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Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and genetic predisposition to obesity in 2 Swedish cohorts
Background: The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), which has increased substantially during the last decades, has been associated with obesity and weight gain. Objective: Common genetic susceptibility to obesity has been shown to modify the association between SSB intake and obesity risk in 3 prospective cohorts from the United States. We aimed to replicate these findings in 2 large
Torsten Almén (1931-2016) : The father of non-ionic iodine contrast media
The Swedish radiologist Torsten Almén is the first clinical radiologist ever to have made a fundamental contribution to intravascular contrast medium design, the development of non-ionic contrast media. He became emotionally triggered by the patients' severe pain each time he injected the ionic "high-osmolar" contrast media when performing peripheral arteriographies in the early 1960s. One day he
Causal links of past climate change in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate models
Klimatsystemet påverkas av diverse externa faktorer (vulkanism, solaktivitet och förändringar i växthusgaskoncentration) och dess eget interna klimatvariabilitet. När man utvärderar orsakerna till tidigare klimatförändringar är det viktigt att öka vår kunskap om påverkan från externa faktorer samt förstå sambandet mellan de större interna faktorer som styr klimatet för att kunna förutsäga framtidaThe climate system is influenced by various external forcings (e.g. volcanic forcing, solar forcing and change of greenhouse gas concentrations) and its own internal climate variability. While evaluating the causes of past climate change is important to expand our knowledge of the impacts of different external forcings, understanding the coupling between major internal climate drivers is crucial f
Examining hydration kinetics obtained from different mixing procedures using isothermal calorimetry
Entangled Cities : Transnational Municipal Climate Networks and Urban Governance
This thesis investigates the influence of transnational municipal climate networks (TMCNs) on urban climate governance in Germany. The reality of climate change means that cities all over the world are faced with two challenges. First, they need to go through decarbonisation transitions to mitigate climate change. Second, they need to adapt to the conditions of a changing climate. The growth of ci
Diurnal cortisol profiles in construction workers with 12-hour workdays and extended workweeks
Digitalisering och konsumentintresset. En litteraturöversikt
Detta är en pilotstudie som är utförd av Stefan Larsson, docent i teknik och social förändring vid Lunds universitets internetinstitut (LUii). Studien har utförts under 2016 på uppdrag av Konsumentverket i syfte att peka ut några av de för konsumentintresset viktigaste aspekterna med digitaliseringen. När man studerar digitalisering och dess konsumentbetydelse så ser man ganska snart att dess effe
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Extended work hours and workweeks in the construction sector : real-time assessment of self-reported daytime sleepiness physical exertion and fatigue
Cellular Immunological Mechanisms Contributing to Diabetes Pathogenesis
Frödings "Säf, säf, susa" som ballad, musikvideo och tecknad serie
Social Media and Genres of Governance in Crisis Management: A genre analysis of government microblog accounts on Weibo
Exposure to negative acts and risk of turnover : a study of a register-based outcome among employees in three occupational groups
PURPOSE: To investigate whether self-reported exposure to negative acts in the workplace (bullying and threats of violence) predicted turnover in three occupational groups (human service and sales workers, office workers and manual workers).METHODS: Survey data on 2766 respondents were combined with data from a national labour force register to assess turnover. Mixed effects logistic regression an
Relationship Between Changes in Workplace Bullying Status and the Reporting of Personality Characteristics
OBJECTIVE: To examine whether a shift in work-related bullying status, from being non-bullied to being bullied or vice versa, was associated with changes in reporting of personality characteristics.METHODS: Data on bullying and personality (neuroticism, extraversion, and sense of coherence) were collected in three waves approximately 2 years apart (N = 4947). Using a within-subjects design, person
Women with familial risk for breast cancer have an increased frequency of aldehyde dehydrogenase expressing cells in breast ductules
BACKGROUND: Knowledge is limited regarding the association between stem cells in histologically benign breast tissue and risk factors for breast cancer, and hence we addressed this issue in the present study. Recently, we assessed the histology of benign breast tissue from cancer and non-cancer patients for cells positive for the putative stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 A1 (ALDH), and th
Ovarian cancer susceptibility alleles and risk of ovarian cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers
Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with increased risks of breast and ovarian cancer. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified six alleles associated with risk of ovarian cancer for women in the general population. We evaluated four of these loci as potential modifiers of ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP
Pathway-based analysis of a melanoma genome-wide association study : analysis of genes related to tumour-immunosuppression
Systemic immunosuppression is a risk factor for melanoma, and sunburn-induced immunosuppression is thought to be causal. Genes in immunosuppression pathways are therefore candidate melanoma-susceptibility genes. If variants within these genes individually have a small effect on disease risk, the association may be undetected in genome-wide association (GWA) studies due to low power to reach a high
Genome-wide association study identifies novel loci predisposing to cutaneous melanoma
We performed a multistage genome-wide association study of melanoma. In a discovery cohort of 1804 melanoma cases and 1026 controls, we identified loci at chromosomes 15q13.1 (HERC2/OCA2 region) and 16q24.3 (MC1R) regions that reached genome-wide significance within this study and also found strong evidence for genetic effects on susceptibility to melanoma from markers on chromosome 9p21.3 in the
High folate intake is associated with lower breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort
BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies of associations between folate intake and breast cancer are inconclusive, but folate and other plant food nutrients appear protective in women at elevated risk.OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the association between folate intake and the incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer.DESIGN: This prospective study included all women aged >or=50 y (n = 11699) fr