillgångar med sina nära och kära är inte något nytt, men under 2000-talets början har delandet förändrats. Delningen har blivit mer storskalig, och alltfler individer delar tillgångar som de inte använder med främlingar. Detta benämns som delningsekonomi; istället för att köpa en produkt införskaffar individen tillfäDuring the last decade, a new type of economy has emerged: the sharing economy. Sharing no longer occurs among the closest circle of acquaintances but between strangers, using underutilized resources among one another. This have led to a rise of collaborative initiatives. Previous research show that these initiatives are rarely evaluated, and there is yet no best-practice assessment model. The aim

Normbrytande reklam - En kvalitativ studie av reklamkampanjer som har fått etiketten normbrytande reklam

Denna studie undersöker reklamkampanjer som i artiklar har fått etiketten normbrytande reklam. Med en semiotisk bildanalys har jag undersökt innehåll och utformning i kampanjerna och genom semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med upphovsmännen bakom kampanjerna har jag undersökt strategin. Syftet med studien var att skapa en djupare förståelse för den reklam som fått etiketten normbrytande reThis study examines advertising campaigns that has been labeled norm- breaking advertisements in articles. Through semiotic analysis I have examined content and design in the campaigns and through semi- structured interviews with the authors behind the campaigns I have examined the strategy. The purpose of the study was to create a deeper understanding of the advertisement labeled norm-breaking ad

The short and long-term effect of income inequality on economic performance

There is a relationship between income inequality and economic performance. This relationship is based on different channels between income inequality and economic performance. These channels are based on incentives, investment opportunities, policy, and taxation. The effects of the different channels are noticeable after different time-periods. This paper tested if income inequality affects econo

Does Attentional Processes Modulate Bimodal Interference in V-EAR Synaesthesia?

Even though the prevalence of synaesthetic-like ‘Visually-Evoked Auditory Responses’ (V-EAR) in the general population is probably immense by all standards, it is hardly ever mentioned in the literature on general synaesthetic phenomena. We decided to try to reproduce earlier findings that about 1/5 experience motion-conjured sound percepts. We did so with a good margin (27% of our participants cl

Förbättring av asfaltens konsistens med tillsatsmedel - Mätningar med rotationsviskosimeter på bitumen och asfaltsbruk

Asphalt is the most common material on the roads visible to our eyes. Asphalt occurs as both wearing coat and bearing coat. Asphalt consists of rock material in different grain sizes joined by a binder, bitumen, and eventually added additives. Bitumen is extracted from crude oil. Asphalt mastics is bitumen mixed with filler. Filler is stone material that completely passes a 0.074 mm sieve. Both bi

Rättssystemets blind spot: en kvalitativ studie om föreställningar om manlighet i kriminella gäng

This study investigates ideas about masculinity in criminal gangs, and how these ideas affect disengagement from gangs. A major problem with criminal gangs is that since they are outside society’s laws and norms, it is difficult for the judiciary to counter them with law enforcement. It is not possible to change gang member’s behaviors solely with laws, which leaves the legal system with a blind s

Characterisation of Packaging Material Surfaces

As the packaging material (PM) becomes better defined from the results of technical development, its processing stages will be of greater complexity. The nip process is an example of one vital step in the lamination coating of PM, and this process is studied in the present thesis by analysing the surfaces of chill rollers (CR) and PM. Ideally, a laminated PM surface should be the perfect negative

Om den verkställande direktörens löpande förvaltning - en studie om den verkställande direktörens kompetens genom rekvisitet “löpande förvaltning” inom ramen för ABL

Representationskompetensen hos den verkställande direktören i svenska aktiebolag regleras genom 8 kap. 36 § ABL och därigenom rekvisitet ”löpande förvaltning” i 8 kap. 29 § ABL. Vad denna löpande förvaltning omfattar är dock inte helt tydligt och kan variera kraftigt mellan olika typer av bolag och situationer. Detta kan skapa såväl praktiska som juridiska problem för både bolag och den verkställaThe legal capacity for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in Swedish corporations is regulated through the legal condition “everyday operations” in Chapter 8, 36 § of the Swedish Companies Act of 2005. What is meant with “everyday operations” is not completely clear and can vary massively between different kinds of companies and situations. This may cause problems from both a practical and a jurisdict

Can Simple Combination Strategies Improve Forecasts Of Swedish Inflation?

In this paper I use a procedure for selecting, combining and forecasting VAR models in order to improve the prediction of Swedish inflation. Three simple average combinations are evaluated with a number of tools. I conclude that a simple combination strategy improve the forecast ability and reduce the root mean square errors. The performance is an improvement over both a simple benchmark and a pre

User acceptance towards intelligent personal assistants (IPAs): Identifying the motives behind user acceptance towards mobile IPA permissions

Within the mobile age, it has become critical to protect users’ privacy from privacy-invasive apps that access and collect personal information unnecessary for the apps function and, companies who share and sell user data. The advancements in mobile technology have led to the creation of voice-activated intelligent personal assistants (IPAs) which have been linked to privacy issues among users due

Material or Metaphorical? - An Inquiry into the Spatialities of Actor-Network Theory

Since Actor-Network Theory emerged in the mid-1980s, the approach has transcended disciplinary boundaries and has similarly gained prominence within geography. Moreover, also the main proponents of the approach have endeavoured in linking Actor-Network Theory to geographical lines of inquiry and sought to develop a spatial vocabulary that matches its distinctive thought system. However, few attemp

Trade unions' freedom of association in Cambodia - A study on the Trade Union Law and its possible implications on trade unions in the Cambodian garment industry

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera Fackföreningslagen och dess potentiella konsekvenser för fackföreningars föreningsfrihet i den kambodjanska textilindustrin. Utöver detta analyseras lagen i förhållande till redan befintlig nationell lagstiftning samt i relation till internationell rätt rörande föreningsfrihet. Majoriteten av Fackföreningslagens regleringar är oförenliga med internationeThe aim of the thesis is to elaborately analyse the Trade Union Law and its possible implications for trade unions’ right to freedom of association in the Cambodian garment industry. In addition, the law is evaluated in relation to already existing domestic law and in relation to international law regarding freedom of association. The majority of the Trade Union Law’s provisions are incompatible