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This essay presents an analysis of the representation of work in the short stories “Olingiris” “Irman”, “El cavador” and “En la medida de las cosas” by the Argentinian writer Samanta Schweblin. By deviating from the usual interpretation that focuses on the fantastic aspects in the author’s work, this essay takes as its starting point the notion that the aspects that are usually classified as abnor

Hur byggbranschen har påverkats av coronapandemin - med fokus på produktionen

Syfte & mål: Arbetets syfte är att studera hur byggprojekt inom byggbranschen har påverkas av ett samhällsproblem, i detta fall av Covid-19, och därmed se vilka effekter sjukdomen har medfört och vilka åtgärder de olika företagen har fått ta för att motverka eller ta nytta dessa effekter. Problemställning: 1. Hur har Covid-19 påverkat produktionsskedet inom byggbranschen? 2. Hur hanterar byggfAim & goal: The purpose of this work is to study how construction projects in the construction industry have been affected by a societal problem, in this case of Covid-19, and to see what effects the disease has brought and what measures the various companies have had to take to counteract or benefit from these effects. Research questions: 1. How has Covid-19 affected the production phase in t

CALFEM Geometry Editor - Implementing an interactive geometry editor for CALFEM

Commercial finite element codes are designed with a wide variety of tools and options to suit the needs of many different applications. However, in a teaching setting this is not always desirable as the effort required to learn the software draws focus and time from the teaching of the theoretical concepts. Using fully developed solvers might also allow solving of exercises without fully understan

A Democratic European Union: What does it mean? A discourse analysis of two debates on the Conference on the Future of Europe in the European Parliament

The question of the European Union’s (EU) democratic legitimacy has been a crucial issue at all stages of the European integration process. With crises of economic, social and democratic nature, trust in the EU institutions is questioned by citizens, providing a vacuum between expectations and results and a ‘democratic deficit’. This context has urged European politicians to propose solutions to t

Kan Skåne uppnå en cirkulär förvaltning av näringsämnen - En systemanalys över mat- och restströmssystemet i Skåne

Kan Skånes säkra det framtida behovet av näringsämnen till jordbruket? Skåne och dess bördiga marker står för en stor del av maten som produceras i Sverige. Med maten som regionen säljer följer även näringsämnen med. Dessa näringsämnen tillsätts till det skånska jordbruket men hamnar i slutändan i regionerna och städerna som konsumerar maten. Av den totala näringen i maten som hamnade i avfall, Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants. The production and usage of mineral fertilizer has contributed to an over-use of these resources, leakage, and emissions of nutrients. This study aims to simplify and simulate the food system of Scania through a conceptual model. The model maps nutrient flows of N, P and K within the internal foo

Assessing the Challenges faced by Startups in Collaborating with Corporate Accelerators

Corporate Accelerators (CA) have become popular over the years as a means of corporate engagement with startups. Existing research highlights the importance of CA’s role in increasing the likelihood of success for the new and inexperienced startups. Yet, there is a significant research gap in gauging the perceptions and opinions of entrepreneurs and startup founders who participated and collaborat

Human rights on a local level: A study of Piteå's and Jönköping's approaches to human rights

The meaning of human rights locally can vary depending on a city's context. Therefore, the approaches of working with human rights locally can differ. Swedish municipalities tend to lack a structure of approaching human rights. However, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is about to publish a framework for how European human rights cities can approach human rights. This t

"Volenti non fit injuria” – to one who consents no injury is done - En undersökning om relationen mellan svensk ishockey och svenska rättssystemet

Den 15 mars 2015 spelar de två ishockeylagen Rögle BK och Malmö Redhawks mot varandra i en kvalmatch om att få ta steget upp till Swedish Hockey League (SHL). I slutet av första perioden tilldelar Jakob Lilja en allvarlig crosschecking mot Jens Olsson nacke. Efter händelsen bestraffar disciplinnämnden Lilja med tio matchers avstängning och en polisanmälan upprättas mot Lilja som sedan döms för mis

Make every second count” - How TikTok users create meaning from branded content

Although successful branded video content needs to be adapted towards the needs of consumers and rituals of the specific social media platform, a focus on consumers understanding of branded content is currently not explored within strategic brand communication. This study problematizes branded video content on the social media short video platform TikTok and highlights the perspective of consumers

För skrivandets skull: Om skönlitterärt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskämne

Vilken plats har skönlitterärt skrivande i dagens svenskämne i gymnasieskolan? Nästan ingen, av styrdokumenten att döma. Det skönlitterära skrivandets roll har successivt tonats ner, och i dag finns det knappt omnämnt i styrdokumenten. Detta arbete har dels undersökt svensklärares inställning till skönlitterärt skrivande och i vilken grad de inkluderar det i sin undervisning, dels vilka delar i stWhat place is there for creative writing in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary schools? Judging by the policy documents, almost none. There has been a gradual devaluation of creative writing, and today’s policy documents barely make mention of it. This paper has on the one hand examined Swedish teachers’ attitudes to creative writing and to what degree they include such writing in their ins

Klimatpåverkan av förpackningar - Livscykelanalys av offsettryck kascherade wellpappförpackningar

Klimatpåverkan av förpackningar Är du som konsument intresserad av att veta hur mycket produkter bidrar till klimatpåverkan för att kunna fatta mer hållbara beslut? Det är du inte ensam om. Som en respons på klimatförändringen har klimatpåverkan av produkter i dagens samhälle blivit alltmer uppmärksammat. Detta har bidragit till att olika företag tagit fram siffor på vilken klimatpåverkan just dePackaging is an essential product to protect, transport and store goods in. An increase in consumer consciousness about the climate impact derived from packaging has been identified during recent years. As a response, the manufacturing industry is increasing their sustainability work when producing packaging and products. The goal of this study is to contribute with more information about the clim

Comparing the input pathways to the Noduli of the Central Complex of Army ants and Megalopta bee

Relay of information in the insect brain The brain has for decades been studied, and it is not yet understood but what we do know is that it is certainly an important organ in our body. There are many things that it controls such as eating, sleeping, thinking, moving, or just simply looking. In order for us to carry out daily activities, information has to be processed by the brain. If we intend

Vem manipulerar resultatet?

Uppsatsens titel: Vem manipulerar resultatet? - En kvantitativ studie om bolagsstyrning och earnings management Seminariedatum: 2021-06-04 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på Kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Erik Arnell Erik Karnehed Josefine Gunnarsson Handledare: Lars Oxelheim Nyckelord: Resultatmanipulering, bolagsstyrning, incitamentsprogram, styrelsesammansättning, JoTitle: Who manipulates the result? - A quantitative study of corporate governance and earnings management Seminar date: 2021-06-04 Authors: Erik Arnell Erik Karnehed Josefine Gunnarsson Advisor: Lars Oxelheim Keywords: Earnings management, corporate governance, incentive programs, board composition, Jones Cash Flow model Purpose: To examine how incentive programs and board composition affects

Järnspikar! - Hur regleras en skada som en entreprenör orsakar en sidoentreprenörs entreprenad?

Entreprenören bär enligt huvudregeln i kap. 5 § 1 st. 1 AB 04 ansvar för skada på den ej avlämnade delen av entreprenaden. Detta ansvar benämns ibland som entreprenörens objektansvar. Undantag görs från entreprenörens objektansvar i de fall då en skada anses bero på beställaren, då en skada anses vara en följd av beställarens brukande av en ej avlämnad del av entreprenaden eller om en skada anses According to the main rule in chap. 5 § 1 st. 1 AB 04, the contractor is considered liable in regard to any damage to any part of the contracted work which has not been subject to a handover. This accountability is sometimes referred to as the contractor's object liability. Exceptions can be made in regard to the contractor's object liability in such instances where a damage might be consi

Refusing Medical Treatment due to Mental Capacity - A Study of the Concept of a Valid Consent and What the Healthcare Personnel's Obligations are When the Patient has not Given an Informed Consent

Denna uppsats har två syften: att undersöka hur mycket patienten måste förstå för att kunna samtycka till medicinsk behandling samt vad hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter är när samtycket inte är informerat. Angående det första syftet kom jag fram till att det inte finns ett uttryckligt krav på att patienten ska ha en viss mental nivå för att samtycka men att om man anser att ett oinformThis essay has two purposes: to examine how much the patient has to understand to be able to consent to medical treatment and what the healthcare personnel's obligations are when the consent is not informed. Regarding the first purpose I concluded that there is no explicit requirement of a certain mental capacity to consent but that if one considered an uninformed consent to constitute a force