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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Behind the Stigma Shield : Frontline Employees’ Emotional Response to Organizational Event Stigma at Work and at Home

We investigate how frontline employees manage their emotional experiences of organizational event stigma as an implication of organizational wrongdoing. Our research is based on a longitudinal case study of Danske Bank, which was involved in a money laundering scandal of historical magnitude. We evoke Goffman’s epistemological understanding of stigma as arising in social interactions in all aspect

The Renaissance of Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty appears rational - A radiographbased comparative Study on adverse Events and patient-reported Outcomes in 353 TKAs and 98 UKAs

Purpose Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) are both considered suitable for antero-medial osteoarthritis and spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee. National registry data are consistent in showing higher revision rates for UKA. Adequately adjusted, these findings may be challenged by differences in adverse events and patient-reported outcomes, as both can ha

Time-resolved compositional mapping during in situ TEM studies

In situ studies using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can provide insights to how properties, structures and compositions of nanostructures are affected and evolving when exerted to heat or chemical exposure. While high-resolved imaging can be obtained continuously, at video-framerates of hundreds of frames per second (fps), compositional analysis struggles with time resolution due to the l

Specialist predation covaries with colour polymorphism in tawny owls

Abstract: Understanding intraspecific phenotypic variation in prey specialisation can help to predict how long-term changes in prey availability affect the viability of these phenotypes and their persistence. Generalists are favoured when the main food resources are unpredictable compared to specialists, which track the availability of the main prey and are more vulnerable to changes in the main f

A Comparison of Eye Tracking Latencies Among Several Commercial Head-Mounted Displays

A number of virtual reality head-mounted displays (HMDs) with integrated eye trackers have recently become commercially available. If their eye tracking latency is low and reliable enough for gaze-contingent rendering, this may open up many interesting opportunities for researchers. We measured eye tracking latencies for the Fove-0, the Varjo VR-1, and the High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC) Vive

Acute Kidney Injury After Acute Repair of Type A Aortic Dissection

Background: The aim of this study was to examine the incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) using the Nordic Consortium for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection registry. Methods: Patients who underwent ATAAD surgery at 8 Nordic centers from 2005 to 2014 were analyzed for AKI according to the RIFLE criteri

Gut response to pasteurized donor human milk in a porcine model of the premature infant

This study investigated the tolerance and safety of pasteurized donor human milk (PDHM) given either alone or together with commercially-used supplements in a porcine model of premature infants. A porcine model, mimicking human neonates at 30-32 weeks of gestational age, was used. The 7-day experiment was performed on 20 piglets. After birth, the piglets were infused with porcine immunoglobulins v

The changing price of poverty: The association between childhood poverty and adult economic status in Sweden 1930 to 2015

Being poor during childhood increases the likelihood of being poor as an adult, which points to an intergenerational transmission of poverty. We know much more about this transmission for contemporary contexts than for the past, as extant research primarily covers the post-1960 period, and thus provides limited insights into the changing influence of poverty as societies modernize and welfare stat

Participation and creation: approaches towards an eco-systemic understanding of artistic practice

This paper draws on artistic explorations of space, through analysis of projects set in the natural landscape, in a specific indoor site or at the threshold between the two. Specific attention is given to the artistic processes at play in the transformation of materials created/collected in the natural environment when shaped for presentation in an indoor location. What is the difference in the re

De första kvinnorna i Lundagård

Biografisk artikel om Emmy Nyman (senare Högbom) och Märta Johansson, de två första kvinnorn att medverka i kårtidningen Lundagård.

An Algorithm for Identifying Least Manipulable Envy-Free and Budget-Balanced Allocations in Economies with Indivisibilities

We analyze the problem of allocating indivisible objects and monetary compensations to a set of agents. In particular, we consider envy-free and budget-balanced rules that are least manipulable with respect to agents counting or with respect to utility gains. A key observation is that, for any profile of quasi-linear preferences, the outcome of any such least manipulable envy-free rule can be obta

Present and future precipitation variations in the source region of the Yangtze River, China

The source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR), the origin of the longest river in China, is an area with high-mountains and river ecotones that face considerable challenges under climate change. Precipitation is fundamental for sustainable ecosystems in this area and for the downstream water supplies. Thus, this study investigated the present and future patterns of precipitation variation in the S

Logistikutmaningar, lönsamhet och tillfredsställelse i svenska alternativa korta matkanaler

Projektet handlar om logistiska utmaningar för små matproducenter som prövar nya mer direkta distributionskanaler, s.k. alternativa korta matkanaler (AKM). Denna växande rörelse syftar till att kortsluta konventionella långa försörjningskedjor med stora livsmedelsproducenter, grossister och butikskedjor. AKM är t.ex. traditionella gårdsbutiker, torghandel (t.ex. i form av Bondens marknad) och ande