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Your search for "*" yielded 532672 hits

NMD is essential for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and for eliminating by-products of programmed DNA rearrangements

Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a post-transcriptional surveillance process that eliminates mRNAs containing premature termination codons (PTCs). NMD has been hypothesized to impact on several aspects of cellular function; however, its importance in the context of a mammalian organism has not been addressed in detail. Here we use mouse genetics to demonstrate that hematopoietic-specific dele

Platelet activation and tissue factor release in hemolytic uremic syndrome

Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure. There are two subtypes: typical HUS associated with enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and atypical HUS associated with uninhibited activation of the alternative pathway of complement. EHEC produce virulence factors such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and

Genetic Variations in Sex Steroid-Related Genes as Predictors of Serum Estrogen Levels in Men

Context: The risk of many conditions, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and osteoporosis, is associated with serum levels of sex steroids. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify genetic variations in sex steroid-related genes that are associated with serum levels of estradiol (E2) and/or testosterone in men. Design: Genotyping of 604 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 50 sex stero

Sequential "click'' functionalization of mesoporous titania for energy-relay dye enhanced dye-sensitized solar cells

Energy relay dyes (ERDs) have been investigated previously as a mean to achieve panchromatic spectral response in dye-sensitized solar cells via energy transfer. To reduced the distance between the ERDs and energy-accepting injection dyes (IDs) on the surface of a mesoporous titanium dioxide electrode, the ERDs were immobilized adjacent to the IDs via a sequential functionalization approach. In th

GiraffPlus: A System for Monitoring Activities and Physiological Parameters and Promoting Social Interaction for Elderly

This chapter presents a telehealth system called GiraffPlus supporting independent living of elderly in their own home. GiraffPlus system is a complex system which monitors activities and physiological parameters in the home using a network of sensors. The elaborated information is presented to the primary user, the elderly, and to secondary users like health care and home care providers and possi

Effect of Physical Activity on Bone, Muscle and Fracture Risk during Growth

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ger en ökad fysisk aktivitet bland växande barn bättre skelett- och muskelutveckling och påverkar det i så fall frakturrisken? Benskörhet och låg benmassa medför en ökad risk för frakturer. Låg fysisk aktivitet är också en riskfaktor. En ökad frakturförekomst är i dag ett växande samhällsproblem, och med dessutom en åldrande population samt en generellt mindre fysiskt Osteoporosis and related fractures are a global health problem. Physical activity, especially during growth, has been suggested as a strategy to improve musculoskeletal health in the population. Previous prospective pediatric exercise intervention studies, however, are short-term, mostly covering less than one year and use bone traits as surrogate endpoints for fractures. The Pediatric Osteoporosi

Treatment costs for advanced prostate cancer using luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists: a solid biodegradable leuprorelin implant versus other formulations

Aim: To compare treatment costs with alternative luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist preparations and determine whether a leuprorelin solid implant is associated with potential cost savings. Patients & methods: A hypothetical population of 1000 prostate cancer patients was apportioned between the three most commonly-prescribed LHRH agonist preparations. Differentiated annual c

Systematic evaluation of implementation fidelity of complex interventions in health and social care.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Evaluation of an implementation process and its fidelity can give insight into the 'black box' of interventions. However, a lack of standardized methods for studying fidelity and implementation process have been reported, which might be one reason for the fact that few prior studies in the field of health service research have systematically evaluated interventions' implement

Essays in Empirical Expectations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker de svenska hushållens förväntningar, approximerade av de enkätfrågor som ligger till grund för Konjunkturbarometern. Data har tillhandahållits av Konjunkturinstitutet, och täcker åren 1995-2011. Det första kapitlet utgör en introduktion till ämnet. I kapitlet relateras en del av den mycket stora forskningslitteraturen till avhandlingens övergThis thesis investigates survey expectations from the Economic Tendency Survey for households, provided by the Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, for the years 1995-2011. The first chapter relates a part of the research literature to the overall purpose of the thesis, which is to investigate rational properties of empirical expectations. The second chapter presents the results of con

Endotoxin increases both protein and fluid microvascular permeability in cat skeletal muscle

Objective: To evaluate effects of lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) on protein and fluid permeability in a whole organ skeletal muscle preparation. Design: Controlled, prospective laboratory study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Eleven adult male cats. Interventions: The study was performed on the autoperfused and denervated calf muscles of the cat hindlimb placed in a fluid-fille

Arbetstidsregleringens utveckling : En studie av arbetstidsreglering i fyra länder

Popular Abstract in Swedish I EU-tider är det viktigt att inte bara studera EU-rätten och dess applicering på svenska förhållanden. Det är också viktigt att skaffa och öka kunskapen om förhållanden i de andra medlemsstater som är med om att förhandla fram EU:s arbetsrätt. En viktig skillnad mellan medlemsstaterna är hur relationerna mellan de kollektiva aktörerna på arbetsmarknaden, industrial relThis work is a study in sociology of law about working time regulation in France, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom during the industrialised era. The purpose is to study changes, developments and the role of law in the working time regulation process. Way back there is an element of repressive law, following the law tradition from the feudal society. The repressive law punishes the extreme a

Smoking and fracture risk: a meta-analysis

Smoking is widely considered a risk factor for future fracture. The aim of this study was to quantify this risk on an international basis and to explore the relationship of this risk with age, sex and bone mineral density (BMD). We studied 59,232 men and women (74% female) from ten prospective cohorts comprising EVOS/EPOS, DOES, CaMos, Rochester, Sheffeld, Rotterdam, Kuopio, Hiroshima and two coho

Measurement of light gradients and spectral regime in plant-tissue with a fiber optic probe

A method is described in which light gradients and spectral regime can be measured within plant tissue using fiber optics. A fiber optic probe was made by modifying a single optical fiber (200 μm diameter) so that it had a light harvesting end that was a truncated tip 20–70 μm in diameter. The probe was a directional sensor with a half-band acceptance angle of 17–20°. Light measurements were made

Den svenska supply chain-panelen: Supply chain-strategi

I maj 2013 etablerades den svenska supply chain-panelen av forskare från Institutionen för teknisk ekonomi och logistik vid Lunds universitet LTH. Panelen består av 69 personer, som alla arbetar med supply chain-frågor, varav flertalet är medlemmar i Silf. Paneldeltagarna har svarat på fyra (4) enkla enkäter kring olika supply chain-frågor. Företagen är verksamma i Sverige och består av en repre

Temporal trends (1990-2000) in the concentration of cadmium, lead and mercury in mosses across Europe

The European heavy metals in mosses survey provides data on the concentration of 10 heavy metals in naturally growing mosses. The survey has been repeated at five-yearly intervals and in this paper we report on the temporal trends in the concentration of cadmium, lead and mercury between 1990 and 2000. Metal- and country-specific temporal trends were observed. In general, the concentration of lead