Hemlighetsfull Wägner – Genomskådad? Om Ulla Isakssons och Erik Hjalmar Linders Elin Wägner-biografi, föreläsning vid biografiseminariet ”Att skriva människan”, St. Sigfrids Folkhögskola, Växjö den 20–21 september 1997
Abstract not available.
Abstract not available.
Yersiniosis and shigellosis are two bacteria-borne and food-related diseases that lead to significant costs in terms of direct costs (costs of healthcare, medicine, rehabilitation etc.), indirect costs (lost productivity due to absenteeism) and intangible costs (pain, nausea and other intangible aspects that can be linked to disease). It is essential to estimate these costs, partly to be able to c
Visingsö, the Sverker dynasty and the churches: A presentation of the medieval churches on the island of Visingsö, Sweden, and comments on future possibilities of research.
A procedure for automatic monitoring of control-loop performance is presented. The control loop performance monitor (CLPM) detects oscillations in the control loop. These oscillations are normally caused by too-high friction in the control valve, but there are other reasons as well. The CLPM is primarily intended to be connected to PID controllers, but it can also be connected to other controllers
We focused on cerebral imaging findings in a large cohort of young patients with a symptomatic ischemic cerebrovascular event (CVE) to extract relevant pathophysiologic and clinical information.
ELAN is a widely used and free (in both senses) annotation software for behavioral or other events that unfold over time. We report on and release a stand-alone program that expands on ELAN's capabilities in two ways: 1) it allows the researcher to plot and export time-course analysis data directly from ELAN's native annotation files, allowing for hassle-free analysis in the time domain; and 2) it
Compared to animals like ourselves, plants have a very flexible sexual life. Most plants are, for example, hermaphrodites with the potential capacity for reproduction by self-fertilization (or selfing). While selfing can provide several definite advantages for the individual plant, there is a downside; mainly the severe reduction in fitness due to inbreeding depression. To avoid the negative conse